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Good fishing around brisbane?
Brisbane, Queensland
3915 posts
Hey all.

Just wondering if anyone knew any *good* fishing spots within about a 45 minute drive of Chermside? I don't want to have to go out on a boat or anything, just drive there and throw a line in.

Anyone have any good fishing spots they'd like to share? :)
08:29am 19/11/04 Permalink
08:29am 19/11/04 Permalink
got bean
Brisbane, Queensland
1140 posts
In the water
08:40am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3916 posts
You're f*****g hilarious you f*****. Get out of my thread.

Any serious replies?
09:07am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4868 posts
umm where the gay is chemside

come to wynnum, launch a boat in moreton bay.

fo out to behind peel or green island, nice, deep water with snapper, pearl perch, heaps

ask epi but, he literally lives on the esplanade and goes out heaps, he knows what time it is
09:16am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3917 posts
Heh, Exis, I don't have a boat (Read thread).

Chermside is on the North Side of Brisbane. Wynnum is acceptable, in fact it's preferred, but are there any spots around that area that doesn't require the use of a boat?
09:24am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4869 posts
well, in theory there are "plenty" of fishing spots

its just that they have been f*****g over fished to buggery, and now everywhere is dry.. been like that for about 10-15 years now.

sime (epi) catches s*** in front of his house, flathead n stuff.

good fishing around this area requires a boat or a car man :P, (car = barge to straddie)

if you are keen, drive to cleveland, and get the flier over to straddie.

then get a bus to amity point or point lookout

endless amounts of aweesome beach fishing spots..

about 40 miles worth on main beach hehe

from all the points around point lookout you get tailor, whiting, bream, flathead, f*****.. tiger sharks

straddie just f*****g r00ls ok
09:29am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6840 posts
I go to dolies rocks which if you take the murrumba downs exit off the bruce highway and go right, and follow the road to the end you will find a place that hire's tinnys cheap as and dont require a boating license for them. Mainly you catch a lot of diver whiting ( little tiny whiting about 10cm long which are legal at that size, full size whiting and the odd toad fish. biggest haul we got was 120 diver whiting, was a great feed that night :D tinnys have canopys to keep you out of the sun, and you can buy hand reels which is all you really need for about $8. If your not interested in boats there is a jetty or beach on either side of the river you can use cast rods and reels on. Hope this helps.
10:08am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3069 posts

f** that sounds awesum thx Eds,
i havnt been in much too long, ima havta mull this over.
10:20am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3918 posts
F***, awesome Eds. How much approximately is it for the Tinnys? I've been to Dollies Rocks, but never went out in a tinny there.
10:33am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6841 posts
Pharcyde, not to sure to be honest, I think we payed something like $50 for 4 hours or something, so if you go with 3 or so people its pretty cheap, just get a bit of bait and away you go. Havnt hired a boat for a while as my grandad bought one and he lives at murrumba downs, normally just drop his in the water and head off :)
11:05am 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2706 posts
damn it. this thread makes me feel like going fishing tonight... hmm might organise it. we go down the gold coast. we've got a few places that are secret, but you get kicked off them ! whenever these is something illegal , there always has to be something good about it :(
03:55pm 19/11/04 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
4438 posts
Between the bridges on the pine river like Eds mentioned is good sometimes. Ive even had some luck off the old bridge that goes over to redcliffe.

Thats probably the best place withing 45 minutes unless you want to try your luck off the jetty at redcliffe.
04:02pm 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5990 posts
Pine Rivers Bridge, caught 2 big flatheads under there, lost one but :( i have pics.

last edited by Skitza at 16:04:58 19/Nov/04
04:04pm 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2707 posts
pics kthx
04:24pm 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1166 posts
always worth trying the boat ramp on the way out to fisherman's islands at lytton. strong currents. always get some good fishing through there.
04:39pm 19/11/04 Permalink
707 posts
All land based fishing spots suck now, that's why i caved and bought a boat.

So far the best spots are:
Gilligan's Island: small tuna, tailor, big swallowtail
Mud Island: small snapper, big bream, golden trevally, parrotfish, snub nosed gar, squid
Measured Mile beacons: big bream, tailor, mackerel, kingfish, cobia - live bait recommended.

excuse any spelling mistakes, I just got home from happy hour at work.
08:48pm 19/11/04 Permalink
708 posts
08:50pm 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
443 posts
holy crap, u caught newspapers? they dont look like they came out of the water though, they arent wet...... :p

just bein a c******* sorry, thats a pretty swoit catch, those two big bream would have to be round the 35 - 40cm mark right?
09:25pm 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
821 posts

I'll take you up to our house on fraser island one week, and we'll take the boat off the beach and do some hard-core deep-sea fishing :) Be warned, I tend to chunder due to sea-sickness - but that doesnt stop me one bit :D
11:50pm 19/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4871 posts

that flathead + soul / souel however you spell it aint f***** legal man..

and neither are the bream.

f***wits like you that ruin it for everyone else

please dont take undersized fish, its just wrong, man you wouldnt even get a fillet off those bream..

butterbream on the other hand.. /darts eyes at defi.. rofl

and nice mullet lol

last edited by existence` at 00:11:45 20/Nov/04
12:10am 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
777 posts
The flathead seems legal, the legal size is around 30cm, and I am pretty sure a newspaper is quite a bit larger than 30 cm tall.
12:40am 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2656 posts
its sole.

also, they're probably legal.
01:17am 20/11/04 Permalink
709 posts
F*** off existence, you have no f***** idea. The smallest fish in that photo apart from the sole is a 25cm bream.

And for your reference for sizes, the golden trvally is 45cm long. There is no legal limit for sole so go f*** yourself.

+ That "mullet" is a calamari squid you f*****g tool.

last edited by Furgle at 11:08:33 20/Nov/04
11:00am 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2280 posts
furgle can i see some pics of your boat.. my old man just bought a new one
11:20am 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4877 posts
haha you f*****g twats

sandy flathead(which is what that is) has a legal limit of 33cm

thats probably just on legal, not that you would have checked, coz youre a m o r o n


youre f***ed, im sending that to the authorities

and i do have a clue c*** so stfu

also, just measured the width of a paper that you got the fish lying on

the bream lying horiztontal looks about a bit more then half the width of 1 of the pages.

the pages are 29/30cm long, so.. thats at max a 17cm bream

which is illegal, coz legal is 25cm afaik.

so. die

last edited by existence` at 11:34:14 20/Nov/04
11:29am 20/11/04 Permalink
710 posts
Can't find any of the boat atm, but here's one from in the boat on International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

last edited by Furgle at 11:30:47 20/Nov/04
11:30am 20/11/04 Permalink
711 posts
Flathead, Bar-tailed 30 min
Flathead, Mud (dusky) 40 min, 70 max.
Flathead, Sand 30 min

Yeah, you really do know what you're talking about you f*****g moron

Bream, Pikey 23 min
Bream, Yellow-finned 23 min

The smallest bream there is 25cm. Measurements are from the tip of the head to the tip of the tail.

You have no f*****g idea. Send it in, I dare you.

last edited by Furgle at 11:38:57 20/Nov/04
11:35am 20/11/04 Permalink
712 posts
And by your own calculations, you have just proved that these fish are legal**.jpg
11:40am 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4878 posts
lol idiot

half the width of one of those pages = 15cm

so youv basically dobbed yourself in

haha gw
11:47am 20/11/04 Permalink
713 posts
I wan't some of what you're smoking. see the green lines, they are both the same size - the size of the smallest fish. Notice how the green line when rotated and lined up with the start of the page goes 4/5ths across?

I can't beleive how stupid you are.
12:17pm 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
81 posts
welll...once again existance u have proven just how intelligent u r....

Seeing u thought the squid was a MULLET.....WOW!

If you just follow the link furgle posted in his CLEARLY answers the size debate!

However...maybe a "WHAT FISH IS THAT" book will help u tell the diff between a MULLET and a SQUID.
(waits for a typical reply from existance - the guy seems intent on proving hes a idiot!
03:50pm 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
808 posts
what are the fish on the far right of the above photo?
08:30pm 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
622 posts
I've heard the brisbane river is great for fishing. Some real tasty ones can be caught in there!

quite seriously though, how about that pedestrian bridge running adjacent to the houghton highway out to redcliffe?

that may be a good fishing spot?
09:56pm 20/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1669 posts
You guys ever tried freshwater fishing on the local dams?

Find a nice spot an you can be draggin in some good sized fish. Barra, Sarratoga, Tilapia (<-- kill on site as noxious but fight well), Bass, YellowBelly (get f*****g huge!!)

last edited by HERMITech at 02:23:39 21/Nov/04
02:22am 21/11/04 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5999 posts
My Flathead

1meg pic for some reason, cbf resizing.
02:56am 21/11/04 Permalink
Cairns, Queensland
3474 posts
chermside is a bit of a bum place to set your fishing around... but there is a spot prob bout 30 mins from there...

deep water bend lots of mud crabs to so you can put a pot in while you fish if you dont know where it is ask a bait store cause i would find it hard to give directions basically you just drive north good fishing spot though
10:38am 21/11/04 Permalink
714 posts
what are the fish on the far right of the above photo?

Venus Tusk Fish.

Really sweet flesh, better than snapper, not as good as coral trout.
11:00am 21/11/04 Permalink
11:00am 21/11/04 Permalink
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