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My Grandma did not win Tattslotto
Melbourne, Victoria
970 posts
My Grandma has one foot in the grave. She's blind, deaf, diabetic, has lung cancer (smoked forever and still continues to).

Great story, you probably want to hear more. Well, in the past few years I've tried to get to know her a bit better. She's a lot more open since she became blind. She was a renowned hard-arse as a mother to my mother. Her husband, now dead, was a lot worse.

So, onto the interesting part: she's played the same six numbers in Tattslotto since 1988!

What do you do when someone has played the same numbers for 21 years? The silly answer is to pick up those damn numbers and keep playing them. The intelligent and correct answer is that every draw is mutually exclusive so it doesn't matter if you keep playing the same numbers or pick a random set of six numbers every game in the future.

My personal answer is to keep playing those numbers, just for my own amusement.

It of course occured to me that legally there has to be some historical Tattslotto draw data laying around, and then secondly that I know for a fact she misses the odd draw here and there. The question started to niggle me, "I wonder if she has ever won and not known it?" - it must happen now and again, right?

I dug around on the Tattersalss website and I found all Oz Lotto draws since draw 101 in 1981

Then I wrote me a dead-simple and lazy Python script to trawl through that crap checking her numbers against all the draws to see if she's ever won.

mynums = ['7','11','24','41','10','45']

for line in open('tatts.txt','r').readlines():
nums = line.split(",")
win = 0
for mynum in mynums:
win = win + nums.count(mynum)
if win > 3:
print win,":",nums

What's the result? She would have won Division 4 four times and Division 5 twice - a total sum of around $150 max.

She would have won in the following draws:

22 May 1982
26 Feb 1983
13 May 1989
11 May 1991
23 Sep 1995

It amuses me the most that she hasn't won with those numbers since 1995. Also, the first two wins can basically be discounted on her account that she didn't start playing until 1988.

Anyway, I thought it was an interesting exercise. Feel free to replicate for anyone that you know and post results.
09:57pm 14/03/09 Permalink
09:57pm 14/03/09 Permalink
5337 posts
i'm gonna start playin those numbers they are past there due date for PAYOFFS
10:01pm 14/03/09 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
971 posts
Hehe, they aren't the numbers ;-)

I just asked my gf what her fave 6 numbers are and she would have at least won Division 3 once in 1989 for about $800-$900 win.
10:03pm 14/03/09 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
1541 posts
they seem like some damn good numbers tho. TO THE NEWSAGENT!
10:07pm 14/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
913 posts
How much does it cost to enter every lotto since 1988?
10:23pm 14/03/09 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
4320 posts
Pinky, do something useful and work backwards - find out the most winning combo over the past 28 years please.. also PM me directly.
10:31pm 14/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2932 posts
Thats actually pretty cool pinky nice going. Now if you could just tell me what numbers were going to win next Saturday we'd be all good. :)
10:50pm 14/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
408 posts
4 8 15 16 23 42

They are winnars fo sho
11:43pm 14/03/09 Permalink
Forum Hero
Wynnum, Queensland
15694 posts
12:15am 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4108 posts
no offence but... what a weird ass thread
12:53am 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5885 posts
Welcome to QGL
You really expect anything else?
01:39am 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
662 posts
If only those Psychics could pick lotto numbers....

02:27pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
843 posts
Or predict the future.

Or offer some remote kind of social utility.
04:27pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3283 posts
Choosing number 3 out 10 has the exact same chance as choosing number 8 or 2....
05:02pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
664 posts
You ever see those couples at the roullette wheel at the casino ?
Writing down all the number patterns etc.. trying to predict the next number.

The old folks put in lotto religously
i dont think theyve ever won more than $50 (or maybe they have -_-)

My mom is always getting scratchys and she often wins.
I think scratchies are the best odds of all that gambling stuff.
05:03pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7545 posts
The old folks put in lotto religously

yup same.. though I think it was mostly because Mum made him sell the yaught.. either way, even once you get it down to 50,000 odd most likely numbers you've still got to pony up the cash every week and man the printer to make sure all those forms get printed

it's insanity.. I'm sure right now some poor little 12yr old kid is wasting a beautiful Sunday arvo doing just this
05:19pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1063 posts
I hope he didn't sell his Yaught on eBay, nobody would be able to find it.
06:02pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2919 posts
my company just took over tattsloto and golden casket. Been learning about how they do all this s*** from an operations perspective is quite interesting.
07:18pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
846 posts
my company just took over tattsloto and golden casket.

Which company.. Tatts group?
07:32pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4444 posts
My Grandma has one foot in the grave. She's blind, deaf, diabetic, has lung cancer (smoked forever and still continues to).

Great story, you probably want to hear more.

I'm sorry, but you made me spray coffee flavoured chocolate across the room with that. wd pinky
08:48pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4525 posts
How much does it cost to enter every lotto since 1988?
Thousands and thousands.

Gambling is a tax for people who can't do maths.
10:04pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2920 posts
yes tattsgroup
10:25pm 15/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10356 posts
Me and a mate have been playing the same numbers every week since 1999.

Won a grand total of $380 so far.

Costs us $3.20 a week or thereabouts, so we're not that far behind!
12:09am 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7384 posts
Won a grand total of $380 so far.

Costs us $3.20 a week or thereabouts, so we're not that far behind!

1664 - 380 = a s*** lod of beer and several footymatches...
12:44am 16/03/09 Permalink
5341 posts
faceman obviously you dont know how to play roulette

those people writing down the numbers know every number position on the wheel

the dealers that spin that wheel and put in the ball do that all day every day for years.. you know what happens when that happens? yes they spin the wheel and place the ball the same way over and over

if you watch a dealer spin and see where the last number was you can predict where the ball lands within usually 5 a side of the predicted number

the pros then bet on single numbers 5 aside of the predected result

if you know what our doing you can win from this

it depends alot on the dealer though dealers who do it are called repeaters and they call how many numbers aside of the result there 'landing strip' and this is a signiture of the dealers skill

alot of places ban tipping because of this.. if you find a skilled dealer and you can tip them they will slow the wheel down and become very accurate with the landing strip

12:47am 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
967 posts
lool. casinos have the tech to find out when the results are biased.
12:53am 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5500 posts
haha gambling itt

section spinners or "repeaters" are just the product of a random process. a lot of people lose a lot of money playing roulette imagining that a dealer is seriously able to land the ball in a certain section.

It's the equivalent of me saying that I can kick a football from halfway and have the part of the ball where you put the needle in land exactly on the tryline.
01:07am 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
910 posts
They've got a system!, WOW, sign me up.

Theres 38 numbers ona roulete wheel right? and they pick a section of 10 numbers, so they are gonna be right about 1/4 of the time anyway, and if they happen to get lucky, then the system must work.

Im sorry but if you could actualy win from a system like that then there would be alot more people doing it and the casino would change the way the dealer rolls the ball. As soon as the odds start to go in the peoples favour, casinos just change the rules.
11:19am 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4680 posts
Theres 38 numbers ona roulete wheel right?

37. no 00 in oz.

Ive made alot of money on roulette, 2 methods. 1 is just doubling up on an outside bet, and hopping you dont get massive runs. I've had like 14blacks in a row that hurt my bank roll.

I know that every spin is a 49:50 of red / black, but theres gotta be some maths in there being more than 10 outsides in a row?
02:05pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
1670 posts
^ incremental betting - while not illegal, will still get you thrown out of the casino

and they've stopped it at the brissie casino now, I can't remember the exact rule but I went in there and tried it last year and it didn't work
she said something like 'oh you cant make that bet, it has to be more $$'

so you have to do more than double your original bet
also a good (read most) croupiers can land the ball pretty much where ever they want

they're not stupid, they know what you're doing and its their job to make sure you lose your money
02:15pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
914 posts
also a good (read most) croupiers can land the ball pretty much where ever they want

I call bulls***, show me a video or some proof, that would be damm near imposible to do consistenly.

Also, the minimum and maximum bets on a table pretty much stop all the double down bets from working, if you keep doubling you hit the maximum bet after 5 or 6 rounds, so run on the other colour will always kill you. Of course, you could get lucky and keep hitting your colour before the 6th bet, but thats all it is, luck.
02:33pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
975 posts
Roulette is a mug's game.

Poker and Blackjack, in my opinion, are the only two games in a casino remotely worth playing. And that doesn't include variations of Blackjack, like Pontoon for example.

And on those two:
- the rake destroys pot-odds in the casino for Poker
- if you don't know basic Blackjack strategy you shouldn't even consider sitting down, go and give your money to a homeless person instead

I think the trade-off people find hard to make is Experience vs. Expenditure. By that I mean that you should still be able to lose money, but if it's an experience for you, fun or otherwise, then the value of the experience is worth the cost. If I had to put a mathematical model to it, it would be a logarithmic graph of experience (dependent variable) asymptotic to zero as expenditure (independent variable) increases.

I've played an awful lot of poker, and I believe it's a winnable game if you play in person (not online) on a loose table and play very tight yourself. I've sat down at many tables, played five hands and then left because the table's too tight - people love when you do that *sarcasm*. I've won one tournament, amateur no cash, beating 210 people.
02:37pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
1672 posts
I call bulls***

paveways mrs is a former croupier and she guarantees it can be done
if not the exact number then a specific region on the wheel relative to where the least amount of beds are on the table
03:14pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
2479 posts

did you also calculate how much she has spent playing those number since she started?
03:40pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4530 posts
question's already been asked ara, and it'd probably be a few thousand dollars.
03:44pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
978 posts
I call bulls***
paveways mrs is a former croupier and she guarantees it can be done
if not the exact number then a specific region on the wheel relative to where the least amount of beds are on the table

And if it wasn't true why does the casino spend so much time training croupiers to alter the speed of the wheel as well as the velocity in which they release they ball - not to mention the prevention of any minute possible mechanical defects in the wheel mechanism itself.
05:16pm 16/03/09 Permalink
2698 posts
thats how ive ever made money at the casino as superform mentions but also lost a crapload as I'd get too pissed, this was a fun table
05:22pm 16/03/09 Permalink
5342 posts
mooby there is not..

every spin statistically has a unique outcome from the spin previously

however i play a lil system too... :)

i dont bet on runs of black or red or try to go against a run, so if 6 blacks come up then the next HAS to be red..

try this instead...

bet on 2 spins being the same colour and only bet on that second spin

this will also prolong your time at the table as your not betting on every hand..

to lose it needs to go black red how ever many times you want to double up


so if it spins black i bet the next spin black.. now i wait till it goes red and i bet the next spin red if it loses and goes black then my next bet is black

so in a tre that looks like this

red <-- win bet 5
red <-- loose bet 5
red <-- loose bet 10
red <-- win bet 20
black <-- win bet 5
black <-- loose bet 5
red <-- win bet 10

which looks random but my system wins

if you look at the 2 trees on infidels pic you will see my system will win on both of those tables.. its also a good way of being able to walk around playing 3-4 tables

give it a crack
06:06pm 16/03/09 Permalink
2700 posts
not just that but as you can see 11 came up a few times so you may guess which number I was betting on :)
06:16pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Forum Hero
Wynnum, Queensland
15704 posts
i honestly can't see a reason to go to a casino except to launder money, seriously, is there a point?
06:45pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
1689 posts
to pickup the older women
06:59pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1824 posts
4am Drunk chick pickups.
06:59pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
981 posts
I picked up the bar girl once at Crown :-) Kudos to me. I was 18, she was 23. I thought I was top s***, but unfortunately hindsight dulls reality considerably, haha.
07:02pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Crizane Tribal
Brisbane, Queensland
2498 posts
The Martingale betting system is only bulletproof in a gamble where you have 50% odds and infinite funds. The only time you get 50/50 odds in a casino is if you're gambling a win on the pokies. The house ALWAYS has the upper hand. Casinos are a business, and they're not making money giving away free drinks, meals and entertainment...

LOL@people who think they have a 'system'.
07:33pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8831 posts
bet on 2 spins being the same colour and only bet on that second spin

this will also prolong your time at the table as your not betting on every hand..

to lose it needs to go black red how ever many times you want to double up


so if it spins black i bet the next spin black.. now i wait till it goes red and i bet the next spin red if it loses and goes black then my next bet is black

so in a tre that looks like this

red <-- win bet 5
red <-- loose bet 5
red <-- loose bet 10
red <-- win bet 20
black <-- win bet 5
black <-- loose bet 5
red <-- win bet 10

which looks random but my system wins

if you look at the 2 trees on infidels pic you will see my system will win on both of those tables.. its also a good way of being able to walk around playing 3-4 tables

give it a crack

Sorry, I don't see how you have increased your chances of winning. How is this any different from saying, "I'm going to bet every second spin is black."

last edited by BillyHardball at 19:58:00 16/Mar/09
07:34pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
984 posts
LOL@people who think they have a 'system'.

07:38pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4534 posts
LOL@people who think they have a 'system'.

07:39pm 16/03/09 Permalink
5343 posts
its not a system to win its a system to play

yes it fails however there is a pattern i can reproduce and it doesnt cost me much money cause i can f*** around with a small pot all night
09:46pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11620 posts
i honestly can't see a reason to go to a casino except to launder money, seriously, is there a point?

for the outstanding local cover bands and the daquiris.
10:14pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1154 posts
My betting system is pretending im the lucky charm to Vorador who never loses and always buys me dinner. The dinner is based on how big he wins, and whether or not he gives away $100 to some sad looking stranger to make them feel better.

This way I always win, but then again so does Vorador who I've never seen lose. Ever.
10:29pm 16/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10358 posts
1664 - 380 = a s*** lod of beer and several footymatches...

True, but we expect to win eventually!
11:12pm 17/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2456 posts
who's betting on jizz where now?
11:24pm 17/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7059 posts
This thread makes me want to go blow some money on blackjack.
11:26pm 17/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2928 posts
ruddbux go faster!
12:22am 18/03/09 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8852 posts
True, but we expect to win eventually!

That's the problem - increasing the number of times you gamble doesn't increase the chances you'll win :p
12:09pm 18/03/09 Permalink
12:09pm 18/03/09 Permalink
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