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stupid drunk people
Brisbane, Queensland
867 posts
i was just coming home from work and i was driving next to a taxi and there was a guy in the back pissed and he was trying noto to spew but he had to so he thought the window was down and he hit his head and then threw up all over him self and this guys taxi
02:05am 01/02/03 Permalink
02:05am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
213 posts
ahahah he will hve fun in the morning when he has to wash his clothes or wakes up and smells himself, vomit mmmm what u wanna smell in tha morning
02:06am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1582 posts
hahaha thats a big fine
whatta sk
02:10am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5188 posts
hahaha, sucks to be that taxi driver.
02:14am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
384 posts
how cool is it... you can pay $75 to s*** in a taxi
02:47am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1603 posts
a bloke i know yacked in the back of a cab a few months back. . .he was sitting behind the driver and it went all over the back of the drivers seat/head, all over the floor and he had a big pool of it in his lap. Even his shoes were full of it, should have seen his clothes the next morning.
Anyways the cabby just pulled over and kicked them out, tried to make them all pay, but eventually just buggered off.. .
*thread hijack* sifn't yack stories thread
02:50am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1461 posts
HAHAHAHAHA that's happening to me before
03:14am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
120 posts
My dad's a cabby.. the s***** thing is the most they can charge is $75...

However my dad keeps stuff in the boot so when someone chucks he gives them the bucket, the cleaner and a cloth or something. AND charges them $75
08:04am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2061 posts
sux to be a taxi driver
but in other news i was blind as last nite

hurah for the muddy farmer
11:35am 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8935 posts
Haha I had a friend recently spewed all over the side of a cab, even though he was holding a bag, he forgot about the bag.
Another story I heard is a guy threw up in his hands, and chucked the vomit out the window - except the window was closed, and just got it all over the window, ahahahaha.
01:14pm 01/02/03 Permalink
7371 posts

Teen your sig is almost as gay as mine!
02:19pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5199 posts
and my sig rocks you all.
02:45pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5641 posts
stupid drunk ppl .... i was with a few of them last night =)

although one chick reckons her drink got drugged ... she was pretty fuuuckkkked
02:46pm 01/02/03 Permalink
7377 posts

Drunk chicks should be shot... its disgusting to see a woman drunk.
02:48pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5200 posts
drunkin peopel shoudl be shot overall, its discusting.
02:53pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5642 posts
if there was no drunk chicks ... how would YOU pickup Anarot?
02:53pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8940 posts
Drunk girls are awesome! Drunk girls' sober friends aren't that nice though.
02:55pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
385 posts
fat sober friends you mean
03:05pm 01/02/03 Permalink
New South Wales
311 posts
if there was no drunk chicks ... how would YOU pickup Anarot?

03:21pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Reverend Evil
Brisbane, Queensland
3094 posts
Drugs are better than alcohol any day. Cheaper and you don't feel like crap the next day.
03:24pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5139 posts
Drugs are better than alcohol any day. Cheaper and you don't feel like crap the next day.
yeah cause having 1 extra beer/rum/burbon is gonna fry your brain and send you to the floor in a siezure/fit...
03:26pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Reverend Evil
Brisbane, Queensland
3095 posts
I've never been in any type of trouble before with them. Put it this way, a club full of people on e's is much better than a club full of drunken bastards.
03:28pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5140 posts
Put it this way, a club full of people on e's is much better than a club full of drunken bastards.
Thats a pretty broad generalisation.. and it rests heavily on the people who are present.. I've been in many a bar/club full of drunk people and not felt threatened at all... However i've been in clubs where people have been on drugs (nfi what) but i have felt that something unwelcome was going to happen...
03:32pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Reverend Evil
Brisbane, Queensland
3096 posts
Ok. We're both right then. But maybe I'm a bit more righter then you.

03:33pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8942 posts
There is no drug that turns people into violent c****. Not even alcohol. There is no chemical property in it that makes you want to fight someone. People have only themselves to blame for that sort of s***, an use intoxication as an excuse.
03:43pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2064 posts
Drugs are better than alcohol any day. Cheaper and you don't feel like crap the next day.

i dont know what drugs u have, but i regularly feel like crap for several days after i take drugs

03:44pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8943 posts
spook you're probably being sold rat poison or something.
03:58pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5645 posts
i dunno if it was ur first time going to the family on friday teen ... but it sounds like ur a drugs guru now =)
04:00pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11 posts
hah a few nights out in the valley and teen becomes a (drug) pro *grins* although i am proud of myself! i managed to drag teen away from the lan last weekend to come out dancing with me!

I think i prefer guys happy and dancing away on e rather than drunken retards who try and get to touchy feely with total strangers thinking they have a chance..

there is nothing worse than macho guys trying to start fights..
05:57pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5650 posts
how much does it cost to get into the family?
what are drink prices like?

no, not water :D

my mates wont listen to techno.... so i wanna try somewhere new :D

instead of the places they always wanna go
06:09pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1829 posts
Speaking of cabs and drunken people, a mate of mine (John) used to drive cabs round Brisbane so here is a lovely little story for you:

John was driving back from the coast after a really large fare on cab charge, as he passed the mt gravatt exit he got flagged down on the highway by a chick, which appeared to be scaly dressed, after pulling over she opened the door and hopped in. “Where too” as he spun around to ask for the destination.

The chick was totally pissed and starkers to boot, Gardens Point she murmured in drunken slur. John being as casual as all f***, and the professional that he is; (bahahahahaha) then proceeds to the destination. The chick tells him the supposed reason for being starkers, that being that she picked up this bloke up at Dicey’s (I reckon it was StreX) and had a root in his car then he told her to get the f*** out and drove off with her clothes (Possibly to wear them). Fair enough, sounds plausible, after some 20 odd minutes of driving he arrived at the destination.

‘OH F***’, he thinks how is she going to pay for the fare. (For some dumb reason he thought of this now) So he asks, “How are you going to pay for the fare”, this chick then places one foot on the head rest and the other out the open window “Will this do”, she replied.

John being the smart ass that he is replied “Have you got anything smaller……!”

She then left the car in a drunken rage calling him a every four letter word under the sun.
07:28pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5657 posts
rad, i get to use the pic again!
07:30pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8945 posts
07:33pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
53 posts
naked lady
10:22pm 01/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5226 posts
hahah what a champ.
10:29pm 01/02/03 Permalink
7380 posts

Hahahahahaha... that is class :)
01:24am 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
875 posts
spkeain of drunk people...
03:44am 02/02/03 Permalink
mooby the golden calf
435 posts
WTF!!! people become stupid when their drunk...nahhh
09:09am 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4001 posts
And as usual mary st was last was FULL of SKANKY whores. First time out in MONTHS! Gotta love it.
09:39am 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
14 posts
haha teen and Co were out in full force last night.. i'm not sure what was more amusing.. the fact that they left me to go back to mary street after getting them from the bunker.. or seeing teen forget that he had poured his beer into a glass.. think he was drinking from a beer.. over pour.. and spill bear everywhere..

not only did i find it amusing.. the 2 really old couples on either side of us got a kick out of it ^_^

man.. way to ditch me last night :( ahahaha
02:26pm 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4002 posts
teen at mary st? Soooo not going there anymore :P
02:43pm 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
51 posts
02:50pm 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
868 posts
the family is mad i am underage but i went in todya before they opened as a friend of mine works there it was suppose to be closed but there were f*** loads of people there already.
07:52pm 02/02/03 Permalink
I can't believe I'm not spamming qgl
Brisbane, Queensland
563 posts
teen has mary st membership he's always there. Tt was pretty s***e last nite only got about 10 free drinks during the hour of free drinks. We went to the basement also with balli it was ok, way to loud but decent cover band playing, and I didn't find any of these "half" spirits jugs, good call balli.
09:47pm 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8949 posts
i don't even remember being at the basement
09:51pm 02/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19 posts
haha sweetie the basement still kicks ass over mary street.. i could only wish to be skanky enough to go there and listen to bad RnB all night.. :)
01:08pm 03/02/03 Permalink
I can't believe I'm not spamming qgl
Brisbane, Queensland
564 posts
don't worry balli in my mind you're easily skanky enuf
01:10pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2659 posts
hahaha pwned

sif go out lamers
01:19pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5719 posts
whats it cost to get into The Family?
and what are drink prices like?

surely someone knows :D

i wanna check it out
01:21pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2660 posts
whats it cost to get into The Family?


and what are drink prices like?

too much
01:29pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1144 posts
Ain't that the truth. ^
01:30pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
20 posts

I can't believe I'm not spamming qgl: i think your getting me confused with your mother ;) i was going to say your girlfriend.. but she is loverly hehe so paying her out would be way to mean *evil grin*
02:09pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1845 posts
More from Lizards Vault of Drunk stupidity

Another mate of mine Damo hooked up with a one of his longtime childhood friends, at schoolies. Anyway they are on the beach and he’s doing her doggy, while drinking a beer. (As He put it to keep it up) After going at it for a while he says in a drunken slur, “I thought you would have been looser than that”.

And from a colleague at work
Bloke takes this chick home after a few too many beers, who is quote ‘Ugly as a hat full of a*******’ unquote. Anyway long story short. In the morning she rolls over and says “So what do you want to do, have some breakfast or…..” gets cut short by a beep from outside. The bloke looks at his watch and then goes “That would be your cab”
02:19pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
699 posts
Like me and my mates usually say, you can go to the city and get a punch in the head or head to valley and get a sweaty hug. I know which i'd prefer.
03:53pm 03/02/03 Permalink
I can't believe I'm not spamming qgl
Brisbane, Queensland
565 posts
I've got a good drunk story, which strangely enuf doesn't involve teen, but after a long night drinking we decided to go to hungry jacks on the ride home, alas it was closed, so this mate of mine seeing the people working inside bangs on the door and wacks his c*** out excpecting the chick who answers the door will get a nasty surprise, but no she just stands there looking him in the face didn't notice he had his d*** out and she's asking him what do you want. That same night we then went to block buster where the same guy proceeded to piss inside the store all over some videos, he then tried to steal a video and when the alarm whent off he thru the video back thru the door and ran.
03:53pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5731 posts
someone has idiotic friends.....
03:55pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
21 posts
which brings up the next question is having idiot friends better then having no friends at all.. hahaha *peers at teen*

anyway family cover charge is free before 10 and $10-12 after depending on the night..
04:24pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5288 posts
i agree with hemerage, and your name sucks too long.
04:27pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5288 posts
i agree with hemerage, and your name sucks too long.
04:27pm 03/02/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8960 posts
haha and he had a handfull of fries after he got caught trying to steal the video, looking casual, whilst thinking of what to do next.... hahahaa
06:16pm 03/02/03 Permalink
06:16pm 03/02/03 Permalink
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