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UQ Sem 1 Results
Brisbane, Queensland
493 posts
Results for the past semester are due on the 2nd of July, which is in about an hour.

GL To all, hopefully sinet cooperates this time around.
11:06pm 01/07/08 Permalink
11:06pm 01/07/08 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
227 posts
Anyone know when Griffith results are released?
11:23pm 01/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4522 posts
hopefully sinet cooperates this time around.

Hahahahahaahaha ... you're dreaming mate.

Pro tip: Log into my.uq a few minutes before midnight, then at midnight click the mySI-net link on the left to bypass the login mechanism and take you quickly to the site before it goes down.
11:23pm 01/07/08 Permalink
sif greazy
Brisbane, Queensland
456 posts
where in sinet are the results...
12:05am 02/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
280 posts
It just appeared right above where your enrolled courses are.

Of course, in SINET tradition it will either time out, give a "too many users logged in" error, or my personal favourite:

"No Access Function disabled through function control. This page has been disabled for administrative reasons. We apologise for any inconvenience."

(copy/pasted from sinet just now)
12:16am 02/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
494 posts
Got mine after 15 mins of trying, 7 7 6 4. Pretty happy, thought i would be lucky to get a single 7 after exams.
12:22am 02/07/08 Permalink
9136 posts
Got mine after 15 mins of trying, 7 7 6 4. Pretty happy, thought i would be lucky to get a single 7 after exams.
haha, you must have really hated the 4 subject :P
01:35am 02/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1608 posts
Anyone know when Griffith results are released?

They're out now but aren't supposed to come out until Wednesday, 9 July.
09:05am 05/07/08 Permalink
627 posts
who sits up at midnight to check results?
10:32am 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8227 posts
Hehe I do when I don't know what I'm going to get. This semester we knew all our results from our course coordinators before the release date.

7 7 6 and a Pass for a pass/fail subject (H). This is the best I've ever done, which is good because I'm in my honours year. Grades don't actually count this year because our honours grade is calculated using our subject percentages, so, I got 91, 94.5 and 76.5:) Totally stoked. Just gotta keep it up for the rest of the year.
11:05am 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
495 posts
who sits up at midnight to check results?

Well considering I am usually up past midnight anyway, its not too far out of my way to check them.
12:31pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5053 posts
seems like those studies tips helped b. hardball good stuff

i got 6, P, IP, IP, IP, IP

01:18pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4539 posts
who sits up at midnight to check results?

Someone who cares about their grades obviously?
01:41pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
701 posts
Or someone who's up at midnight anyway?

I don't understand how your guy's grades work... what's a 7 mean?
03:01pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
496 posts
I dunno if it's any different, but QUT'S is

Pass Parameters

The percentages below constitute standard result parameters, but may be changed at the discretion of the executive dean or delegated faculty officer.
• 7 - High Distinction: 85%-100%
• 6 - Distinction: 75%-84%
• 5 - Credit: 65%-74%
• 4 - Pass: 50%-64%
• 3 - Low Pass: 47%-49%
• 2 - Fail: 25%-46%
• 1 - Low Fail: 1%-24%
03:06pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1464 posts


Gonna boost one maybe 2 of those yearlong course 6s to 7s. Best I've ever done too. And my timetable rocks next sem cos I'll be doing one easier subject than everyone else not a harder one like this sem.
04:05pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
232 posts

They're out now but aren't supposed to come out until Wednesday, 9 July.

Only one of mine is there. It's a 7 though :D
04:55pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
498 posts
Supposedly mine come out on Monday. Did really well for 2 of my classes I know that much, but one subject I'm a bit worried about. Did really well for the first assignment, and the second one, which was the exact same format/assignment except on a slightly different topic, and the head unit coordinator marked mine and told me she hated every single word of it. So now I'm not sure if I'm going to pass overall. And my other subject was prac, so it's only a case of successful or unsuccessful.
05:11pm 05/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2140 posts

trying to finally pull my finger out at uni. effort++ though =(
06:05pm 05/07/08 Permalink
9141 posts
When does QUT release its results? f***en slackers...
01:43am 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8816 posts
I want my results now!
08:15am 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6671 posts
well i got full honors for 2a sparky tafe LOLz its hard maths
08:49am 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
500 posts
When does QUT release its results? f***en slackers..

11:59am 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3834 posts
I suspect today sometime. History says it comes out the day before it says on the calender.
12:18pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
28 posts
6 6 6 6. Thanks for the google desktop search tip Hardball!
01:17pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3835 posts
QUT are out now. 6.
02:12pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8817 posts

DAMN! Advanced metabolism was 3% off a 7.

Not bad considering I have a baby to look after as well. Wooo!
02:25pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
462 posts
SCB111 CHEMISTRY 1 6 75%

i was only expecting a 4 for chem. lol @ just scaping into the brackets for 111 and 112
02:45pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
501 posts
Sweet, passed a subject I was really worried about
05:31pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1465 posts
Seems like all of qgl's getting educated
05:48pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8233 posts
^cept the people who don't do as well don't post their results:(

Well done to everyone! Hopefully without starting a giant debate, depending on what you're trying to achieve from studying, 4's are great too (for people who might not have posted results)! My first degree was made up of 4's and 5's, and it got me a great job and I wouldn't be where I am now without it.

Someone told me a while back that in states other than QLD, they give you different grades as a percentage? Eg, at UQ a 7 might be 85% or higher and if you get 82%, it's counted as a 6, whereas in other states, you'd get a 6.9, or whatever the equivalent grading system is in the other states. This is a huge disadvantage for QLD'ers when calculating GPA, as your GPA in QLD is always an underestimate of your actual score. Using the grading example above with a lower cutoff of 60 - 70 for a 5, and 50 - 60 for a 4: if you get 82, 58, 67, 73 for one semester, your marks would be 6, 4, 5, 6, giving a GPA of 5.25. However, if you used the subject percentages, your GPA would actually be 70%, or 6.0. That's a pretty f*****g huge difference.

Fortunately, in honours, they ignore your subject grades and only use percentages achieved.
09:02pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4542 posts
This is a huge disadvantage for QLD'ers when calculating GPA

Indeed. I was going to apply for a postgrad position at the uni of melbourne and they strongly recommended I ask UQ for my percentages when submitting my grades.
Fortunately, in honours, they ignore your subject grades and only use percentages achieved.

My honours was built into the degree, GPA based :/
09:50pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8236 posts
Last year when we were at an info seminar for honours, we were told that now UQ has blanket rules for honours across all the schools which means they all have the same cut offs, eg 80% for a "7" and > 80% for first class. I assume the change would include to all honours grades being calculated with percentages now? So parabol, you had to do course work as part of your honours?
10:06pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5057 posts
sometimes grades aren't percentage based though... for example subjects comprised of only essay responses

those student profiles of 1-7 aren't just for show.... i hope :(
10:07pm 06/07/08 Permalink
9142 posts
Did totally s*** this semester. No deans award this year :P

I broke my knee mid way through, spent 5 weeks f*****g about and not going to lectures or studying at all, so having caught up on 5 weeks worth of work for each subject in the day or two before the exam...

inorganic chem - 4
organic chem - 4
biochem - 5
cell and molec biol - 6

Was 63 and 64 % on the two 4s so just missed out on 5s. Whatever, least I don't have to f*****g repeat any :P
10:18pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4543 posts
we were told that now UQ has blanket rules for honours across all the schools

That's interesting because EPSA (my faculty) still has its own cutoffs :)

Though maybe this is the last year they're doing it? Or perhaps they haven't thought too far ahead and haven't put 2009 up yet. The cutoffs list only 2007 and 2008 currently:

Honours I 6.200 - 7.000
Honours IIA 5.800 - 6.199
Honours IIB 5.000 - 5.799
So parabol, you had to do course work as part of your honours?

My bachelors was 4 years. Basically if your overall GPA was above certain cutoffs, you get that particular level of Honours. No need to do special courses or anything, all based on overall GPA. I stuffed up first and second year, so I only ended up with Hons IIA.

But it's ok, I did a 1 year Masters afterwards and had a fresh start with my GPA and did pretty well .. and the Masters year grades and whatnot is all I quote now since it sort of over-rules my bachelor grades.
10:26pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
463 posts
qmass / toll do you have any tips for weaselling into a prac group that is full? i missed out on the intro physics prac group that fits my timetable the best. i don't have a legit reason for needing to be in it (there are empty ones that don't clash with anything)

if i just rock up and say 'huh i thought i signed up for this one' is it likely they will just let me stay? worth a try i guess...
11:33pm 06/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8818 posts
I use the excuse of family and work (both myself and partner). It works, however it is actually true for me so I can't take no for an answer. I also try really hard to get my classes sorted the same day they are opened.

In the final semester now and 2 of my 3 subjects have only 1 prac time/lecture. One of my subjects has no lectures, all prac. Gunna purify me some proteins.
Spy's a sapp'n my protein!

EDIT: O turning up to the wrong prac/tute doesn't work too well. Most people that try simply get told to go to the one they are in. It is far better to email the subject coordinator and sort it out before uni starts, the earlier the better.

last edited by Tollaz0r! at 09:36:01 07/Jul/08
09:34am 07/07/08 Permalink
Agent 99
Brisbane, Queensland
1635 posts
7, 7, 7, 5, wOOt!
11:11am 08/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7960 posts
i'm starting at QUT this semester coming D:

ENB102 and ENB201

11:26am 08/07/08 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
235 posts
Still waiting on one more result to get a final score, but so far I'm on a 5,6,7 Which is what I predicted for the 5 and 6 classes. I'd guess the last one would be a 6 too.

My gf got 7,7,6,6 at UQ
01:27pm 08/07/08 Permalink
Agent 99
Brisbane, Queensland
1638 posts
^^ that sucks, do you know why you're still waiting on a result?

also, congratulations.
08:29pm 08/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8237 posts
lol my girlfriend got 7 7 7 7 :/
08:46pm 08/07/08 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
241 posts
^^ that sucks, do you know why you're still waiting on a result?

Because I'm at griffith and the results aren't supposed to be out till tomorrow, but they've been progressively added over the last few days anyway.
10:14pm 08/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7967 posts
09:02am 09/07/08 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10428 posts
09:48am 09/07/08 Permalink
09:48am 09/07/08 Permalink
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