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Eddie Jones Rot in Hell!!!
Brisbane, Queensland
2263 posts
Never have I been so embarrassed supporting Australian Rugby then on Saturday Night. Wendall, Wendall, Wendall where is your head son, this is Union not League, WTF happened to Burkes kicking and why oh why was Latham injected into the game once it was lost. This team has no heart compared to teams of the past, no direction and clearly no core to build around. Eddie Jones has failed as a coach to create a coherent flowing game play for the team, and their performance showed it.

Hats off to the All Blacks for a damaging diplay of Union Skill, thank god Stacey Jones was a little off on the night.

Eddie if for some remote chance that you read this, YOU SUCK!!! here are some fundamental changes for you to make,

League converts off the bench only!!!!
Chris Latham Full Back
Mathew Burke Wing

Some of the regulars did do a good job, as individuals, George Smith, Kefu, Flatley, and Phil Ward played good but not exceptional games.

Eddie Jones fix the Wallabies to be competetive or ROT IN HELL U BASTARD!!!
10:14am 28/07/03 Permalink
10:14am 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
351 posts
yeah i read an interview with him once where he said he often checks the QGL board before each game, just in case one of us has left some tips or tactics for the next game...
10:20am 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2448 posts
thats understandable, I mean if hunter posted tips I'd be taking them onboard immediately
10:23am 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
326 posts
Go the All Blacks!!!

I agree with you completely Gumby, they decided to make Sailor the scapegoat for the night and in all honesty he played better than 3/4 of the bloody entire Wallabie team. Fark j00 Eddie ... and your little dog t00!

M o G s Y
10:31am 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2264 posts
MoGs while I don't blame Wendall directly, I still find it hard that he gets a run on position on the wing when he can't kick, he would be well utilised off the bench as an impact player, the same with Tequri, while proven wingers do there job, like Burke and Roff run on. Tequri and Wendall are both talented footballers, but they are not tallented Union Wingers.
10:40am 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1141 posts
Eddie is s***.

He changes the team every f*****g week and expects combinations to work.

Also, he's trying to play the game of 5 years ago. Boring and useless against today's game.

The All Blacks right now are the best team in history ever though IMO. They're playing such great football I'm actually going for them.
11:01am 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
351 posts
Boring and useless sums up Union pretty well i think...
12:29pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2268 posts
^^ thanks for that insightful comment Reverend, I'm so glad you contributed to the continuation of the discussion in such a mindful and comprehensive understanding of the subject.
12:32pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
360 posts
australia are going through a rebuilding stage, just like nz did for the last 2 years. they have lost all the oldskool players and the remaining ones are past the use by date. aus have to suck it up, take some losses and throw in young talented players and give them some international experience. im just glad this happened to nz a couple years ago and not WC year.
12:35pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
361 posts
ps. justin marshall needs to die.
12:37pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2271 posts
Rebuilding stage, you've got to be joking, this is more like the demolition stage. I'm not sure of the old guard that you talk about, as I know of only 3 players that are ready for pasture, Joe Roff, Matthew Burke and Toutai Kefu (who is still a damned fine player but is going to Japan for semi-retirememnt and spend more time with his family) the rest are still going strong. Talking of old guard what about Stacey Jones Carlos Spencer for FFS.

The problem is too much focus on the league converts, only Matty Burke has been any good (reality check required if you think differently) and even then it would be for a bench seat, and the inconsistency of the coaching to play a solid core every match, and playing as you said oldsckool union.

EDIT: thanks vielside was suffeeing a major brain implosion and started thinking League...
12:58pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6 posts
stacey jones doesnt play rugby ;)
01:00pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
362 posts
ok so not so much losing players but gregan, burke, kefu, larkham are all past their use by date, but the thing is australia dont really have good enough/experienced players to replace these oldskool players. also dont doubt that the fact eales leaving effected the team. both him and sean fitzpatrick may not have been great players but they sure knew how to lead a team. unlike gregan and thorne. also stacey jones wtf, are u refering to king carlos (carlos spencer?)
01:09pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1015 posts
stacey jones doesnt play rugby ;)

was thinking the same thing..
unless he's converted.. otherwise.. wtf you smoking.. ?
01:22pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2272 posts
^^ as I corrected my self like 10minutes ago to King Carlos, WTF where you reading...
01:23pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1017 posts
i know.. okay sorry i'll rephrase

wtf WERE you smoking :P
01:30pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3812 posts
i dont think eddie jones can fix the problem;
i dont like him at all;
01:32pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
352 posts
im just saying that its not an attractive sport @ the moment( no disrespect ment "gnt")
01:40pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
83 posts
Well it seemed to me these useless rugby league converts were the only bloody ones doing anything Gumby - who got two of the three tries, and who had the major involvement in the other one?

I agree though, I don't like the job Eddie Jones is doing, even though he has come in at a tougher time than McQueen did.
02:00pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2273 posts
wtf WERE you smoking :P
I wish, just a brain fade...
Well it seemed to me these useless rugby league converts were the only bloody ones doing anything Gumby - who got two of the three tries, and who had the major involvement in the other one?
Which wing did someone run 3 in on and against whom, which other wing did they run 2 in on and against whom? Only 1 of the league converts played good union on the night, Rodgers, the other 2 played good league, but unfortuanately that doesn't cut it in Union when you get tackled you need support, so don't run off without it!
02:09pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
84 posts
Yes Sailor made a mistake they got a couple of tries when he was missing.
However, I think the way NZ was playing they would would have been cutting apart the wings (where the thinnest defense is shock) no matter who was playing.
I know you shouldn't run off without support, but f***, sometimes it's worth trying anyway if there is actually a gap, and hoping your team can get there in support and you beat the defense.
It's pretty s*** just watching forward after forward get the ball, run into five defenders maybe make a metre or two, do this five times then get the ball turned over anyway.
02:42pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2274 posts
This is Union not League!!!

The All Blacks played classic Union, push up the middle, draw the deffense in and run it wide, 1st year coaching stuff, it the wimgers job to stay out their in position and cover, 1st year textbook play. Nothing special about it, just well executed on the All Blacks behalf, and poorly defended by Austalia's wings and back line.
02:46pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
741 posts
Since they scored most of the tries by an overlap, you think that's the wingers fault?
03:12pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2275 posts
If its not the wingers fault for not covering his opposition then who's is it, Rokacoco's last try he ran around his opposite Sailor when it was a man on man situation. Tequri missed 2 vital tackles, did you guys watch the game? Rockacoco scored twice while Sailor was in thhe sin bin, Sailors opposite, so who is at fault there? Come on take off the rose coloured glasses, the Kiwi's targeted both those players for a reason.
03:22pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6556 posts
Its not the wingers fault its everyone in the teams. The forwards for not slowing it down so the backs to re-collect and for not pilfering the ball. The inside backs for being drawn in more which pulls the wings in more. And the outside backs for coming in to fill holes.

Its got nothing to do with the wings. Its the whole team. If the backs get pulled in to defend then they all move in.

EDIT: That said it often is the dells fault. He is s*** at defence and there is nothing you can do about it. He doesnt know how to compete with multiple people in defence as hes been in one on one league defence for too long.

When a team gets run around its becuase their opposites draw their oppoites in. Thus shortening the line. If the wing just gets run around then its their fault. (the wingers that is)
03:23pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
742 posts
What [Q] said.
03:39pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
85 posts
I watched the first half, then shock I watched the Broncos in league lol so I missed the second was pretty much over at half time anyway.
I saw Sailor miss that tackle one on one, definitely a bad miss. Missed the Tuquiri ones though. I agree with Q, the whole team just didn't do well enough, and everyone suffered.
I am just of the opinion that Sailor and Rodgers are good in the team, they provide some attacking spark, they just happened to all get blown away by a better Kiwi team on the night.
Maybe Sailor isn't the best defender, but I think he has scored 5 tries in his last 4 tests so he is going ok there.
I guess it depends on your preference, I like to see guys who have a bit of skill breaking through defense individually and maybe starting something.
03:50pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2878 posts
but gregan, burke, kefu, larkham are all past their use by date

well you obviously dont know s***, kefu is the best #8 in the world and Gregan is the best scrum half, and larkham is one of the best five eighths... Burke is slow and old and chris latham is aging too but still has great attacking flair.

Wendell Sailor has been one of their better backs offensively, making opportunities and running at the opposition. Matt Rogers has been a great attacking back also, i havent seen much of his defense but he has showed great composure also.

The forwards have lacked a fair bit so far this season, weak in the scrum and poor in the lineouts, George Smith and Kefu being the only half reasonable performers.

I would have to say i htink it is most probably the coaching, the team has great talent and has done well in seasons past, although it may just be the team needs to play a few games and get some teamwork and some feel for themselves as a team.
03:58pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2276 posts
League converts off the bench only!!!!
Chris Latham Full Back
Mathew Burke Wing
From my original post, as you can see I would use Wendall's flair as an impact player off the bench, same with Tequri. Rodgers I would use in the backs off the bench. I don't believe any of them deserve a starting birth with players like Latham on the bench.
04:15pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
86 posts
Hey I agree having Tuqiri off the bench I don't believe he has the skills yet to be a starting wing, but IMO I would have Sailor starting, and Latham and Burke the fullback and wing respectively.
At the end of the day we all pick different teams.
04:22pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6558 posts
The dell cant defend and we need good defense. The fullback spot needs to attack more and burke doesnt provide this. Whether you have matt rogers or chris latham all depends on who is in form. Latham went out of form again before he got benched. Rogers is playing pretty well.

The biggest problem with australi ATM is the forwards. The front row ESPECIALLY is in DIRE straights. Serious effot needs to be put into out forwards. Currently losing lineouts and at the break down is gonna continue to lose us games unless something drastic is done about it. Whether it be a total rework or HEAVY training for all the guys in. The lineouts ATM are a joke. George smith back in is a great thing. As is larkham. Gotta get that offenseive edge back.
04:28pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
106 posts
I think Gregan has alot to do with it. Last week he was quoted as saying:

"I don't buy into that whole passion thing. I think it's a load of rubbish, personally"

How the hell is the team supposed to excel when the captain thinks like that? Who here thinks the All Blacks lack passion?

04:40pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6561 posts
It doesnt matter. Gregan, passion or not, is easily the best half back in the country and in the world. Without passion he still manages to excel and tries VERY HARD regardless. I dont think it matters.

I think he has team spirit. Passion is a different thing.
04:53pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2880 posts
Bulls*** he said that, what a load of s***.
05:00pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
363 posts

well you obviously dont know s***, kefu is the best #8 in the world and Gregan is the best scrum half, and larkham is one of the best five eighths... Burke is slow and old and chris latham is aging too but still has great attacking flair.

Wendell Sailor has been one of their better backs offensively, making opportunities and running at the opposition. Matt Rogers has been a great attacking back also, i havent seen much of his defense but he has showed great composure also.

The forwards have lacked a fair bit so far this season, weak in the scrum and poor in the lineouts, George Smith and Kefu being the only half reasonable performers.

I would have to say i htink it is most probably the coaching, the team has great talent and has done well in seasons past, although it may just be the team needs to play a few games and get some teamwork and some feel for themselves as a team.

i dont know s*** huh? trust me ive seen this happen with the all blacks. i expect a decline over the next year - 2 years in the wallaby camp. ppl will retire and you will have no ppl ready to replace them with any international experience. remember this isnt the super 12.
05:10pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6562 posts
It happened to south africa. Now they are number one again. They used to OWN. Then they got s***, now they are good again, with a young team no less.

I reckon aus will decline further then come back.
05:15pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2881 posts
trust me ive seen this happen with the all blacks. i expect a decline over the next year

you said they were s*** NOW, they arent s*** now, clue up fooleh.
05:18pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
364 posts
recent form would suggest they are you toss
05:20pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6563 posts
They are s*** now :) They arent as s*** as south africa was when they went to s*** but they are pretty crap, especially compared to how they used to be...
05:22pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2883 posts
recent form would suggest they are you toss

so you make it personal, sigh...

clue up you c*** riding anal pirate.

we are talking about individuals not the team, the afformentioned individuals are playing well, its the team that isnt playing well. The team has potential and each individual is good, they just need to play a bit more together and get some rythmn as a team.
05:48pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6564 posts
Id say your totally wrong epi. Team form has alot to do with individual form and at the moment many players on the team are not playing well. The forward pack as a whole isnt playing together well and this does show. Break down play is pretty blah and lineouts are s***. The backs individually arent too hot either. The team as a whole could play together alot better but it needs to start individually and ATM this is not the case.
05:56pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1142 posts
"latham is aging" ? wtf?

isn't he like 24?

i reckon larkham is the most over-rated player ever. All he does is kick away possession. So rarely runs it or provides something spontaneous with his centres. Boring and predictable. Get with the times and show some flare.
06:07pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2886 posts
he is 28.
06:20pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6565 posts
larkham picks holes in defense like no other in the australian team. When in form he is one of the best fly halfs in the world. He is better than flatley at the position. Flatley would be a better centre because he likes to run it head on and hit the opposition. Larkham picks holes instead. Flateley does have the ability to kick though. if Burke was gone wed need him.
06:54pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
366 posts
hhaha, you say they are playing well aye. let me tell you this: gregan, burke, kefu and larkham played average at best on saturday night. in international rugby playing average does not win you games, and with these players playing in such pivotal positions (scrum half, fly half, fullback) they f** up, the team f**s up, especially against a team of the callibre of the ab's in form.
07:47pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
597 posts
We are in for a belting come world cup time. I think it's pretty easy to blame the coach but I am of the opinion that there is a serious lack of thought in the way the team is playing at the moment, which can only come down to the coach being responsible.

The defence is also pretty poor - the way they just stand in a line and let the opposition come for them. Take a leaf out of Englands book and ADVANCE while you are defending, jesus.
10:31pm 28/07/03 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2277 posts
I thought Kefu had a pretty good game, especially compared with others in the forwards.
12:19pm 29/07/03 Permalink
12:19pm 29/07/03 Permalink
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