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Avoiding Hangovers
Brisbane, Queensland
1867 posts
Nice idea, I need something like that
10:55pm 29/02/04 Permalink
10:55pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
8763 posts
I want four kidneys.

Someone donate theirs to me.
10:59pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5763 posts
Having extra kidneys wouldn't do squat for hangovers though.

Of all the organs to have 4 of, kidneys are the most pointless.
11:03pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
434 posts
I always thought other parts of the body (such as the liver) processed the poisons which give you hangovers. Hmmmm.
11:06pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5764 posts
Thats right, all the kidneys do is filter out the wastes and produce urine.
11:09pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Top Dog
Hobart, Tasmania
2311 posts
he can make more piss then .
11:15pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
9920 posts
*shrugs* it sounds good...

at least its something to brag about whilst drinking :p
11:18pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5767 posts
Kidneys can produce loads of urine if they need to, they are massively redundant with just 2. You can survive on 10% kidney function quite well.
11:23pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
23 posts
Aren't hangovers caused by dehydration? So having extra kidneys would do f*** all.
11:23pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1932 posts
hmm i mite get me a pair of those
11:24pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1356 posts
Hangovers come from dehydration and kidneys are used for the processing of fluids so I would assume that they can process water more efficiently and don't get dehydrated like everyone else.

If I had a couple of extra kidneys, I'd sell 'em. Better than living in fear of waking up in a bath tub full of ice with slash wounds down my sides.
11:24pm 29/02/04 Permalink
7231 posts
Id rather have mega livers so that continued heavy drinking wouldnt result in liver failure :P

11:33pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5768 posts
Dehydration is only one part of the hang over, another is the starvation of glycolysis intermediates.
11:33pm 29/02/04 Permalink
7232 posts
what causes the starvation? Because I know that if I drink only clear spirits I dont get a hangover at all or nearly as bad as if I have drunk wine or beer. I assume its due to the preservitives (read extra toxins) in beer and wine? nF please give scientific explanation of the starvation thing. Interested I am.
11:36pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5769 posts
Id rather have mega livers so that continued heavy drinking wouldnt result in liver failure :P

Check this out then:

In a study comparing the benefits of fatty acids in protecting against ethanol-induced liver damage, one group of animals was fed ethanol and tallow (saturated fat from animals) and a second group was fed ethanol and the unsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid. Results concluded that the animals fed tallow were protected from ethanol induced liver damage, whereas, animals fed linoleic acid d eveloped fatty liver necrosis and inflammation.

A fatty maccas burger during a night of heavy drinking in the city is a good thing. :P
11:38pm 29/02/04 Permalink
7233 posts
hehe imagine all the little drunk lab rats falling over in their cages ;)
11:39pm 29/02/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5770 posts
In order to metabolise alcohol the body has to use metabolites from the glycolysis cycle, it also suppresses the activity of the cycle, which means that even if you have eaten the liver is struggling to produce the glucose.

Effectively you go hypoglycaemic (low blood sugar), when that happens your body thinks its in starvation and starts shutting things down it doesn't really need. It starts redirecting blood away from your digestive tract (and if necessary expelling whats there ... by vomiting :() to ensure that the brain and other critical organs get a steady supply. The bodies ability to maintain its body temperature gets a bit shaky, so you might drop half a degree or something.

The reason you get dehydrated is obviously because you piss more, thats related to alcohol suppressing the reabsorbtion action of the kidneys. Caffiene works the same way.

12:05am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1373 posts
What's the point of drinking but not getting drunk? Kinda defeat the whole purpose really.
12:18am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6624 posts
I'm er.. guessing the cause of the fatigue is oxygen starvation to do with what you just said nef. A similar thing happens when you exercise and get a build up of lactate/lactic acid, but because a hangover is caused by a foreign element your body can't deal with it anywhere near as efficiently, especially seeing as it's been affecting your brain ;)

The best thing you can probably do is stimulate your psoas muscles with ice packs (on either side of your belly button down to your groin) which will accelerate the rate at which your body deals with it, as the psoas muscles are linked directly to the part of the nervous system which controls that stuff.
If you were out having a run for example that would already be happening to some degree, but I don't think jogging with a hangover would be a very good idea.
12:19am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
1196 posts
hangovers i can deal with, but this tropical ear infection is f*****g killing me
12:25am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5772 posts
I'm er.. guessing the cause of the fatigue is oxygen starvation to do with what you just said nef.

How did you make that conclusion?
12:41am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6625 posts
At the very core of it, why else would organs be shutting down if they're not getting the blood they need - blood carries oxygen. Hypoglycaemia doesn't just reduce blood flow to the digestive tract, but other non-vital areas of the body as well.
I'd really love to hear another reason :P
12:59am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5774 posts
Did you even read what i wrote?
01:01am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6626 posts
Tard, I'm not opposing what you said. I'm just showing a more defined end result to help explain my suggestion for treating it.

last edited by dais at 01:05:08 01/Mar/04
01:03am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5775 posts
You spaz, read what i wrote. Oxygen has nothing to do with it. Organs need more than oxygen. You're clueless.
01:06am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6627 posts
I have years of first-hand experience with what you just wrote. Of course organs need more than oxygen, but quite obviously it's what provides their immediate nourishment.
But I forgot, cluey people call it your body "thinking it's in starvation".
01:11am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
7006 posts
Dr Dais vs Dr nF

Round 1

01:13am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1358 posts
How did you make that conclusion?
He used a jump to conclusions mat!

You see you have this mat and you can JUMP to different conclusions.
01:21am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
7009 posts
Thats a very bad idea. A horrible idea.
01:22am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5776 posts
If you had a clue you'd know that although Glycolysis is performed without oxygen its not performed in muscles due to lack of oxygen. You'd also know that telling someone whos hypoglaecemic to exercise is a truely stupid idea.
01:24am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6628 posts
Now who's not reading? To quote myself:

If you were out having a run for example that would already be happening to some degree, but I don't think jogging with a hangover would be a very good idea.

Seriously nF, you just backed up what I said with your last post. I'm talking about oxygen starvation at a cellular level and there is a lot more to it than hypoglycaemia.

Put the pieces together: when you exercise you breath more and the negative impact is lessened.
When you drink your body is not in its aerobic cycle and the penalty is a hangover, with other factors affecting that. If you had a hangover and exercised that would make it worse because your body's aerobic cycle is not behaving efficiently, due to - you guessed it, oxygen starvation.

Feel free to offer suggestions on how to deal with a hangover nef.
01:36am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
7011 posts
So instead of drinking water before I go to bed to lessen my hangover in the morning, I should be putting on an oxygen mask?
01:41am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
398 posts
I would so sell two of em if I had 4 and get some phat cash.
01:43am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6629 posts
If you're not using oxygen effectively at a cellular level an oxygen mask won't do you much good.
01:44am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
399 posts
ur a spaz dais
01:47am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6630 posts
Yeah I'm just making this s*** up.
01:48am 01/03/04 Permalink
7236 posts
dais seems to have a working practical knowledge of this topic where as you are quoting straight facts nf. I declare dias' explanations more informative so far.

Dais: 1 nf: .5 (has some merit to be sure)
01:49am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
400 posts
01:51am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5777 posts
Your explanations sound like those of a HPE teacher.

Oxygen starvation can't really happen if you are breathing, oxygen levels aren't even one of the triggers to increase breathing rate. There is never really a lack of oxygen at a cellular level. As i said, the anerobic "cycle" for muscles is not related to oxygen levels at all. Thats a myth perpetuated by HPE teachers. The reason muscles use anerobic mechanisms is because they can act in a massively parrallel way, they can also react much much faster. And the ATP is generated in the cytoplasm rather than in the mitochondria where the aerobic processes happen. The lag time for aerobic respiration is something in the order of 30+ seconds (i've forgotten the exact number).
01:59am 01/03/04 Permalink
Hardball, Billy
Brisbane, Queensland
1888 posts
Haven't really read any of the discussion, but a fella I went to school with found out he had 3 kidneys in year 11.

I'm pretty sure he had to end up selling at least one of them on the organ market to make up for his alco habbit, but he was still happy.

Only the first and this sentence of this post are true.

The second one is also true if you don't believe the third.
02:05am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6631 posts
I will take that as a compliment, see as I'm trying to explain it in a way other people can understand by giving real life examples.

If you go back and read your original post, then every one I've made following it I'm not disputing what you had to say originally.
02:17am 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5778 posts
Just because what you say might seem logical doesn't mean its true.

Oxygen levels are not a trigger for respiration generally, despite the fact that i'd make logical sense. CO2 levels are far more important, as oxygen is generally in excess.

Glycolysis (which is anerobic respiration) is activated in muscle cells in response to adrenaline, not low oxygen. And this actually makes logical sense, because if you have to run 100 metres you don't want to have to run 50 before you get any energy.
02:48am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
574 posts
In order to metabolise alcohol the body has to use metabolites from the glycolysis cycle, it also suppresses the activity of the cycle, which means that even if you have eaten the liver is struggling to produce the glucose.

Effectively you go hypoglycaemic (low blood sugar), when that happens your body thinks its in starvation and starts shutting things down it doesn't really need. It starts redirecting blood away from your digestive tract (and if necessary expelling whats there ... by vomiting :() to ensure that the brain and other critical organs get a steady supply. The bodies ability to maintain its body temperature gets a bit shaky, so you might drop half a degree or something.

The reason you get dehydrated is obviously because you piss more, thats related to alcohol suppressing the reabsorbtion action of the kidneys. Caffiene works the same way.

i give you 9.75 out of 10 for that explanantion - Shame about no apostrophe for "body's". :)

I remember Dr Karl explaining it once, about causing a slight swelling of the brain causing pressure on a membrane around the skull which has pain receptors or smoe shiz. He also agreed that water was the best hangover retardant.

I gotta admit ever since that I drink plenty of water after a big night out and have never had a drama - and I'm talking like after a whole bottle of bacardi.
07:50am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1398 posts
hangovers i can deal with, but this tropical ear infection is f*****g killing me

Indeed . Ear Infections are s*** . So much pain
10:00am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6632 posts
Moving in to unchartered territory... the responsiveness of the blood vessels would be negatively affected by alcohol's influence on the brain/nervous system. That is what I've meant all along by oxygen starvation.
When your blood vessels dilate and blood pools, your body releases adrenalin - leading to the glycolosis as you said.
And as for being at a cellular level, the cells aren't going to absorb what they need if the blood supply is deficient in some way. So thinking things through, you can see it's not at odds with what you're saying after all.

That's why what I suggested should work, because you're stimulating that response and increasing the rate of glycolosis.

At least I think so :P
11:01am 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
536 posts
He really should think about becoming a donor :)
12:59pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Hobart, Tasmania
37 posts
The best way to avoid a hangover is to drink a huge amount of water before you goto bed.
01:03pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
263 posts
i'd say the best way to avoid a hangover is to not drink. but sifnt piss ups.
03:31pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5779 posts
I remember Dr Karl explaining it once, about causing a slight swelling of the brain causing pressure on a membrane around the skull which has pain receptors or smoe shiz. He also agreed that water was the best hangover retardant.

Apparently starchy type foods before you start drinking can also help, because they'll up the amount of glycolysis intermediates. The problem is if you drink for an extended period of time. But yeah, definately water, and i know that one from personal experience.

One thing i'd love to understand is why tap water tastes so bad when you are hung over.
07:29pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5562 posts
everything drunk Bosnians say is true.
07:53pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7080 posts
i dont like "doctor" karl overly

i reckon a lot of his info is sus

last edited by Spook at 20:46:18 01/Mar/04
08:45pm 01/03/04 Permalink
1795 posts
That just means you would be running to and from the toilet all night instead of getting drunk
08:51pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5785 posts
Only if you have a girly bladder.
08:53pm 01/03/04 Permalink
1796 posts
or four kidneys!
09:02pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1361 posts
Apparently starchy type foods before you start drinking can also help, because they'll up the amount of glycolysis intermediates.
I always thought it was because they absorbed the alcohol so it doesn't make it into your blood system. I know when ever I have a pasta meal or something similar before going out, it takes me a lot longer to get drunk.
i dont like "doctor" karl overly

i reckon a lot of his info is sus
I remeber he told people to go out and do some experiment to do with TV tubes and lightning. He claimed it was totaly safe until an electrical safty guy rang up and said that if people performed that experiment then they would die. He didn't seem to like admitting that he was wrong.
09:07pm 01/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1871 posts
One thing i'd love to understand is why tap water tastes so bad when you are hung over.

Yeh what is up with that?!?
12:13am 02/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1382 posts

One thing i'd love to understand is why tap water tastes so bad when you are hung over.

The only thing that taste good when you have a hang over is greasy food :)
12:55pm 02/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
437 posts
One thing i'd love to understand is why tap water tastes so bad when you are hung over.

Since I smoke when I drink, anything bar soft drinks taste bad hung over (i like to call it ashtray mouth). Which brings me on to my second point, I always get a craving for coke with a hangover (or anything really sweet). Is this becuase of a low blood sugar level?
01:40pm 02/03/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2481 posts
i always crave orange juice when im hung over that s*** is the f*****g bomb
01:42pm 02/03/04 Permalink
Wynnum, Queensland
5794 posts
Which brings me on to my second point, I always get a craving for coke with a hangover (or anything really sweet). Is this becuase of a low blood sugar level?

Yeah i find that to a certain extent too. As for if its true, i have no idea.
07:20pm 02/03/04 Permalink
07:20pm 02/03/04 Permalink
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