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Are men and women equal?
General Specific
Sydney, New South Wales
1782 posts
Socialy we are expected to treat women as our equals and not to demene there inteligence, morals etc.

It has come to thought recently that while we are vastly different in personalities men seem to be a superiour sex.

Most great thinkers, artists, architects, philosiphers (anything with the need of an advanced thought or skill) have been men (majority not all men).

Do you think men and women are equal, and if so should we treat women better, worse, or the same as men?

- Women have a habbit to b**** alot...
09:50pm 07/04/03 Permalink
09:50pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
328 posts
history has been dominated by males because equal opportunities havnt always been present, i think you will see an even spread of intellegent men and women in the future.

09:55pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
413 posts
Women have breats and brains, while men have muscles and knowledge

Sometimes you get a good looking chick, who has some muscles in the right places, breasts, and a good head on her shoulders.

Sometimes you get a good looking guy, with a nice body, nice whatever, and knows alot of the right stuff.

Everyone has it, it just depends who chooses to use it.

09:55pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2862 posts
I dont think its really a matter of equal or not... its just different..

and alot of the examples you cite lack many women of greatness cause the opportunities were simply not open to them at the time.
09:56pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5619 posts
History is a recollection of an account.

If the account is from a male, in an era where there werent equal opportunities for both sexes, you wont be hearing s*** about any females will you?
09:57pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1584 posts
ok i beleive that we are all equal... but woman are different, hence why we treat them different

eg. guys dnt hit girls etc.. although sometimes they do deserve a bashing, they dont get it because they are different.... i dunno how it works its rigged
10:00pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
33 posts
Its all about evolution. Men have evolved to be good at certain rolls and so have women. Thats why the brains of males differ to that of females, generally speaking. So not one is better than the other, but women tend to be better multi-taskers and men are better at focusing on a single task. Did you know men can throw objects further than women because they instinctively lock their wrists when they throw, whereas women do not (again, generally)?
10:00pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2863 posts
i dunno how it works its rigged

they called it chivilry :)
10:01pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
277 posts

without going off on too much of an arts student rant, the reason most great thinkers/artists/scientists ect.. have been men is largely due to the patriarchal nature of our society. Only recently have women -really- had the freedom to persue intellectual/creative/academic avenues.

I agree that in the future there will be a much more even spread of human achievement across the 2 sexes.

...and breasts rule too
10:01pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1378 posts
everyone has brains, its what you do with them. Some are more gifted than others, men and female alike
10:02pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10033 posts
Femininity and Masculinity have different properties, obviously, and with that comes different skills but not always mutually exclusivity in these properties.
We don't treat the different sexes the same way, not that we should, sometimes it's frustrating though when chicks can get away with stuff guys can't, but that's life I guess.
10:02pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
972 posts
We're all equal, but the world hasn't allowed women in the past and even nowadays to achieve to their fullest.
10:02pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1586 posts
yes teen, and there are alot of masculan females out there :P *shudder*
10:06pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
537 posts
Men and women aren't equal.
Both sexes have different traits, hormones and appendages.

it is PROVEN that a man is stronger than a woman, just as it's proven that men are better at Maths than women, that's not to say the all women are stupid at maths and all men are smart at it.
Women are better at language and arts, men are better at logics.

I'm a strange one, I suck at maths, rock at english, suck at art, rock at science :D
10:07pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10034 posts
If there is anything I have observed is that girls get a lot of stuff easier than guys, not the other way around. So I don't know why people are always going on about female opression and glass ceilings and a male dominated social world, because in my world that just doesn't happen. In my reality, having breasts is power and influence, and having a penis is like being a dirty hobo off the street. In social settings, in the work force, even in a god damn chat room pretending to be a woman automatically makes you more popular and respected.

rock at science

heh - read that aloud
10:08pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
283 posts
We're all equal, but the world hasn't allowed men in the past and even nowadays to achieve to their fullest.
10:08pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
284 posts
In social settings, in the work force, even in a god damn chat room pretending to be a woman automatically makes you more popular and respected.

I HOPE you aren't speaking from experience. :D
10:09pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
538 posts
girls get a lot of stuff easier than guys

Yeah, but it's more the employment opps and the money. Men get (or used to get) more money than women for doing the same job.

And let's not talk about periods, birth control and sitting on a cold toilet at 3am in the middle of winter because your bladder is so small and it's so cold that you have to pee more frequently
10:16pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10036 posts
I think you're kidding about the employment oppurtunities, girls get jobs without resume, or skills, or anything. They're girls, thus they get employed no matter what. Guys need to have 5 years experience, 2 uni degrees, and a whole bunch of other s*** just to get an interview.
I've observed this too many times.
10:16pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
539 posts
but girls stay as the receptionist.
There used to be more promotions given to men then women. The only reason why women are now getting promoted is because after the year 20XX (i forget the year) there must be X% of women in managerial positions.
10:20pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9251 posts
You know what i think? i think human kind can suck my fairly balls. we are as dumb as a horny bunnie rabbit.
10:22pm 07/04/03 Permalink
General Specific
Sydney, New South Wales
1785 posts
You know what i think? i think human kind can suck my fairly balls.


we are as dumb as a horny bunnie rabbit.

10:23pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
246 posts

You know what i think? i think human kind can suck my fairly balls. we are as dumb as a horny bunnie rabbit.

What? Are you presenting yourself as a living proof of this theory?

;D ;D
10:25pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
310 posts
nice whatever

don't lie, you know :D
10:26pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10037 posts
Yeah Grosby I guess I only have s***** part-time jobs to go on. All the girls I know get a part-time job as soon as they decide they'd like one, whereas guys often have to try for ages and many times before anything happens.
10:27pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
311 posts
yes i know exactly what thats like.
10:29pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8266 posts
although sometimes they do deserve a bashing

, even in a god damn chat room pretending to be a woman automatically makes you more popular and respected.
No, that's just a bunch of horny geeks thinking "OMFG MAEN A G1RL!$@!#%". 80% of internet users are male... 30% of those pretend to be female (for whatever reason).
10:38pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
18 posts
I think you're kidding about the employment oppurtunities, girls get jobs without resume, or skills, or anything. They're girls, thus they get employed no matter what. Guys need to have 5 years experience, 2 uni degrees, and a whole bunch of other s*** just to get an interview.
I've observed this too many times.

If that was true I'd have a kickass job by now. I have been looking for a decent part-time job for 2 years and all I've landed so far is one at a convenience store. Go figure.
10:43pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2133 posts
whereas guys often have to try for ages and many times before anything happens.

Of course look at the kind of work that they normaly apply for (girls that is) when they start apply for it. Checkout chick, cashier, waiteress, customer service, all that jazz. Chicks sell more items to dumb guys who think that because the girl is talking to them, it obviously means that they want to root them.
10:45pm 07/04/03 Permalink
220 posts
No two people are equal. Equality would be terrible. Even striving for equality can be a silly thing to do. Thankfully we will never live in a world full of equals.

Edit: You'd have to be an idiot to think that any two people are equal. Completely equal in what way again?
10:48pm 07/04/03 Permalink
678 posts
80% of internet users are male

i rember about a year ago aol saying they have more female users then men.

in maths, equal means when 2 things are identical. men and women are not identical.
10:48pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
19 posts
Men and women are not maths either ;)
10:51pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3304 posts
how can women be equal, when they were created from the bottom rib of man? well that's what it says in the bible anyway.

when i was upset about something a while ago, a black woman came up to me and said "you have nothing to worry about, you are living in a white mans world"

i have never forgotten that.
10:52pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10038 posts
well maybe employers are geeks that think "OMFG MAEN A G1RL!$@!#%".
10:54pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
1062 posts
its all just a load of bulls*** and women doing what they do best....
10:54pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
20 posts
I am female :|
10:55pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1119 posts
i think women need to respect the fact that (most) men don't hit them and wouldn't think of it.

cause if that moral didn't exit, i bet they wish it did :)
10:58pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
480 posts
i am female too
11:06pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10039 posts
personally I don't hit *anyone* you f*****g redneck chuck norris wannabes
11:06pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4082 posts
If women seek equality with men, they lack ambition.
11:07pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9253 posts
11:08pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3193 posts
If women seek equality with men, they lack ambition.

Yeah, they should be seeking a husband and a family.
11:12pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
210 posts
Haha, all you guys preferring men. If you haven't noticed yet, girls are different and in nice ways too :)

You could make all sorts of comparisons like athletic performances, math tests (yeah like to see where you got your figures from about that anyway), whatever - but why are you even making this comparison? What's your point?
11:13pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4083 posts
Yeh i suppose, we like men that have a will of their own. Especially if it's made out in our name.
11:13pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
212 posts
(just asking)

If you don't support the notion of equality then what do you support?
11:18pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4084 posts
WHO are you asking? I'm not in this debate, i'm just ruffling feathers :)
11:19pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1782 posts
boys have a penis
girls have a vagina

11:20pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10040 posts
I have seen some disturbing pornography which will suggest that is not always the case.
11:21pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2629 posts
dunno, but as soon as a girl gets on the internet all the hot sweatty geeks run after her and paw at her and ask her to marry them. oh hi look I'm a geek, no one else likes me, maybe coz ur a girl on the net ur a geek 2. asl? hi2u omg keke olol pathetic.

girls can all f*** off and die, so can guys. people in general can all f*** off & die. I can't wait to be off this stupid planet.
11:23pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4086 posts
11:25pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3194 posts

You should probably talk to someone about that.
11:26pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1642 posts
lol jim and rofl teen...

as for the discussion - i think on the whole everyone is different, but specifically I don't think men or women are smarter, but men certainly do possess more athletic ability and strength etc.

and just for the record i personally think women have a distinct talent for irrational thought :P
11:32pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2992 posts
I think they are completely equal... Nature made us that way.

You put a man and a woman on an island and tell them to fend for themselves. What will happen? The fella will probably got out hunting and catch very little, the woman will probably find alternative sources of food (like muscles etc..).

Its in the hormones apparently, woman natually gather, men naturally hunt.
11:32pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3305 posts
whoopass, put the gun down.

jesus loves you.
11:39pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
613 posts
If women seek equality with men, they lack ambition.

Yeah, they should be seeking a husband and a family.

*pause for breath*


seriously.. i know girls that would cut off your balls for even THINKING that :)

11:39pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
986 posts
someone once mentioned to me
sexism = excuse used because a woman feels she could have achieved more if she was a man, regardless of the fact that the brain matter, or strength, or willpower may be lacking

reverse sexism = what men speak about when they can't get laid.

now for something (maybe?) thoughtful.
both sexes have their natural abilities, its been studied many times blah blah blah, yes, society has been male driven a lot in the past, though with the opportunities coming through you'll find the people that want to achieve in the future will achieve and be noted in history, regardless of sex.
11:40pm 07/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1643 posts
women are good at having babies and stuff :P
12:03am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
379 posts
Short answer "yes" (note the commas), Long answer No. (note the full stop)

(oh and </male> :)
12:12am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4087 posts
Not all women, f*** if i had one, i wouldn't know what to do with it.

Can i give it back?
12:13am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
380 posts
wanna try necra? :P
12:14am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
481 posts
survivor: battle of the sexes

12:14am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
253 posts
The only thing a man is good at is being a man.
The only thing a woman is good at is being a woman.
A man cannot be a better man then a woman
A woman cannot be a better woman then a man
Because a man is a man
and a woman is a woman
and they're both good at what they do
and that's what makes us humans.
Understand ?
12:27am 08/04/03 Permalink
General Specific
Sydney, New South Wales
1788 posts
A man cannot be a better man then a woman
A woman cannot be a better woman then a man

*** A man cannot be a better woman then a woman
A woman cannot be a better man then a man?
12:31am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
255 posts
well um.. yeah that too.. kinda thing...
but what i was meaning to say was:
"a man can't be the better at being a man then to a woman being the better being a woman more than being a man"
understand ?
12:39am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
256 posts
wtf am i sayin could anyone exaplin to me please =/
12:40am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
182 posts
Not one of you mentioned equality in a relationship. T.T

The true measure of equality must begin with the respect shown in the family unit. Children are always watching, like all forms of racism and bigotry the stereotyped casting of women as "the weaker sex" is a learned behaviour.
The demeaning roles that women are often given in the entertainment/media and the unrealistic standards of perfection and beauty continue to rob women of their self esteem and self worth. These types of things stand in the way of true equality.

Women are the way they are today because men have created the world to suit themselves.
Man created religion in his own image and man was the centre of that religion.
Man created society in his own image and he remains the centre of that society.

Equality is still a long way off.

12:53am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
382 posts
Equality is still a long way off.

phew! had me worried for a sec there, so we're safe for a little while right?
12:54am 08/04/03 Permalink
221 posts
Indeed we are. Complete equality is the pits.
01:22am 08/04/03 Permalink
Other International
536 posts
my 2 cents

men and women arn't equal.
heck, mem and men arn't equal and women and women arn't equal.
everyone is different so there is no true equality as we know it.
03:09am 08/04/03 Permalink
1915 posts
i had a friend that kept going on about how males were more "chaotic" than females, due to the fact that they had different chromosomes, whereas females were more "stable" due to having the two of the same chromosome. this was after he'd read a book discussing such things.

fact or not, it's an interesting theory.
04:16am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
540 posts
Complete equality is the pits.

I agree.
In fact there's a big difference between equality and fairness. I'd perfer fairness to equality. :P
(hell, if it all were equal, either men would get 12 weeks Paternity instead of 1 week, or women would get 1 week Maternity instead of 12)
06:33am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
541 posts
Now because I read one post, then post, then I read another..
males were more "chaotic" than females, due to the fact that they had different chromosomes

It's also proven that a male will look at the end result. "Go to pub. Pick up Chick" however women look at how to get there "Go to pub, make eye contact with a few blokes. Don't look so desperate...." then women will think of the consequence, whereas most men will not think of that until just before it occurs.
06:37am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
38 posts
ggb: If you state that the media portray women with unrealistic standards, then have you picked up a womens magazine lately and looked at the advertising? It happens in both camps, male or female, and is perpetrated by both camps. Its marketing/advertising at its best.
08:13am 08/04/03 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
28 posts
gawd do not even get me started on this subject...:)we r all equal nuff said
08:17am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
325 posts
i agree with WhoopAss i wanna get the f*** away from here to


08:41am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1121 posts
SASSY !*@&#*!@&#@!#
08:44am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
623 posts
sif equal

shrapse you tard, here is an example of a guy who is excited over a female on the intarweb

yesh brendon, plzdie
08:47am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
33 posts
I'm your average female. There is no way i can do hard labour, run around in the army lugging around heavy equipment all day. I am simply not strong enough. I also couldn't fight fires or lift up injured people.

But if there are any females that can and *want* to do all those jobs that are typically male dominated. It should be FAIR to let anyone go though the testing and trails of getting there.

It shouldn't matter what sex you are. but it does. It's unrealistic to think that men and women can do all the same jobs.
08:58am 08/04/03 Permalink
Yeti Skinner
Brisbane, Queensland
931 posts
Exactly Balli. Men are more suited for some roles and women for others. Men are *usually* stronger and more suited for hard labour jobs (eg. building, soldier) whereas women are *usually* more caring and compassionate (eg. nurse).

I am not saying that men and women are the only people that can do those jobs, as I am sure there are excellent male nurses and women soldiers, but that is just typically.
09:17am 08/04/03 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
29 posts
we may not be able to do physical things like males but id like too see them give birth!!!it all evens out in the end
09:41am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11196 posts
This thread is silly because it is entirely dependent on what "equal" is defined as. Obviously, men and women aren't literally equal, because of the different plumbing and so forth. What do you mean by "equal"?
10:26am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1088 posts
Yea im with trog. Why dont you make a thread "does god exist" or "are gay people wrong" or some other contriversial topic that you know lots of people are going to have different views on. Completly stupid
10:29am 08/04/03 Permalink
Reverend Evil
Brisbane, Queensland
4068 posts
If i could I'd like to be a hot chicky babe.
10:38am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
698 posts
it is true that giving women equal rights has resulted in more fairness. but i do beleive it has resulted in society changing for the worse.

instead of having lots of single housewivish women to choose from, men now have to put up with the s*** laid down by b****** who think they dont need men, but rather need a university degree and a 60k job!

this has gotten in the way of traditional family values. paving the way for a generation of kids with personality disorders, lack of father figures, and no stable family to rely on.

10:45am 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
543 posts
men and women can never be equal

most relationships are built on the foundation of superiority and inferiority, from both sexes.

dont make me go into it any further
12:09pm 08/04/03 Permalink
1917 posts
It's also proven that a male will look at the end result. "Go to pub. Pick up Chick" however women look at how to get there "Go to pub, make eye contact with a few blokes. Don't look so desperate...." then women will think of the consequence, whereas most men will not think of that until just before it occurs.
really? cool, i'm abnormal (i can't escape thinking about consequences, i don't do much as a "consequence" haha).
06:13pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1135 posts
As someone said before how do you define equal. i recon equal means that if a man and a woman go for the same job the employer should look past the sex of the employee and onto what matters the skills. but sadly it is not like that. this is just for employment, but it depends on the job that is being offered, what happens if a man wants to be a receptionist, hmmm. well the employer would porbably go no and not take another look at it.

but somepeople are right we are all equal, but because of the way society has been for the last couple of decades it doesn't seem that way. yes more men are arcitects and builders but that is because if a woman tried to be one they would be laughed out of the course. but now that some people (i say some people because there are still people out there that believe men are beter than women and vise versa) recon that we are equal the field even now has started to even out.

take it for instance where i work it is fairly even but when i talk to the staff the majority of girls are studying it and programing and i only know 3 out of 15 males that are doing it the rest i realy can't remmeber.

cycosis relations ships are not built on dominance and weekness relations ships happen because there are 2 people maybe more if you are lucky that may or mey not have something in common. they feel as if they have some thing to share with each other. if that is what you think relations ships are based on you really have no idea then.

well that is enough but we are all equal and if you don't think that then you are f*****g stupid.

ttt-hats all folks
06:17pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4090 posts
F***, i leave these forums for 3 weeks, i come back and there's a heap of females posting.


06:18pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10052 posts
If chicks wanna be equal then they should pay for their own s*** :P
06:19pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1168 posts
both women and men are equal in teen's eyes because they both can be raped
06:22pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
1181 posts
In the words of Lush:

Here we go, I'm hanging out in Camden
Drinking with my girlfriends on a Saturday night
This guy says, "come and meet my girlfriend"
She's sitting in the corner looking rather uptight
So I say "hello" and I try to be nice
But I see he's feeling itchy
Trying to play us off each other
"Girls, girls, please don't fight"
(you get the picture)
Hey you, the muscles and the long hair
Telling me that women are superior to men
Most guys just don't appreciate this
You just try convincing me you're better than them
So he talks for hours 'bout his sensitive soul
And his favourite subject is sex
I don't think he even really wanted it
But, Christ, this guy's too much
(I wanna tell him)
I'm as human as the next girl, I like a bit of flattery
But I don't need your practised lines, your school of charm mentality so
Save your breath for someone else and credit me with something more
When it comes to men like you, I know the score, I've heard it all before
(Here comes the next one)
Blondie was with me for a summer
He flirted like a maniac but I wouldn't bite
I'm weak and he was so persistent
He only had to have me 'cause I put up a fight
Oh God, the boy had such an ego
He liked to talk about himself all day and all night
You think you're such a ladykiller
But you were nothing special 'til you turned out the light
When he's nice to me he's just nice to himself
And he's watching his reflection
I'm a five foot mirror for adoring himself
Here's seven years' bad luck
(I wanna tell him)
When you say you love me you're just flattering your vanity
But I don't need your practised lines, your school of charm mentality so
Save your breath for someone else and credit me with something more
When it comes to men like you, I know the score, I've heard it all before
Ooh, you're such a ladykiller, always on a winner, thinking that you're in there
Oh boy, you're such a ladykiller, super sexy mister, call it what you will, oh
You think you're such a ladykiller, I just bet you're still there, posing in the mirror
Hey girls, he's such a ladykiller, but we know where he's coming from and we know the score.

I don't think it contributes to the discussion, I've always liked that song is all.

(I'll go now, this seems like the guys-with-no-chicks thread)
06:22pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4091 posts
Muahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Verticalseafoodtaco
06:22pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1138 posts
not sure if you are refering to me necra but i am not a chick i just recon chicks and dudes are equal
06:26pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5516 posts

It has come to thought recently that while we are vastly different in personalities men seem to be a superiour sex.

If any sex is the superiour I'd say the female, as genetically they are safer and have less chance of borked genes thanks to their double X (mutations in one X can be offset by the other X). While males with a borked Y chromo dont have any backup save whatever the X can do, this is why overall males tend to have more genetic problems then female. Also if the body defaults to a female form if it is missing a 2nd X or Y chromo.

Most great thinkers, artists, architects, philosiphers (anything with the need of an advanced thought or skill) have been men (majority not all men).

Ever thought that the unequal oppertunities presented to females made it much harder for them to accomplish such things?

Women are just as capable as men and vice versa, there would be certain roles that would give one sex a better advantage to then the other, however these are small and can be overcome with a bit of practice.

Also, back in the Hunter/Gather days it is being found that the woman gathered far more food then the men could hunt, so it was the women who provided the bulk meals with berries, nutts and fruits while the males provided large amounts of food that perashed within a couple of days...

06:58pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
544 posts
cycosis relations ships are not built on dominance and weekness relations ships happen because there are 2 people maybe more if you are lucky that may or mey not have something in common. they feel as if they have some thing to share with each other.

bold = the part im right

yes something they can share with each other, something that the other person doesnt have. hence, in the most basic forms, superiority of for example intelligence, and inferiority of physical appearance. this, while not limited to, explains the freak phenomena of an ugly guy and a hot chick. they exist in the relationship because the chick is attracted to the guys abilities that she DOESNT have. ie. this may be intelligence, character, charisma etc. the guy is attracted to the girl because she is superior to him in the physical sense. thus what occurs is...

SHE feels SMARTER because he is smarter
HE feels sexier because she is sexier.

get it?

its just an example, really, dont make me type out an essay. it doesnt just apply to 'love' relationships, but also normal friendships. it isnt a clear rule of relationships, but it is a common factor.
07:01pm 08/04/03 Permalink
New South Wales
2664 posts
Chicks sell more items to dumb guys who think that because the girl is talking to them, it obviously means that they want to root them.
f*** f*** damn
07:35pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1647 posts
(I'll go now, this seems like the guys-with-no-chicks thread)

no, please stay Mr. Pitt and tell us what it is like to be the sexiest man in the world!
07:50pm 08/04/03 Permalink
General Specific
Sydney, New South Wales
1796 posts
Yea im with trog. Why dont you make a thread "does god exist" or "are gay people wrong" or some other contriversial topic that you know lots of people are going to have different views on. Completly stupid

Isnt the point of a public forum to dicuss ideas and thoughts?
A little more valid than "omg look at this pic of a dog taking a piss"

or look at my desktop....
07:52pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
154 posts
Men have penii
Women have vagina

and an innie <> outty

So are they the same... no ...
08:37pm 08/04/03 Permalink
2611 posts
does it really matter?

couldnt care less.
08:44pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
255 posts
I think this is pretty relevant.

Taken from:
08:51pm 08/04/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2169 posts
of course they are not equal otherwise we wouldnt be having this discussion yes ?
09:57pm 08/04/03 Permalink
09:57pm 08/04/03 Permalink
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