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tony abbott destroyed
Brisbane, Queensland
34151 posts

tony on the 7:30 report.

the most amusing 12 minutes of my day!
06:59pm 23/08/12 Permalink
06:59pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8890 posts
apparently tony knows more about what Marius Kloppers thinks than Marius Kloppers lol
07:02pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
17117 posts
haha smoked
07:06pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
5164 posts
Why the heck does Leigh Sales have to share top billing on this program with Chris Uhlmann when she outshines him at every turn. Piss his mug off and put her front and centre imo.
07:09pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7948 posts

Ahahaha, p0wned
07:22pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34153 posts
future leader of our country
07:25pm 23/08/12 Permalink
2159 posts
I had to turn it off when he said "I bleed for the people of South Australia". Political rhetoric doesn't get much more nauseating than that (not that it doesn't come from both sides of the political spectrum).
07:28pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
535 posts
07:28pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2138 posts
That was brutal.
07:35pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
752 posts
and this is why i couldn't give two s**** about Australian politics (and politics in general) haha. Nobody ever answers a question directly and it seems liberal party and labour party argue the opposite for the sake of smearing rather than getting a result.
07:43pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9236 posts
One of the biggest Mining ventures ever undertaken in this Country was cancelled yesterday.
Labor bares at least some of the blame.
They have made Australia an unstable place to do business especially Mining.
The Government is incompetent beyond belief led by a pathological truth dodger in partnership with cold blooded Marxists that want to shut down Mining entirely.

Sales somehow managed to make it all about Abbott.

07:48pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21289 posts
Errr couldn't listen to all of it. Now all of infi's bizarre, ignorant and bigoted rants make sense - he has been listening to this guy. See how desperate he was to keep the lie going that seeking asylum is illegal? At least he is consistent in his disinformation.

It's kind of funny how gleefully people are accepting this. This man is going to be the next leader of our country. Does he have a single redeemable feature I don't know about?
07:50pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
8155 posts
If this happened in "The Newsroom" it'd be awesome TV but since it's happening for reals to Tony it's boring.
07:52pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6001 posts
He came out today saying he 'miss answered'
What a c*** stain.

I really hope they oust him before the next election, I cannot bring myself to vote for anyone that would support him as their leader. I hope I have a good Indi in my area to chose.
07:53pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1667 posts
I've been working there for the last 2.5 years and just lost my job there. I'm kind of glad, it's a bit of a s*** site to work at, just based on what is processed there. The carbon tax doesn't have f*** all to do with why things are going on the way they are there. Although, all mines/refineries over Aus have in some way leaned out and downsized their production and workforce in what you could call a kind of indirect "protest" to the tax.

As long as it doesn't let foreign compainies in to buy off our leases and whore our minerals out to themselves like they normally love to do, i don't really care.
07:56pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4716 posts

This man is going to be the next leader of our country. Does he have a single redeemable feature I don't know about?
He's fit.

Fortunately for me, I can see past Tony Abbott's retarded inability to speak to people and look at the parties policies themselves and vote for them accordingly. Just like I can see past Julia's retarded inability to speak to people and look at the parties polices themselves to not vote for them accordingly.

This is no doubt a horrible interview and makes him look like a deluxe f**ot, however it's awesome that in our democracy, come next election, we'll be able to see past his retardedness and still vote him in on the merrits of: A) the liberal policy being gernerally better and B) the labor policy being generally worse.

last edited by casa at 20:11:15 23/Aug/12
08:05pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3298 posts
As opposed to this?

Come on, we can play this game all day, its fun!

08:07pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9237 posts
Abbott is terrible in interviews.
Right Wing Politics in Australia is let down because there are no heavy hitters.
Hockey is the only one of them that will go after an interviewer.

Watching Abbott was like watching a tailender trying to fend off bouncers.
Rudd as Leader would run rings around Abbott, but The Unions would lose their control of the ALP under a renewed Rudd. Maybe permanantly.

Australia has been let down badly by Labor in that they are so bad that the most despised Coalition member is going to defeat them, no, decimate them, at the next Federal Election.

08:08pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21290 posts
He's fit.
Well actually I knew that

Fortunately for me, I can see past Tony Abbott's retarded inability to speak to people and look at the parties policies themselves and vote for them accordingly. Just like I can see past Julia's retarded inability to speak to people and look at the parties polices themselves to not vote for them accordingly. my parents have voted a certain way their whole lives so I vote accordingly

Come on, we can play this game all day, its fun!
Can you find any videos of Gillard desperately trying to perpetuate a lie specifically targeted towards a certain demographic (bigots) vilifying an a persecuted minority group? Apart from that the video was just a boring bunch of whote noise.
08:11pm 23/08/12 Permalink
2161 posts
Dear god, we're going to have our very own President George W. Bush...
08:13pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4717 posts

Really? My mother votes labor and my dad is a donkey voter. I for one, am educated.
08:14pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21291 posts
08:16pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3299 posts
I remember John Howards era being less dramatical than this. Maybe he did a good job?
08:17pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4718 posts

OK I'll play.
Fortunately for me, my parents sent me to a private school so therefore I think rugby union is awesome

08:19pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21292 posts
I think the GFC shook things up a bit.

Fortunately for me, my parents sent me to a private school so therefore I think rugby union is awesome

I honestly don't get what you're playing at here but if this is some kind of reversal, I prefer soccer :P
08:20pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4719 posts

08:20pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
5165 posts
He's fit.

Fit for the triathlon without a doubt. Whether he's fit for the nation still has a cloud over it.

I remember John Howards era being less dramatical than this. Maybe he did a good job?
08:24pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1668 posts
and this is why i couldn't give two s**** about Australian politics (and politics in general) haha. Nobody ever answers a question directly and it seems liberal party and labour party argue the opposite for the sake of smearing rather than getting a result.

Yep Aus politics is theatre.

A = New Tax
B = New Legislation
C = Sale of public asset

Prime minister: "I propose the _____ will cause aussie battlers to stop battling as fuel prices will go down"

Opposition leader: "I opose the _____ because it will affect aussie battlers and make fuel prices go up"
08:27pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
7310 posts
This happened to be on while I had the TV on last night, and all I saw was some stupid b**** interjecting every time he answered a question in a way she didn't like, or that made her look stupid.
Anyone can make a person look bad when you just interrupt every time they don't give the answer you want.
08:27pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6027 posts
I remember John Howards era being less dramatical than this. Maybe he did a good job?

The man who led australia through one of the greatest periods of economic growth? Nope. You're full of s***.
08:32pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10059 posts
Really? My mother votes labor and my dad is a donkey voter. I for one, am educated.


Come on, we can play this game all day, its fun!

Howard lying about the GST was just as bad if not worse. Politicians will never tell us the whole truth, that is simply the nature of the beast.
08:32pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10060 posts
Don't you dare insult our Leigh Raven!

deluxe f**ot

08:34pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
12969 posts
Tony Abbot will surely be replaced before the next federal election. Surely!

He seems to be doing more harm then good now, in fact I'm absolutely sure Liberal would do much better from this point on (and prior) if Tony Abbot just shuts his trap and doesn't speak at all.

They have to replace him, and he has to whole heartily accept replacement and do his very best to say he wants to leave the position.
08:38pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10061 posts
They're crazy if they don't get Turnbull in. He actually has half a brain.
08:42pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4720 posts

They're crazy if they don't get Turnbull in. He actually has half a brain.
QFT. He was only outs'd by 1 vote wasn't he?
08:43pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3115 posts
Tony Abbot will surely be replaced before the next federal election. Surely!

He seems to be doing more harm then good now, in fact I'm absolutely sure Liberal would do much better from this point on (and prior) if Tony Abbot just shuts his trap and doesn't speak at all.

They have to replace him, and he has to whole heartily accept replacement and do his very best to say he wants to leave the position.

so, newman?
08:44pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6351 posts
They're crazy if they don't get Turnbull in. He actually has half a brain.

This. So many times this. None of them are perfect, but to my knowledge Turnbull has a good track record of being an independent voter, not a partisan. Plus he is self made and all that wondrous stuff.
08:48pm 23/08/12 Permalink
I like eel pie
Brisbane, Queensland
3961 posts
haha that was great, i wish more reporters would hold politicians to account like that.. oh man how i would love to see John Stewart do a segment on that.
08:49pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1673 posts
I think the way Australian political marketing has been handled (where all they do is smite the other party) has really gotten to the public opinion. I for one hate both parties and would like to see a dark horse come into play. Not even a party... just one man who makes realistic promises like "I will not take advantage of my political status and tax payer dollars to hire hookers" and demonstrates good common knowledge.
08:50pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1623 posts
All Abbott knows how to do is criticise Labor. He's a f*****g retarded. He wouldn't even describe his own policies. "We'll get to them in good time".

Why, oh, why would you vote for him?
08:52pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3116 posts
it was really telling just how little depth abbott has as a person,

a few rehearsed lines, a couple of half put together points, and little understanding.and the waffle, was lower than my level of ranting
08:54pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3117 posts
All Abbott knows how to do is criticise Labor. He's a f*****g retarded. He wouldn't even describe his own policies. "We'll get to them in good time".Why, oh, why would you vote for him?

same way the LNP got into power here, get people upset at labor
08:56pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
5167 posts
It was union dollars hiring hookers Alize, not tax payer dollars.
The only difference being that the hooker would have used tax payer dollars to buy a plasma tv instead of buying meth.
08:57pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1926 posts

I love watching this smug f****tain sweat. WD Spook
09:09pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6352 posts
This has been the most viral political video that I've seen in a while, here's hoping that it actually makes a dent in Abbott's career.
09:29pm 23/08/12 Permalink
I like eel pie
Brisbane, Queensland
3962 posts
hahaha Nerfy that's great.
09:43pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2883 posts
All Abbott knows how to do is criticise Labor. He's a f*****g retarded. He wouldn't even describe his own policies. "We'll get to them in good time". Why, oh, why would you vote for him?

This is exactly why, even if you are the most ardent right-leaning voter, you need to be concerned at the moment. There is absolutely no substance, no policy, no answers. Their entire stance is "everything Labor/Gillard is bad and we will roll it all back". I am a KRudd tragic, but I reluctantly voted for Labor at the last election. I am probably more undecided than ever heading into next year considering how much they have f***ed it up in the last 2 years.

But I honestly could not vote for a candidate/party without knowing what their actual plans are. It's great for Tony to challenge Labor on policy/programs - I think that is an important and vital function of the opposition party. Just give us something concrete here. Too much time spent on attacking, not enough spent on policy planning.
09:46pm 23/08/12 Permalink
751 posts
His point about cost of capital is probably pretty valid.

That project wasn't directly shut down because of the taxes but the taxes would have to be influencing the cost of capital for a mining company which was cited as a main reason.

but yeah pwned.
09:47pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6067 posts
why isn't infi spamming this video to his facebook like usual? hmm
10:06pm 23/08/12 Permalink
1658 posts
Is this what passes for intelligent political debate in Australia!? What a joke.

She properly stumped him, but was quite awkward and unsure in her own delivery.
Tony didn't know the answers to any questions, didn't know the reference material, and looked like he was desperately trying to read off cue cards off camera. What does this dude know? Nothing!?

Aslyum seeking isn't illegal.. wtfbbq!? Illegal immigration is illegal.

Seriously is Tony the potential next PM?

Julia is no better - how s*** is the state of politics in Australia!?
10:07pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
5169 posts
But I honestly could not vote for a candidate/party without knowing what their actual plans are.

What good does knowing what the party plans are when both sides are so ready to sign a faustian deal with a cadre of radicals and ditch those plans after the voting is done?
10:08pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
7311 posts
Why, oh, why would you vote for him?

Only a little over 130,000 people will actually have to decide whether or not to vote for him. You don't have to convince the other 10,000,000 voters to not vote for him.

The sooner everyone else stops voting on party lines, the better.
10:12pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
2036 posts
10:16pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9239 posts
10:33pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6075 posts
I'm still voting for the Libs next election

* waits on porch with baseball bat *
10:39pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
746 posts
No more lawyers and arts majors in politics. Get some straight shooting scientific type people
10:55pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21293 posts
No more lawyers and arts majors in politics. Get some straight shooting scientific type people
Pretty much this except I doubt you could completely cut out the lawyers.
11:03pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6002 posts

But I honestly could not vote for a candidate/party without knowing what their actual plans are.

It's not unusual for an Opposition to not put it's policies forward until the lead up to the election. This Opposition is no different.
Don't expect to see any until the election campaign is upon us.
Rudd was the same until election time. And the same will go for whoever replaces Gillard when she loses the election.
11:17pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
259 posts
No more lawyers and arts majors in politics. Get some straight shooting scientific type people
Pretty much this except I doubt you could completely cut out the lawyers.

Scientific types have a pretty good grasp of logic. Why would they voluntarily enter a position where they would be openly hated and criticized by every one that apparently knows all the answers to everything?

I'm sure if they wanted that kind of treatment they'd go to church.
11:31pm 23/08/12 Permalink
I like eel pie
Brisbane, Queensland
3963 posts
I'm still voting for the Libs next election

and this is exactly what's wrong, its retards like this, that vote only based on on party, they put them selfs in one camp and just keep voting for the same party with out ever looking if the party actually has any good policies or if the leader of said party is an insane republican wanna be.

ALP and LNP are the same thing.. its sad all we have to chose from is ALP, LNP or a bunch of nut cases (greens, independents) sigh. why do we even bother seriously, why not just have LNP one year then swap, f*** voting, f*** wasting our money with this bulls***...
11:38pm 23/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9790 posts
Fortunately for me, I can see past Tony Abbott's retarded inability to speak to people and look at the parties policies themselves and vote for them accordingly.

F*** off casa. You are voting for what mummy and daddy have bred you to think.

Abbott is a twit. Hockey has ruined himself but aligning himself with him. There are a number of right of center politicians who are worth voting for, those 2 are not in the list.

But beyond that. You vote ONLY for a local member, you aren't voting for a parliament or a PM, just a local member. I bet you can't even name who that would be.

Abbott really ? ... Have you read the BHP statement ... "no" ...

Really? My mother votes labor and my dad is a donkey voter. I for one, am educated.

You graduated grade 12 ... grats

And I doubt the previous statements are true.

Abbott is terrible in interviews.

Because he is an academically bright twit, however I doubt you will find any corruption ...

But using Abbott's questions ... ie. none ... nor would you find Gillard.

ALP and LNP are the same thing.. its sad all we have to chose from is ALP, LNP or a bunch of nut cases (greens, independents) sigh. why do we even bother seriously, why not just have LNP one year then swap, f*** voting, f*** wasting our money with this bulls***...

It is heading that way ... Vote 1 sex party ... I can at least agree with the majority of their platform. Bet no ASP members go up against Swan in Lilley, we might however get the bogan Palmer or his son.
12:01am 24/08/12 Permalink
3593 posts
Neither party is eligible for my vote. Therefor, i will be donkey voting. It's a sad state of politics in Australia.
12:45am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9819 posts
Bunch of numptys the entire government
01:07am 24/08/12 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
819 posts
The Government is incompetent beyond belief led by a pathological truth dodger in partnership with cold blooded Marxiststhatwant to shut down Mining entirely.

Mining profits going to the state worked out terribly for Norway didn't it?
01:13am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3118 posts
Neither party is eligible for my vote. Therefor, i will be donkey voting. It's a sad state of politics in Australia.

you know in many cases there are more than two choices.
03:03am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6265 posts
Abbott is a complete c*** stain. Blaming the carbon tax even when the truth is written right in front of him.

If you don't know, Kloppers has had 3 very large deals failed worth around $900million. This would be part of the reason why the Dam is being put on halt right now. The prick was also given a $11million salary bonus all from shares.

That $11m will be more than enough to keep the few thousand QLD, SA and NSW employees in a job. They made a negative profit(profit but wasn't as high as previous year) but because it was only $11b or something then they had to fire people. BHP are known for doing this.
05:52am 24/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1624 posts
Neither party is eligible for my vote. Therefor, i will be donkey voting. It's a sad state of politics in Australia.

There are more than 2 parties.

For me, I generally go for the other parties as their policies reflect my views more so. e.g. Sex Party, Secular Party or Greens. I don't find Labor or Liberals do it for me. Though I moved to the big smoke (Melbourne) at the start of the year so I have nfi who my local candidates are at the moment. I guess I'll find out closer to election time.
07:52am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6003 posts
A political thread where I agree with everything Obes said. The world is now a scary place.
08:33am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
12970 posts
same way the LNP got into power here, get people upset at labor

Labor was doing a pretty good job at making themselves look s*** by themselves. Liberal doesn't need to s***bag every single possible thing that labor does. It is making them look worse, and that is a terribly poor stratagy yet they keep on doing it digging further and further. Do they want the next election to be a fair fight or something?

Bob Katter might be the next green vote if this keeps up.
08:55am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6076 posts
and this is exactly what's wrong, its retards like this, that vote only based on on party, they put them selfs in one camp and just keep voting for the same party with out ever looking if the party actually has any good policies or if the leader of said party is an insane republican wanna be.

f** yew Tufnut.

In 2007 I shamefully voted for that little pscho nerd Rudd and in 2010 I donkey voted.

I won't make the same mistake for the next election.
09:07am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1385 posts
Will the real tony abbott please stand up

09:30am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1386 posts
Not even Fraser likes him

09:32am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11110 posts
if everyone allegedly just votes for who their parents did, and is so one-sided - why do election results swing so much?

Oh wait, maybe fpot is wrong. Again.
09:53am 24/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
506 posts
A ignorant piece of human excrement abbott is.
09:56am 24/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
890 posts
Who gives a s***, Tony is an idiot but we need a Liberal government. If you disagree with my statement, please know that you're wrong.
09:59am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1215 posts
Neither party is eligible for my vote. Therefor, i will be donkey voting. It's a sad state of politics in Australia.

"Donkey vote refers to the practice of numbering the candidates as they appear on the ballot paper, instead of numbering them according to one's preference."

Depending on the Alphabetical order on your vote you could, in fact, be voting for either the ALP or Noalition. What you should do is pick which party you perceive as worse and place them last, then place the other party second last, then vote 1, 2, 3 etc for the other candidates.

If you have a ballot that has three candidates and the third is from Bob Katers party...then I suggest you vote informal. Just write "None of these f*****s" across the ballot.

On another note why not start a viral campaign to vote informal at the next election. If enough people vote informal the election will be voided and there is nothing in the constitution about who is in government after a voided election. This may prompt the politicians to actually come up with policies that we care about rather than them continuing their careers.
10:00am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11111 posts
The leaders of the 2 major parties are complete dunces, that much is obvious even to the blind barrackers from each side.

Looking at policy and who else is on the front bench, in my view gives a strong edge to the coalition. But thats just an opinion.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum - Abbott and Hockey along with the Keystone Cops of Gillard, Swan, Carr, Crean, Pilbersek, Roxon, Garrett etc. The only talent on the ALP front bench is Smith, Combet and Wong and Wong has been ruined by her shocking efforts of towing the party line and referring to what Howard did all the time. Bowen is ok too I suppose, at least he shows clear intelligence and a willingness to listen - but that goes with the portfolio.

I mean ffs, how does Conroy seriously hold a senior portfolio in Government?

At least the coalition has genuine talent like Turnbull, Pyne, Robb, Hunt & Billson - plus an impressive back bench full of successful entrepreneaurs and business people, not career party hacks and union officials.

I'd prefer all parties to be disbanded and we just start from scratch though, the whole process has become a complete joke. In the meantime, install Howard, Hawke, Keating and Costello as an interim frontline leadership and make them work together! Beazely can have a job too.
10:13am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10091 posts
On another note why not start a viral campaign to vote informal at the next election. If enough people vote informal the election will be voided and there is nothing in the constitution about who is in government after a voided election. This may prompt the politicians to actually come up with policies that we care about rather than them continuing their careers.

Great idea, but chances are you can't convince enough people to void the election, but you can still leave a big dent, and leave them wondering why nobody is voting....
10:20am 24/08/12 Permalink
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1159 posts
Looking at policy and who else is on the front bench, in my view gives a strong edge to the coalition. But thats just an opinion.

I am of a similar mind of most of what you said other than the fact that there is hardly any policy announced by the coalition to actually form a comparison around.

It's a shame that Turnbull has basically been wedged by towing the party line in his portfolio. I can't see him getting back into leadership from there which is a shame because as a swinging voter he seems like a decent future PM, someone to bridge the divide between extreme right and left.
10:28am 24/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
7313 posts
While I would typically call myself a Liberal voter, there's no way I'll vote for them while they have such a religious nutcase in charge. On the other hand, I actually do a little research and understand who the MP is in my local area, and despite that he's Lib, he's actually pretty decent.

ALP are no better - controlled by relgigious d*******s.
As a result, I'll vote secular until these two can get their s*** together.
10:33am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10064 posts
Pyne is a childish, rude c***. Every time the Labor minister had the chance to speak on Q&A recently he interrupted and yelled at him.
10:38am 24/08/12 Permalink
2748 posts
Looking at policy and who else is on the front bench, in my view gives a strong edge to the coalition.
What policy?

You are basing your decision on Labors policies because the only policy out of the Liberals is we will spend billions of dollars undoing everything Labor is doing. Which if you disagree with everything Labor is doing that might work out for you but if you think they are doing a few things right it makes it very hard to support that idea even if you also think Labor are doing somethings very wrong.

At the moment being contrary might be helping Abbott make Labor look bad but come election time when they have to put down real policy it could hurt his "credibility", since he will no doubt have to temper his bulls***.

I think one of the bigger problems in politics at the moment is that no politician from the major party's has a real individual identity, they are just all following the game plan and it feels like the game plan is being written by some shadowy figures hiding behind the scenes that we don't get to vote for at all.
10:47am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9241 posts
BHP Billiton head Marius Kloppers has told European investors that Australia’s carbon and mining taxes have helped to render the nation’s coal industry unworthy of further investment at this time.

‘’What I am seeing on the eastern seaboard in Australia is that the coal industry has been very heavily impacted by lower prices, higher operating costs, carbon taxes and increased royalties,’’ he said.

Abbott was correct Sales was a dimwit.
11:11am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2816 posts
This is amusing.

Tony Abbott is a twat and I will never vote for any party where he is the leader.
11:15am 24/08/12 Permalink
AGN Admin
Brisbane, Queensland
36453 posts
No more lawyers and arts majors in politics. Get some straight shooting scientific type people
Actually one thing that came out of the last episode of The Newsroom (btw this show is f*****g awesome) that I hadn't really thought about was their mock debate thing and the thought that political appointees should be able to stand up under "cross examination" - basically, to make sure that their policies and thought processes are consistent with the words that actually come out of their mouth.

In The Newsroom they attempted to show how this would result in a better level of discourse via a mock debate with Republicans (and it ended poorly because the Republican person there watching it realised that all their candidates would not be able to stand up to such cross examination).

I haven't watched this video of Abbott yet (looks hilarious) but it sounds like this is almost what happened to him - he was not able to stand up under some remotely competent cross examination. And this is one thing that lawyers do really well - they're trained to do it to look for holes in people's stories, to catch them out in lies.
11:16am 24/08/12 Permalink
I like eel pie
Brisbane, Queensland
3964 posts
On another note why not start a viral campaign to vote informal at the next election. If enough people vote informal the election will be voided and there is nothing in the constitution about who is in government after a voided election. This may prompt the politicians to actually come up with policies that we care about rather than them continuing their careers.

this actually sound like a great idea, only way it would work is if some popular people help promote it, or maybe if GetUp blast it out to all of its members, 400,000 people writing "None of these f*****s" across the ballot should do the job nicely.

Makes me wonder if something like this would really be possible.
11:23am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4721 posts

hahaha obes. You know absolutely nothing about me and it is hilarious watching you squirm.
11:31am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7333 posts
Even if Labor is on a spending spree, at least they have better policies. I usually vote Liberal but I think I will be voting Labor this time around. Liberal want to cut the NBN and put in their own plan plus have no real policies, which I have found seems to be the case with Liberal, they hate everything Labor have proposed because they didn't think of it first.
11:41am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34159 posts
you know who australia is crying out for

"the krudler"
11:44am 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19075 posts
What I am really enjoying, is that Labor is so terrible at the moment, so full of lies and backflips and incompetence, that Abbott can basically do whatever he wants. He knows he is going to be the next PM.

Go Tony!
12:04pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10094 posts
Labor is so terrible ... that Abbott can basically do whatever he wants

I was wondering how you'd spin it.

Bit disappointing really.
12:12pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19076 posts
We need the Liberal government back. Labor has destroyed our country with its ethics of handouts and taxing successful people. Look at how they have destroyed our superannuation and workplace relations frameworks, not to mention the various failed stimulus schemes (pink batts, school halls) which left us with 100s of billions of dollars in debt, a structural budget deficit and waste as far as they eye can see. Tony knows what needs to be done to make Australia a great place to live.

Rudd and Gillard will go down as the most horrible period of government in the history of this country.
12:21pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8891 posts

Abbott was correct Sales was a dimwit.

Did you even read that article? You must not have.

Olympic Dam is NOT a coal mining operation.
12:24pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8892 posts
PS. I would like to vote for Malcolm Turnbull plz.
12:26pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6004 posts
I cannot bring myself to vote for anyone who would support Tony Abbott as their leader.
It's sad that you're so blinded by party politics that you would infi.

I've moved to a new area so I'll have to read up and see who else will be running and hope for a decent Indi because there's no f*****g way I'm voting Greens or Labor either.
12:33pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
17120 posts
BHP Billiton head Marius Kloppers has told European investors that Australia’s carbon and mining taxes have helped to render the nation’s coal industry unworthy of further investment at this time.

‘’What I am seeing on the eastern seaboard in Australia is that the coal industry has been very heavily impacted by lower prices, higher operating costs, carbon taxes and increased royalties,’’ he said.

Abbott was correct Sales was a dimwit.


the mining deal they're talking about in the interview as stated by the chick, says the taxing associated for that project have not changed at all in like 10 years, i'm assuming this is because it isn't a coal mine

on a side note for everyone if you read faceman's comments in this thread it is like watching abbott's argument in that video, quite funny

if abbott can't spin it without looking like a complete clown, you haven't got a f*****g chance you twit

last edited by paveway at 12:36:00 24/Aug/12

last edited by paveway at 12:36:42 24/Aug/12
12:33pm 24/08/12 Permalink
2749 posts
Labor has destroyed our country with its ethics of handouts and taxing successful people.
Yeah I honestly don't know how people managed to get by each and every day in this ruined country. I mean Australia has changed so dramatically since the days of Howard that it's hardly even recognizable as the same country anymore.

Does anyone know if we have been officially recognized as a third world country yet? Because after all the destruction that Labor has wrought, we surely should be.

Pretty sure the world is going to end any day now, because of Labor.
12:46pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7335 posts
Yeah I honestly don't know how people managed to get by each and every day in this ruined country. I mean Australia has changed so dramatically since the days of Howard that it's hardly even recognizable as the same country anymore.Does anyone know if we have been officially recognized as a third world country yet? Because after all the destruction that Labor has wrought, we surely should be.Pretty sure the world is going to end any day now, because of Labor.
Didn't you get the memo, Liberal is our saviour and will bring us back to God's land.
12:51pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
17121 posts
The Dark Liberal Rises
12:52pm 24/08/12 Permalink
AGN Admin
Brisbane, Queensland
36454 posts
Does anyone know if we have been officially recognized as a third world country yet? Because after all the destruction that Labor has wrought, we surely should be.
I'll look that up as soon as I get back from the soup kitchen. If I can find my food stamps.
12:53pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9243 posts
the mining deal they're talking about in the interview as stated by the chick, says the taxing associated for that project have not changed at all in like 10 years, i'm assuming this is because it isn't a coal mine

Its the expansion that got shelved,
what does that have to do with the previous ten years ?
Are you claiming that the Carbon Tax has no effect on Olympic Dam ?
They use Solar Trucks ?
You are as thick as Sales.

last edited by FaceMan at 12:56:18 24/Aug/12
12:55pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1223 posts
you know who australia is crying out for

"the krudler"

I think I know what Australia is crying out for.... *ANYONE* but the pair running....
01:03pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
17122 posts
ok fabbott
01:05pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2817 posts
Blaming the Carbon Tax for the canning of the Olympic Dam project is daft, just as daft as it is to say that it had no effect either. What's more likely is it's a combination of factors globally that lead that to decision.

On another note Tony Abbott is an intolerant, bigoted, misogynistic twat.
01:08pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11112 posts
I am of a similar mind of most of what you said other than the fact that there is hardly any policy announced by the coalition to actually form a comparison around.

It was all announced at the last election, if there has been no change to it and there is no election - why would they make more policy announcements?

The ALP had a policy, it was blocked - then they came out and formed an independent expert panel to form the policy and guess what they came out with? The existing coaltiion policy that the mad monk refused to budge from!
01:09pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9244 posts
I agree its a combination of forces.

The MRRT and the Carbon Tax dont make Australia more attractive to Mining investment.
Id rather the economy got the Jobs rather than Government blow the Taxes.

wasnt it something like 6000 jobs lost ?
That is going to hurt South Australia.
01:25pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
1160 posts
It was all announced at the last election, if there has been no change to it and there is no election - why would they make more policy announcements?

The ALP had a policy, it was blocked - then they came out and formed an independent expert panel to form the policy and guess what they came out with? The existing coaltiion policy that the mad monk refused to budge from!

Are you sure you are a swinging voter? ;)

Howards boat policies didn't work. Only got to look at SIEVX. Someone had to relent somewhere. I don't like the ALP's way of handling this and what I would have liked to have seen is the terms of reference of the independant panel, was purely set up to allow them to backflip. That said, I don't think I liked the oppositions handling of events either. Suggesting that the previous policy worked is another Liberal fallacy and continues Abbotts tiring diatribe that everything was perfect under them.

And we all know the coalition are putting out new policies, its not a case of just referring to the last election so I'm not sure where you get that idea from... The NBN is just a prime example, but there are plenty more.

Just on a side note, I was lucky enough to go to the Midwinter Ball at parliament house this year. Gillard gave a hilarious speech mocking herself for the most part and was pretty clever. It's a shame that that side isn't used more. Wouldn't make me change opinion but it definitely couldn't hurt her public image.

last edited by Azaria at 13:32:17 24/Aug/12
01:28pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
4914 posts
you know who australia is crying out for "the krudler"

The horse that Bette Midler and Krusty the Clown used to own in the simpsons?
01:33pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Some Fat Bastard
Brisbane, Queensland
1197 posts
We need the Liberal government back.

Like a frigging hole in the head.

Labor has destroyed our country with its ethics of handouts and taxing successful people.
Grow the f*** up. Problem is you actually believe this s***.

Look at........
What? They reduced your ability to exploit people, poor diddums.

failed stimulus (Pink batts and school halls) which left us with 100s of billions of dollars in debt
What a load of crock. I expected better and am disappointed. How many kids in school you got? I bet none. When you do then you may have some insight into this matter, till then you're an absolute d***wad.

The last time any major public school building activity occurred in our district was 1964. The schools in my district are no longer the s****tains they once were. Now they are places of learning with adequate resources and adequate facilities turning out better students whom are now far more proud about the school they attend. As Clem Jones (the best Lord Mayor we've ever had) once said "Why shouldn't future generations help pay for the proposed services when they're benefiting from them too". If you don't consider that a good investment in our future i.e. ALL our childrens education then all I can say is you're an elitest twat that deserves to be kicked to the ground.

Now don't start going on about the waste or rorting when only 3% was found to be wasted or rorted. I certinly feel f*****g good that 97% was f*****g great for betterment of the education facilities for all.

....and don't go on about school halls, they weren't the only things built ya wanker. Not only that school halls do play an important role in schooling. They are now more classroom than event stages and if you had kids attending school you'd know this, but hey you f*****g know everything.

Tony knows what needs to be done to make Australia a great place to live.
FFS Tony only knows one thing, the arse end of a catholic priest.

last edited by Some Fat Bastard at 13:36:40 24/Aug/12
01:34pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11113 posts
I don't like the boat policy from ALP or Coalition, but the more I have come to understand it, the more I realise that creating a policy that deters boat arrivals is unfortunately the right way to go about the problem. Whether that involved offshore processing or not, the best current policy to deter asylum seekers arriving via boat is offshore processing at existing facilties.

I have been a swinging voter in my time, just not recently. I voted for Beazley in 01 and I voted for Beattie a few times. (well I voted ALP in those elections)

No chance of Rudd or Gillard getting a vote from me recently though, nor Bligh.

My distaste for Abbott is just as strong though.

01:38pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10066 posts
LOL paveway
02:16pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
1052 posts
Howards boat policies didn't work. Only got to look at SIEVX.

To be fair, the SIEV X arrived only a few weeks after they had introduced their offshore processing policy, not really enough time for the effects to be felt.
02:19pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8893 posts
wasnt it something like 6000 jobs lost ?
That is going to hurt South Australia.

How can you lose jobs that didn't even exist in the first place? These were only projected jobs, not actual jobs.
02:30pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2818 posts
I'm actually about to lost $4 million dollars as I'm projected to win Lotto on Saturday.
02:34pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1387 posts
The thing that drives me nuts about Abbott is that he has no conviction, but also that he is completely uncontrollable by his party. I voted for Howard everytime he's been the leader, and the one time he didn't I voted for greens.

03:04pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3121 posts
at the end of the day, the last few days have made people look at abbott and think one of two ways,
he is a fool
he was misunderstood

the way I see it is, the libs are only intent on making labor look bad, and really are just vomiting out lines to make themselves be heard

it can be summed up pretty easy in a few lines

The PM needs to answer the outstanding questions (questions pending)

if there is a profit downturn, or a negative business outcome, it was clearly caused by the carbon tax, and no other outside forces

the government lie'd about the carbon tax (but then again, howard said there would never be a GST while he was in charge, but we will forget about that)

the asylum seekers that come by boat are illegal (just dont ask our thoughts on asylum seekers overall, we can't really mention our real thoughts)
03:22pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6078 posts
Just vote Liberal.

* Even if you don't like Abbott, theres a good chance the Bull will challenge Abbott after he becomes PM.

* Labor needs a good kicking so they can get their s*** together and rebuild.

* The watermelons will be smashed.

'tis all good
06:46pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34160 posts
sorry slaps, i jsut cant take that chance that tony mite actually lead my country.
07:29pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2140 posts
What I am really enjoying, is that Labor is so terrible at the moment, so full of lies and backflips and incompetence, that Abbott can basically do whatever he wants. He knows he is going to be the next PM. Go Tony!

Not surprisingly given his staunch Liberal supporter status, infi has taken a leaf out of Abbott's book and dodged the issue, given some incredibly obtuse reasoning as to why the situation has occurred and clumsily taken a mistimed swat at Labor. There are other Liberal supporters on here who have tried to argue for their party, but infi takes the cake for his "lamest defence of a man clearly unfit to be in control of anything, ever".

He can do whatever he wants??!! So if I have this correct you are arguing that what he "wants" is to appear dim-witted and caught out in an obvious series of lies on national TV? And that he wants to exemplify the stereotypical 'untrustworthy politician' who never answers a question directly and have this fact broadly circulated via the media? Or maybe he wants to sound like someone who, although in a high position in public office, doesn't know or appear to understand the facts of the issues he is highlighting.

Seriously, where are our leaders? Where are the inspiring people that can rally the nation and make sound decisions for our future? How did we end up with these people? When will Alf Stewart rise up and take rightful power over his minions, bidding them to do...his bidding. When?
09:00pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2141 posts
Regardless of whether the facts that the interviewer had were right or wrong (and I suspect they were right), Abbott should, as the Liberal leader, be able to:

a) refute any inconsistencies immediately by having a sound knowledge of the issues

b) argue more cohesively for his position

c) be in control of his previous statements so that continuity is achieved and conviction and control is exercised i.e. not have made opposing statements with four weeks of each

d) do politics properly

e) not be the laughing stock of the country and come across as a massive ballbag.*

* oh wait that is acceptable, after all he is the leader of the Liberal party, it's part of the job description.
09:09pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1625 posts
We need the Liberal government back. Labor has destroyed our country....


We need to adopt the Nordic model for tax/welfare. They have it down pat.

Also, being in a deficit isn't a bad thing.
09:27pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1218 posts
Great idea, but chances are you can't convince enough people to void the election, but you can still leave a big dent, and leave them wondering why nobody is voting....

Only need one news outlet to get a sniff of it

this actually sound like a great idea, only way it would work is if some popular people help promote it, or maybe if GetUp blast it out to all of its members, 400,000 people writing "None of these f*****s" across the ballot should do the job nicely.

Makes me wonder if something like this would really be possible.

Everything is possible, it just takes the right person and personality to get the masses moving.
09:42pm 24/08/12 Permalink
3799 posts
Isnt promoting/advocating donkey voting illegal? I am sure some poor sucker in victoria a few years back actually got charged for that or something similar. Personally id love to see a massive chunk of the aussie public write a big f*** you on their ballots because short of a revolution how else could you tell these tw@ts we really have had enough?
10:04pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10103 posts
no because a donkey vote is a perfectly valid and meaningful vote

10:27pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6006 posts
I wonder how long people have to think/use 'Donkey Vote' to mean/signify 'Informal Vote' before it's meaning is actually commonly accepted as the latter or even officially changed.

Well, in a lot of circles it's already commonly accepted/known to be an 'Informal' vote I guess.
10:31pm 24/08/12 Permalink
3800 posts
Probably not that long considering most peoples care for being anal over it is probably around zero
11:09pm 24/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6031 posts
I should start a donkey party just so people can vote and advocate voting for it without fear of punishment.

Also so a real life donkey can head a party and see if it can do better. I've got 2:1 odds it can.

Edit: My motto will be "This politician is an ass".
11:40pm 24/08/12 Permalink
2118 posts
as a ex worker from the AEC a donky vote is binned. so 1,000,000 people can donky vote it will mean nothing and they will still only count what ones have been filled correctly.
12:10am 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6007 posts
You'd have my vote in the next election Skythra!

Latest Stats I could find on the AEC about informal voting was for 2001.
So I assume you had to count/note them before you binned them Rdizz? I'd be mildly interested to see the trends. To see if it has a sharp increase next federal election.

Sadly though, that also catches all the numpties that fail at voting and simply are too retarded to fill it out correctly. So it's more a 'People who have refused to vote + Stupid people' rather than just people refusing to vote.
12:21am 25/08/12 Permalink
2172 posts
Sadly though, that also catches all the numpties that fail at voting and simply are too retarded to fill it out correctly. So it's more a 'People who have refused to vote + Stupid people' rather than just people refusing to vote.
While definitely true, at least it shouldn't affect looking at trends alone.

We shouldn't expect people to become significantly more confused about how to vote correctly from one election to the next, so with some small weighting to account for the assumption that people are slowly becoming more stupid (;D), the trends should be accurate.
12:36am 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6564 posts
as a ex worker from the AEC a donky vote is binned. so 1,000,000 people can donky vote it will mean nothing and they will still only count what ones have been filled correctly.
You must've been s***, because a donkey vote is a valid vote. A donkey vote is numbering the boxes in the order they appear on the ballot paper (1, 2, 3, ... from top to bottom).
08:36am 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9250 posts
wait a minute
back it up
hold everything

Are you people claiming a Donkey Vote is an Informal vote ?
Coz thats BALONEY !

voting 1 2 3 4 could be the order that your chosen candidates actually appear on the Form.
10:28am 25/08/12 Permalink
AGN Admin
Brisbane, Queensland
36457 posts
What Faceman said is right. I suspect there is confusion over what a donkey vote is; it is a specific name for a specific thing in voting parlance.
Opponents argue that it may increase the number of "donkey votes" (ballot papers numbered from 1, 2 and so on down the ballot paper – the "reverse donkey" goes from 1, 2 and so on up the ballot paper) and the number of informal votes and so diminishes the quality of the vote.

Donkey votes are a correctly completed vote. There is no way of knowing whether or not the preference order indicated accurately reflects the elector's considered opinion, or is a manifestation of ignorance or exasperation.
11:08am 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6008 posts
As I said up the page just a little bit;

I wonder how long people have to think/use 'Donkey Vote' to mean/signify 'Informal Vote' before it's meaning is actually commonly accepted as the latter or even officially changed.
Well, in a lot of circles it's already commonly accepted/known to be an 'Informal' vote I guess.

I know the difference, but in most circumstances knowing the context, a lot of people use 'Donkey' to mean 'Informal'.

Mantorok is right though, someone who works/worked for the AEC should know better and use the correct term.
11:16am 25/08/12 Permalink
Cairns, Queensland
12665 posts
Surely a worker for the AEC -- empowered to bin votes, no less -- should know the difference between an informal and donkey vote?!
12:42pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19077 posts
The ALP has been a terrible government for the last two terms - we are drowning in a malaise of handouts, social programs and debt we cannot repay. Unfortunately, the battleground for this term has largelyt been limited to Carbon Tax and Immigration policy because those are the benchmarks Gillard measured herself on when she rolled Rudd. (Remember the big three? Refugees, Mining Tax and Carbon Tax.)

This thread is enjoyable to watch because I read a lot of whinging. Instead you must be preparing for the new Liberal Age of Aquarius. Resistance is futile because ALP have f***ed themselves so badly, selling out each of their constituencies for a quick vote here or there. They allied themselves to the Green and placed a carbon tax on their middle class battlers. Aussies don't like that sort of tricky conduct. They know the Greens don't deserve to drive policy.

Once Tony is PM wealth creation will no longer be a dirty word and people will be free from the shackles of government handouts and dependency. I hope Tony cuts further welfare and public programs so that people can learn the beauty and satisfaction of self-sufficiency and innovation.

We have virtually turned into Britain, most of the low income-earners expect a house and a weekly cheque these days.

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of others people's money. Labor keep tacking another new tax here and there, but their spending is growing faster than their taxing.

Salvation is just around corner, and I am prepared to wait till next September. :)

last edited by infi at 13:12:51 25/Aug/12
01:11pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10081 posts
You sound so sure infi. My Dad can't stand Gillard but he reckons Abbott will never make it. The Carbon Tax has just been introduced yet at the moment the leadership polls are neck and neck, with only a 6% difference between the parties.

If the Carbon and Mining Taxes don't turn out to be so terrible for the country you are going to be in for a rude shock.
01:32pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Some Fat Bastard
Brisbane, Queensland
1198 posts
shackles of government handouts
You mean like handouts from mum and dad. When are you going to own up to the fact you were gifted a future. What gets up my goat is how condescending one can be when they've never known the word, hardship.

The ALP has been a terrible government for the last two terms
The only terrible thing we've seen is an opposition devoid of any purpose other than to win power by any cost. Whether by lying, cheating or some idea of devine right to rule they have shown nought of any values nor balanced debate.

debt we cannot repay
Again the lying from those that support the current opposition shows no bounds. You know damn well the debt level is historically low and well within our means to service and with the investments in infrastructure and education/health will only ensure the capability to do so will be ongoing.

I read a lot of whinging
The only whinging I see is that from spoilt brats incapable of considering anything other than their own gain.

ALP have f***ed themselves so badly
The hypocrisy of this statement is an indictment of your limited capacity to think outside of your own selfish views.

I hope Tony cuts further welfare and public programs
Yeah cause those not gifted a future from association shouldn't have one, am I right.

We have virtually turned into Britain
Once another failure to use facts as a basis of an argument.

most of the low income-earners expect a house and a weekly cheque these days.
How dare they, we should have their children in the mines so BHP can turn a greater profit.

Here we go again. When you can't use facts let's just talk s***, make things up, and pretend to act intelligent. Typical nonsense from cowards.

Labor keep tacking another new tax here and there, but their spending is growing faster than their taxing.
Historically the Howard Government has been and still is the highest taxing government since Federation. But I guess lying about this is what I've come to expect yet again.
01:35pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34163 posts
on snaps infi, you just got served bro
01:46pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34164 posts
i still have faith in australia and australians.

i can see how some people mite think that the current government hasnt done a good job (i think they've done an awesome job, just look at how well australia survived the gfc, compared to other developed nations)

so yes, some people may be inclined to not vote labor where they have before. i still believe though that enough people wont just blindly vote for such a terrible oposition, just for a change.

really, the thought of tony as the leader of our great country should be enough of a deterent to enough people to prevent it happening.

we can only hope and pray!
01:56pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3741 posts
What Faceman said is right. I suspect there is confusion over what a donkey vote is; it is a specific name for a specific thing in voting parlance.

who said you even have to put pen to paper? just submit a f*****g blank form and walk off. tada!
02:32pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
160 posts
All parties are f***ed!
They're all a bunch of C****!

Straya C*** - F*** NO!
03:17pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1626 posts
infi is a libertarian. He has no concept of reality. People are poor because they don't work hard enough, not because of circumstance.

Any decent society needs to have a social welfare program. Be it something like centerlink coupled with public healthcare or something awesome like the Nordic model.

Cutting things like centerlink and public healthcare will only cause more harm than good.
03:18pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34165 posts
surely poor people could just get hookups from their dads and friendly politicians awarding them contracts and stuff though?
03:25pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21295 posts
Yes and it will be so much better when the people who can't afford decent food and a place to live have the little money they get taken away so they can bootstrap their way to success.

infi just keeps providing the comedy.
03:27pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6354 posts
Abbott just ups the creepiness every time I read about him. :/

‘I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons’
On homosexuality:

‘I’d probably … I feel a bit threatened’

It reminds me in part of this Hugh Hefner piece floating around today, do not expect reason from religiously empowered politicians.
03:28pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6268 posts
Tony Abbott gets detroyed take #2

03:30pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6355 posts
Tony Abbott gets detroyed take #2

Ouch, I thought that he was saving himself around the middle there, and then she raped him with facts. :/
03:58pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
239 posts
I think Paul Keating had it right when he said "If Tony Abbott becomes PM, God help us!"

04:55pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34166 posts
paul <3
05:04pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Townsville, Queensland
1637 posts
Tony Abbott gets detroyed take #2

God, what a total utter waste of space Abbot is.

05:04pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3454 posts
same way the LNP got into power here, get people upset at labor

I think they both started on fairly even footing at the start of the election run, and then Labor destroyed itself with negative adverts.

Abbot and Gillard look like they could be cousins.
05:30pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1627 posts
They are both from the UK. So they could be.
05:36pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
5174 posts
First Abbott hadn't read the BHP press release, then he had, and he hasn't watched or read the transcript to the PM's statement, but tomorrow he may claim that he had. Yet he's prepared enough to do an interview for each.
What the heck is he doing?
05:49pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1628 posts
First Abbott hadn't read the BHP press release, then he had, and he hasn't watched or read the transcript to the PM's statement, but tomorrow he may claim that he had. Yet he's prepared enough to do an interview for each.What the heck is he doing?

He is going to emancipate this country from the evil Labor government.
06:05pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6270 posts
He is going to emancipate this country from the evil Labor government.

By taking us back 40 or so more years and not allow people to have rights.
06:08pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5098 posts
Pretty shocking that a day later he says he has read the transcript.

I've voted both sides but typically lean liberal. I would be much more comfortable voting liberals at the next federal election with someone like Turnbull up front rather than Abbott though. The guy is a goose.

I will say though that much of what Abbott is saying is true. Most of the big mining companies are in a big game of chicken with the Federal government waiting to see who blinks first. There is a lot less planning work going on for mine development and expansion in the past and it was all pulled after the mining super taxes and carbon tax came in. That effects real jobs, especially in QLD and W.A.

Coupled with Campbell Newmans crazyness at the moment and it is having a real effect on the QLD economy and job security (not just in the public sector).

07:22pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1629 posts
Coupled with Campbell Newmans crazyness at the moment and it is having a real effect on the QLD economy and job security (not just in the public sector).

Is Newman doing a good job though? After reading how much everyone here hated Bligh, is Newman delivering on restoring QLD to it's former glory?
07:40pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
5175 posts
I would be much more comfortable voting liberals at the next federal election with someone like Turnbull up front rather than Abbott though. The guy is a goose.

I hear this, but I don't rate the chance of the Libs upsetting the apple cart before the next poll unless something huge arises quite soon that electorally compromises their leader.

Although perhaps to avoid heading there Abbott should have found time to watch the PM's full statement if he intended on going on TV right after it. If only to find out what those questions were that he wanted her to answer.
08:44pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6081 posts
All parties are f***ed!
They're all a bunch of C****!

Straya C*** - F*** NO!
09:58pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5099 posts
Carson: right now it feels like there is no real plan with the QLD Liberals.

I work in the transport sector and they've ditched all there contractors (90% of the senior project managers for major projects were contractors) so right now if they want to work on any major projects they've got no DTMR PMs left to run things.

They're scrapping every planning project that is ongoing as far as I'm aware. I've spent the last 20 months on a project with expenses over $3M and with maybe 4 weeks and $100K left to finish it they've canned it, so no final deliverables. And this is a project that they're actually interested in taking to business case and D&C.

As far as I can tell the only strategy they're using is slash and burn EVERYTHING with probably a thought of tendering on a bunch of projects they want in 12 months time so it looks like they're doing a lot closer to the next election.

It is almost like they decided it is too difficult to decide what is worth progressing from Labor so they're just scrapping everything until they get themselves sorted out.
10:40pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10110 posts
fade can you give an example of the sorts of projects you're talking about?
11:29pm 25/08/12 Permalink
3806 posts
Yep the libs just scrapped a huge project we were working, huge for us anyway. It would of seen us with 2 years worth of work and about a 100 jobs just at our plant. In two weeks from now the company will be putting off its entire hired in work force.
11:35pm 25/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7956 posts
Personally, I no longer have any confidence in any of our parties and believe they should all be dissolved.
02:17am 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9254 posts
They are trying to reel in Labors incompetent overspending.
Its quite likely new projects will begin but Newman wants the current projects to justify their value.
Abolished projects were likely Labor waste.

Smaller Government
lower spending
lower taxes

Labor routed in the NT.
Ten years gone.
Only 1 Labor state Government now.
10:32am 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9256 posts

10:55am 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6356 posts
I hope they cut Faceman's centrelink, and nobody else's.
11:35am 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6084 posts
11:38am 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2992 posts
Abbot and Gillard look like they could be cousins.
06:05pm 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9261 posts
Former ALP minister keith DeLacey gives a Mining Industry perspective on the ALPs Policies and Green Tape:
"relocating red spiders" ?
"in 5 years the capital costs in developing a new project has doubled."

he starts at 4 mins in.

06:28pm 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6085 posts
06:28pm 26/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1632 posts
Former ALP minister keith DeLacey gives a Mining Industry perspective on the ALPs Policies and Green Tape:
"relocating red spiders" ?
"in 5 years the capital costs in developing a new project has doubled."

he starts at 4 mins in.

The Bolt Report?

Well it doesn't get any less bias than that. Bolt is like Faux News lite for Australia. Terribad.
07:19pm 26/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1928 posts

Fish that is the best photoshop ever OMG the both look beter ... thanks for the laugh mate LOLOLOLOL still wiping the tears from my eyes.
08:12pm 26/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3523 posts
So good, he had to say it twice:

Spook at 8:16pm #176
oh the bolt report!
you guys, you guys are cray cray!

Spook at 8:16pm #177
oh the bolt report!
you guys, you guys are cray cray!
09:29pm 26/08/12 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
820 posts
Can someone please copy/pasta those quotes from Tony on why he wouldn't be PM, link is not enough, everyone needs to read that s***.
04:01am 27/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
34171 posts
we need to get tony out doing more interviews!

The poll finds Labor's primary vote increased 2 percentage points in a month to 32 per cent, while the Coalition's primary vote fell 2 points to 45 per cent. The Greens fell one point to 11 per cent.

Read more:
06:58am 27/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6086 posts
08:10am 27/08/12 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
1056 posts
So this thread is pretty awesome now
10:10am 27/08/12 Permalink
Gippsland, Victoria
1633 posts
My concern if Liberals get in is what'll happen to higher ed. In Victoria the Liberal MP has cut funding for TAFE and Uni. Resulting in many TAFE courses getting axed and my uni had to close it's Lilydale campus. It's pretty s***, given that I think both TAFE and Uni are extremely important.

At least the Labor kept funding Higher Ed and the injection of cash in to schools helped upgrade heaps of facilities in rural areas too.
11:11am 27/08/12 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
766 posts
My concern if Liberals get in is what'll happen to higher ed. In Victoria the Liberal MP has cut funding for TAFE and Uni. Resulting in many TAFE courses getting axed and my uni had to close it's Lilydale campus. It's pretty s***, given that I think both TAFE and Uni are extremely important.At least the Labor kept funding Higher Ed and the injection of cash in to schools helped upgrade heaps of facilities in rural areas too.

the biggest facepalm is that the government cuts funding from TAFE but then sits there wondering where all the skilled labourers are.
11:17am 27/08/12 Permalink
Captain Lateral
Brisbane, Queensland
4594 posts
Can someone please copy/pasta those quotes from Tony on why he wouldn't be PM, link is not enough, everyone needs to read that s***.

Directly copy-pasting a website is against the rules though, so a slightly abridged version with a link will hopefully be enough wiggle room. there are some good gems in here though.


1. ‘Jesus knew that there was a place for everything and it’s not necessarily everyone’s place to come to Australia.’

2. ‘These people aren’t so much seeking asylum, they’re seeking permanent residency. If they were happy with temporary protection visas, then they might be able to argue better that they were asylum seekers’

3. ‘If we’re honest, most of us would accept that a bad boss is a little bit like a bad father or a bad husband … you find that he tends to do more good than harm. He might be a bad boss but at least he’s employing someone while he is in fact a boss.’

4. ‘The problem with the Australian practice of abortion is that an objectively grave matter has been reduced to a question of the mother’s convenience.’

5. ‘I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons’

6. ‘I think there does need to be give and take on both sides, and this idea that sex is kind of a woman’s right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man’s right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak’

7. ‘What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to go up in price and their own power bills when they switch the iron on are going to go up, every year…’

8. ‘Gillard won’t lie down and die’

9. ‘Climate change is absolute crap’

10. ‘If you want to put a price on carbon why not just do it with a simple tax.’

11. ‘I’d probably … I feel a bit threatened’

12. ‘If you’d asked me for advice I would have said to have – adopt a sort of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy about all of these things…’

13. ‘Now, I know that there are some Aboriginal people who aren’t happy with Australia Day. For them it remains Invasion Day. I think a better view is the view of Noel Pearson, who has said that Aboriginal people have much to celebrate in this country’s British Heritage’

14. ‘Western civilisation came to this country in 1788 and I’m proud of that…’

15. ‘There may not be a great job for them but whatever there is, they just have to do it, and if it’s picking up rubbish around the community, it just has to be done’

16: ‘That’s bulls***. You’re being deliberately unpleasant. I suppose you can’t help yourself, can you?'
11:25am 27/08/12 Permalink
Captain Lateral
Brisbane, Queensland
4595 posts
My concern if Liberals get in is what'll happen to higher ed. In Victoria the Liberal MP has cut funding for TAFE and Uni. Resulting in many TAFE courses getting axed and my uni had to close it's Lilydale campus. It's pretty s***, given that I think both TAFE and Uni are extremely important.

Its pretty clear labour are in bed with the big schools, its hardly surprising they would be targeted by Liberals.

That being said, Education is one of this countries biggest exports, its not really smart to start axing such an edge creating aspect of our country. (you could argue that our education is what gives rise to our strong services based economy which is why we survived the GFC, Mining felt the hit like every other industry and certainly didn't "save" us at all. Labour spending during the crash and liberals relatively sound fiscal approach before the crash is what saved us.)
11:31am 27/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4722 posts

it f*****g pains me the most that abbott is a fundie
11:33am 27/08/12 Permalink
1426 posts
My concern if Liberals get in is what'll happen to higher ed. In Victoria the Liberal MP has cut funding for TAFE and Uni. Resulting in many TAFE courses getting axed and my uni had to close it's Lilydale campus. It's pretty s***, given that I think both TAFE and Uni are extremely important.At least the Labor kept funding Higher Ed and the injection of cash in to schools helped upgrade heaps of facilities in rural areas too.

They said something about capping how many people can go to Uni and also increasing the fees by 25%.

So making it even harder to get an tertiary education.
01:05pm 27/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6011 posts
That was a bulls*** rumour knocked on the head Mordecai;

But opposition education spokesman Christopher Pyne denied the reports, saying the coalition had no such plans.
"In fact the coalition strongly supported the uncapping of university places and many other elements of the Bradley Review," he said in a statement.
"While we welcome debate over the quality and standards in our universities, we have no plans to increase fees or cap places."

Abbott's s*** stinks enough by itself, no need to pile on extra manufactured bulls***.
01:17pm 27/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6357 posts f*****g pains me the most that abbott is a fundie

That's just normal Catholicism, there's just this myth going around that catholics are pro all-sciences, and don't take unique parts of the bible literally. I suspect that an Abbott leadership could mean setbacks in various health sciences. What s**** me most is this new age assertion that Catholics are pro science and don't let the bible get in the way of accepting models such as evolution, when from what I've seen, they don't accept evolution in the scientific meaning, and it's an equivocation using another definition of the word.

edit: Yep, just a few years ago he was considered some crazy dude trying to start s*** over classical catholic bulls***.
01:39pm 27/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21299 posts
it f*****g pains me the most that abbott is a fundie
Why does it pain you?

9. ‘Climate change is absolute crap’
So he is a bald-faced science denier as well.
02:21pm 27/08/12 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
1061 posts
More manipulated quotes from partisan d*******s. What he said was "The argument on climate change is absolute crap"

Its not the same as outright denying climate change.

FTR I still think he's a massive twat.
03:14pm 27/08/12 Permalink
Captain Lateral
Brisbane, Queensland
4596 posts
Why does it pain you?

I found an awesome image that summed it up. can't find it, but the gist went like this:

"I want the person who has the ability to destroy our country to know that this isn't a dress rehearsal for an 'afterlife'. that this is our ONLY chance. "

03:40pm 27/08/12 Permalink
752 posts
Jesus Captain Lateral.

Wanna circle jerk with some flowers. Its our *ONLY* chance btw.
05:36pm 27/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4723 posts

Why does it pain you?

/looks at america
08:30am 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9266 posts
10:23am 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4724 posts

The irony surrounding the women hating on him when he is happily married with 3 daughters is painful to watch sometimes.
10:44am 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21307 posts
The irony surrounding the women hating on him when he is happily married with 3 daughters is painful to watch sometimes.
What does being married with three daughters have to do with this?
01:53pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19081 posts
what evidence exactly goes to support the assertion abbott is a woman hater?

it seems once again labor not willing to discuss their total failure of a government by raising anything else other than their record.

last edited by infi at 13:59:21 28/Aug/12
01:58pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6359 posts irony surrounding the women hating on him when he is happily married with 3 daughters is painful to watch sometimes.

What irony? Have you heard the kind of Neanderthal s*** that he says?

The problem with the Australian practice of abortion is that an objectively grave matter has been reduced to a question of the mother’s convenience.’

And why bring this up unless there is some discussion about women labourers?
‘I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons’

Hell even my sister hates him, and she's a hardcore christian.
01:59pm 28/08/12 Permalink
AGN Admin
Brisbane, Queensland
36458 posts irony surrounding the women hating on him when he is happily married with 3 daughters is painful to watch sometimes.
those guys with 10 wives and 50 children must REALLY love women then
02:00pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21309 posts
infi: click here

‘I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons’
hah. So is Abbott from Alabama or something?
02:02pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21310 posts
I think there does need to be give and take on both sides, and this idea that sex is kind of a woman’s right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man’s right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak.

I am, as you know, hugely unconvinced by the so-called settled science on climate change.

It seems that, notwithstanding the dramatic increases in manmade CO2 emissions over the last decade, the world's warming has stopped.

I won't be rushing out to get my daughters vaccinated [for cervical cancer], maybe that's because I'm a cruel, callow, callous, heartless bastard but, look, I won't be

Abortion is the easy way out. It’s hardly surprising that people should choose the most convenient exit from awkward situations.

While I think men and women are equal, they are also different and I think it's inevitable and I don't think it's a bad thing at all that we always have, say, more women doing things like physiotherapy and an enormous number of women simply doing housework
I bolded the especially flavoursome ones. This guy. The whole infi retarded thing finally makes sense.

What does he mean by the whole ' this idea that sex is kind of a woman’s right to absolutely withhold' thing? At face value it kinda looks like he is endorsing rape but surely not.
02:13pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19083 posts
no he's not using it to excuse rape. he is just highlighting the fact that some women treat sex like it's to be uses as a bargaining chip, just men treat it like their right to take. sex is a mutual consent issue. if my missus ever did that, i would be "fine, there's the door."

it's never an excuse for rape. it just highlights the shallow nature of some people's relationships and the shallow understanding some women AND men have of sex being some sort of transaction.

and I completely reject that any of those statements go to support an assertion that abbott is a woman-hater. some of these do-gooer knee jerk reactions are laughable. Seriously, why not let the women in his life 24/7 decide if he is a woman hater- or do the journos, bloggers and twittersphere, and most importantly fpot decide.

02:32pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4725 posts

actually I'm not going to bother, now I'm just purposely baiting you labor supporters

last edited by casa at 14:43:35 28/Aug/12
02:35pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21311 posts
and I completely reject that any of those statements go to support an assertion that abbott is a woman-hater.
Well of course you do. You have too much emotional investment in your political team to turn back now. A completely objective person like me and many others in this thread fortunately are able to parse black and white (blue and white in this case) text and can see the obvious misogyny in his comments. The reason it is foolish to let the women in his life decide is the same reason you aren't cool just because your mum thinks you are. They are family so I assume they love him unconditionally (and he is jesus locked with his wife).

no he's not using it to excuse rape. he is just highlighting the fact that some women treat sex like it's to be uses as a bargaining chip, just men treat it like their right to take. sex is a mutual consent issue. if my missus ever did that, i would be "fine, there's the door."
So he is comparing a woman using sex as a bargaining chip with rape. Nope, don't see a problem with that. Vote 1 Abbott!

Oh and casa, saying really dumb things and then people pointing out why it is dumb isn't baiting/trolling, it is just you saying dumb things on the internet. It probably is a good idea for you to stop doing that.
02:45pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4726 posts

I don't understand why you care so much about what complete strangers on the internet think?
02:52pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6360 posts
Seriously, why not let the women in his life 24/7 decide if he is a woman hater

Just going to point out that this is word for word used in defence of what Islamic men say about women also, who rely on the same source as Abbott for their views on such...
02:55pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21313 posts
Are we playing the 'heh why do you care so much' card already are we? All I am doing is making posts on an internet forum, which is exactly what you are doing.
02:56pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10098 posts
Like I said in regard to the comments he made about his daughters' virginity, the fact that he even feels the need to say these things indicates a problem.
03:03pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19085 posts
Just going to point out that this is word for word used in defence of what Islamic men say about women also, who rely on the same source as Abbott for their views on such...

so instead, the self-appointed cyber police will stand in judgment... :S
03:04pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11114 posts
So he is comparing a woman using sex as a bargaining chip with rape. Nope, don't see a problem with that. Vote 1 Abbott!

The only person linking his comments with rape, is you. He doesn't even mention rape, or any form of rape. He suggests (correctly) that sex shouldn't be used as a bargaining chip by women, and men shouldn't feel it is their right to demand sex.

But you, the oh so objective one, have somehow then linked that perfectly clear statement to "OMG, Abbott is like totally justifyng rape!"

highly amusing.

03:06pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21314 posts
But you, the oh so objective one, have somehow then linked that perfectly clear statement to "OMG, Abbott is like totally justifyng rape!"
Well if I am putting the word rape in his mouth than you and infi are putting the word bargaining chip in his mouth as well. Let's look at the original quote.

and this idea that sex is kind of a woman’s right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man’s right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak.
"a woman's right to absolutely withhold". That doesn't sound like he is talking about women using sex as a bargaining chip there. It sounds to me like he is questioning a women's right to deny a man sex which is ridiculous. In fact, I am kind of confused how infi interprets that as women using sex as a bargaining chip. That seems like a much bigger leap than me linking a statement of 'men demanding sex' to rape.

edit: plus jesus what about all the other stuff? Have you got nice little cop-outs for that as well I'd love to hear them. I'll post them again.

I am, as you know, hugely unconvinced by the so-called settled science on climate change.

It seems that, notwithstanding the dramatic increases in manmade CO2 emissions over the last decade, the world's warming has stopped.

I won't be rushing out to get my daughters vaccinated [for cervical cancer], maybe that's because I'm a cruel, callow, callous, heartless bastard but, look, I won't be

Abortion is the easy way out. It’s hardly surprising that people should choose the most convenient exit from awkward situations.

While I think men and women are equal, they are also different and I think it's inevitable and I don't think it's a bad thing at all that we always have, say, more women doing things like physiotherapy and an enormous number of women simply doing housework
Science-denying, science-denying, science denying, misogyny, misogyny. And that is just from his wikiquote page. I wonder how many other comments like that are floating around.

I just want to say that I am not pointing out these things gleefully. I find it irl depressing that people will not only defend this guy, but he is also going to be our next PM unless a leadership change happens. If the public are as wilfully blind as some of the people on here then that might not happen. This is not good.
03:16pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19086 posts
yeah chick never use the power of the pussy at all ;)

some guys fall for it and cave in to their demands,
some guys don't buy it for a second,
and then unfortunately some guys re-act violently.

fpot if you have never encountered a woman who plays emotional games and sexual strategising then good onya ;)

abbott is simply pleading for both genders to approach their atitude to sex in a more reasonable and kinder manner. he is in no way legitimising rape and it is really quite strange that you keep inferring that.

the self- appointed cyber police at it again on their jump-to-conclusions mat.
03:22pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11115 posts
Sounds to me like infi has interpreted it as an Abbott fan and you have interpreted as an Abbott hater.

Only one person is claiming they are objective though.
03:23pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6361 posts
so instead, the self-appointed cyber police will stand in judgment... :S

Uh, yes? Judging the guy who wants us to vote for a party which he leads in a democracy?

Why is Abbot always getting in trouble over this and nobody else? Answer - because he says this misogynistic stuff way more than is possibly relevant.
03:27pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21315 posts
Sounds to me like infi has interpreted it as an Abbott fan and you have interpreted as an Abbott hater.
Yeah but I started at neutral and then became one after reading the comments he makes. This is called reasoning yourself into a position. infi just loved him from the start because of his unconditional support for a political party. This is why when presented with obviously misogynistic statements (amongst all his other s***) he simply ignores them or skews their meaning into something else. You can't reason someone out of a position they haven't reasoned themselves into. You sound the same as he does.
03:29pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19087 posts
You can't reason someone out of a position they haven't reasoned themselves into.

like saying OMG Abbott our next PM endorses rape. idiot.
03:32pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4727 posts

I honestly think you have me mistaken for someone who takes the internet seriously so your comments are entertaining. I'm enjoying what you're saying about the other clowns as well. So yes, we are going there already because I never left there, you were the one balls deep into D&M political debate on the internets.

And for the record, I actually, truly, 100% do not give a s*** aye and never did.
03:34pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10099 posts
infi is withholding his answers about Abbott's other statements and using them as a bargaining chip.
03:35pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21316 posts
like saying OMG Abbott our next PM endorses rape. idiot.
No I was saying he was comparing the complete non-issue of women using sex as a bargaining chip with rape which is a serious issue.
03:36pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1220 posts
Abbott gets smashed on the carbon price.

Abbott: At the moment there is no sign whatsoever that the rest of the world is going to do things like introduce carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes

Mr Combet said Australia was ditching its earlier plans to impose a floor price on carbon when the current fixed-price carbon tax moves to a floating market mechanism in July 2015.

Instead, he said the Australian market would be linked to that which operates in Europe, where more than 500 million people are covered by carbon trading schemes, meaning the two blocs' carbon price would be "effectively the same".
03:56pm 28/08/12 Permalink
1 posts
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03:56pm 28/08/12 Permalink
3595 posts
What does it actually take for another party to have the same standing as labor/liberal? Has it ever happened anywhere in a democracy where the two party had a third came in and received the majority vote?
03:59pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
21317 posts
Poor Door. It must be so painful for him to read these forums after 1000 failed attempts to try and fit in here :(
04:07pm 28/08/12 Permalink
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04:11pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11116 posts

Government has dropped the price floor on Carbon.

It's almost good policy now, it will certainly be less damaging as it will only be a tax while the price is set, then we'll have a market based mechanism to price carbon which should have been the case all along!

Good sign someone there does have a clue, but thats an enormous backflip!
05:22pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
1069 posts
Wasnt that always the plan? Fixed Tax now, float the price in 2015?

edit - nm, missed the part where they said they had always planned to have a price floor.
05:36pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6013 posts
Nationals are a pretty strong 3rd party Vash. Democrats were also (some what) popular and got a significant number of votes.
Greens seem to be up and coming based on trends, but I hope that falters. They wont even submit their policies for costing.

Thats a pretty significant change, removing the floor. Good move IMO. I'm still 100% against the rebates and Robin-hood nature of the tax though.
05:42pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19088 posts
linking australia's economy to the euro-zone - what could possibly go wrong...
07:45pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9268 posts

The ALP should be sacked by the GG.
They are out of control.


Union War developing.

Leadership challenge time.
Shorten might see this as his moment.
07:51pm 28/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9269 posts
wow That nutcase Milne agreed with Labor.
The reality of the mistake they made must finally be sinking in.

I wonder if this had anything to do with Bob Brown exiting ?
08:11pm 28/08/12 Permalink
1661 posts
I think the article quote said modelling the carbon tax on the one used in the euro zone, which has been working pretty well by all accounts, not linking the economies!

Looking at the Abbot quotes fpot and infi are debating over, as a fairly neutral outsider, I'd say the rape claim is a bit far fetched, he's not in any way legitimising rape. Whether intentional or not I think he is referring to the transactional view point towards sex and saying that it's not ideal, which it isn't!

They are in general however deeply misogynistic and stupid things to say, especially the ones about women's place, which is quite a problem in itself.
12:19am 29/08/12 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
821 posts
Tony doesnt hate women he just doesnt think much of them

No handouts under a liberal government? Im pretty sure he wants to bring in maternity leave at full pay which guess who benifits most from? Those who need it least.
04:01am 29/08/12 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
9 posts
These ads are why politicians can't talk freely.

I can picture each quote within 'Tony Context' and still I think he's a moron.

I'm not defending or supporting Tony, but I will say that this advert contributes to the cancer of Australian politics.

We have a small country and while our numbers are low we need to drop this bulls*** system and adopt a president.

04:16am 29/08/12 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
12980 posts
Why is it OK to take quotes from politions out of context when the above people shun the idea of quoting Science out of context (like when media spin the crap out of a scientific paper)?

edit: Also, Tony Abbot really, really needs to just shut his mouth and stop talking, ever. Even as PM (eww) he should never talk.
Replace him already, please.

last edited by Tollaz0r! at 08:26:52 29/Aug/12
08:23am 29/08/12 Permalink
08:23am 29/08/12 Permalink
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