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Aldi Appreciation Thread
Brisbane, Queensland
4574 posts

The missus bought some Cornetto/Drumstick-like ice-creams from Aldi today. Just had one, and they're bloody awesome, at least as good as the real thing.

Doesn't have to be strictly Aldi, but any QGLers have experience with awesome no-frills type foods that are non-discernible from the real thing, or better? I think there have been threads like this before, but none recent that come to mind.

Post your favourite cheap food alternatives! Go!
09:33pm 02/02/10 Permalink
09:33pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
385 posts
Everything I've had from the home ice cream van was fantastic. and cheap!
09:35pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4127 posts
Aldi's take on the almond magnums are better than the real things.
09:48pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
4501 posts
Bring back Franklins No Frills.

+1 for Aldi, though. Flossy can't stand the place. Pretty irrational really (normal for a chick, amirite! *manly grunt*). It is what it is.
09:49pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10050 posts

Homebrand tuna in springwater is identical to named brands and costs less than 50% of the price if you buy the ~180g tins.

Homebrand cordial. Orange is great, lemon is ok.

Homebrand unsalted peanuts are good for peanuts, and only cost 60cents per kilo as opposed to $30 a kilo for delux mixes.

Milk - I just get the cheapest light s*** as possible - milk is milk. The only thing I've found is that 3 litre Woolies milk goes off a couple of days before the use by, but that might be related to our fridge temp.

Homebrand mineral water is fkn awesome and only ~80cents per 1.5L (almost 10% of other "natural" bottled water).

Homebrand cage eggs - about half the cost of others.
09:51pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Special Text
Brisbane, Queensland
9978 posts
I can't eat Vita-Brits or Weet-Bix anymore. Has to be either coles or wooley's generic brands, no going back the brand name ones taste like crap to me now.
09:54pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9360 posts
You buy caged eggs? :/
09:56pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6570 posts
Ze Chermans? No thanks. I'm not providing to fund another of their wars they subject us to.
09:58pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
27888 posts
4 serials, dont even get me started on how awesome aldi is for nearly*++ everything

love lack of options, speeds up shopping wiht wifey tenfold (no comparing of s***** name brand products, aldi brand or bust), their goods are super quality
their coffee
their baby products
their breakfast cereals
their suprise bargains of the week
their cordial (diet or otherwise)
f***it, im even on aldi meal replacements, which are half the price of tony ferguson, same ingredients, less carbs

we live about 60 metres from our aldi and its saved us thousands i reckon in grocerys

best brand evar

*ok their tvs were suss, they ditched the dodgy ones

++ despite their mowers being powered by briggs and stratten, they could be more powerful, im sure with a less fierce lawn they would be dreamy
10:01pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4575 posts
Has anybody tried those D*** Smith brand Tim Tams? Are they any good? Because Tim Tams are the bomb, and if they're as good, I'll stock up on them and get fat as s***.

And I don't buy cage eggs either. Free-Range all the way.
10:02pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6141 posts
You buy caged eggs? :/
Yeah WTF :S

You probably haven't tasted a proper egg if you;re willing to eat that crap.
10:10pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1283 posts
The only D*** Smith product I tried was the mint slice biscuits which were absolutely foul. Aldi is amazing for everything except cream of chicken soup - I'm not sure what's in it, but it ain't chicken.
10:13pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
4502 posts
Yeah no cage eggs here but funny stat is that in Australia more "free range" eggs are sold than are actually produced, hehe. Mentioned in another post, dig to find reference.
10:15pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6256 posts
I can't eat Vita-Brits or Weet-Bix anymore. Has to be either coles or wooley's generic brands, no going back the brand name ones taste like crap to me now.

Ohhhh I gotta disagree on that.

I'm by no means a big Weet-Bix eater but my wife cops my wrath when they are homebrand.
10:15pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6142 posts
Yeah no cage eggs here but funny stat is that in Australia more "free range" eggs are sold than are actually produced, hehe. Mentioned in another post, dig to find reference.
I get mine from a local farm... I can't trust the big name freerange eggs, just because they're not in a cage doesn't mean they're treatly humanely.
10:18pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4372 posts
No mention of awesome German treats? You gotta get some pfeffernüsse and some glazed lebkuchen.

I can't trust the big name freerange eggs, just because they're not in a cage doesn't mean they're treatly humanely.
What about the RSPCA-approved ones?
10:21pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6143 posts
What about the RSPCA-approved ones?
Most probably, I haven't bought from a supermarket in a couple of years... but I see/view reports from time to time and the industry doesn't seem as honest as it should be.
10:25pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2530 posts
My grandma has chickens, nothin better than eggs in the morning that have just been laid :)
10:30pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11432 posts
lolz aldi
10:32pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6144 posts
My grandma has chickens, nothin better than eggs in the morning that have just been laid :)

Happy chickens produce wicked eggs.
10:33pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2277 posts
+1 for free range eggs. poor caged chickens :(

I haven't tried aldi before, but spooks rantings have me interested.
10:35pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2784 posts
Was surprised Spook didn't start this thread.

I like Aldi.
10:41pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
17 posts
Is Aldi significantly cheaper? I've heard it's the bomb but we don't seem to have one around here, noticing my shopping costs skyrocketing with healthier eating... might be worth making the trip once a week.
10:42pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5905 posts
fruity rings ftw
10:45pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1026 posts
Home brand Tasty Cheese isn't too shabby.

10:47pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
133 posts
Aldi ice cream sandwiches - god damn - just like Monaco bars

Unrelated note: paveway - I don't know why but for some reason I always read your sig and then your post. Fkn weird but I always do it.
10:47pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4313 posts
Caged eggs.. Free eggs.. Same bloody thing. Caged are usually cheaper so I get
11:14pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8192 posts
i should give aldi a go sometime
11:24pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4576 posts
You can easily tell the difference between free-range and caged. The shells are thicker, the yolk is darker, and they taste better. Actually been thinking about getting some chickens of our own for awesome eggs.

Aldi ice cream sandwiches - god damn - just like Monaco bars

Oooohhhh, man. I love Monaco bars. I'm fully getting some Aldi ones next time.
Is Aldi significantly cheaper? I've heard it's the bomb but we don't seem to have one around here, noticing my shopping costs skyrocketing with healthier eating... might be worth making the trip once a week.

Some things are way cheaper, other things are about the same. The good thing, though, is all the price tags have a $/KG or $/L, etc. breakdown on them, so it helps calculate things and bulk buy more cost effectively.
11:30pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8194 posts
yeah have to agree free-range taste massively better than cage.
11:36pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4373 posts
The good thing, though, is all the price tags have a $/KG or $/L, etc. breakdown on them, so it helps calculate things and bulk buy more cost effectively.
Coles and Woolies do unit pricing too.
11:39pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
18 posts
The good thing, though, is all the price tags have a $/KG or $/L

I think that became law a few weeks ago. I do have some pretty weird dreams though so...
11:41pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4578 posts
Oh, really? I've only ever noticed it at Aldi. Carry on.
11:47pm 02/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
40 posts
Been around for a few months, I'm sure I even pointed it out to you at Coles >_>
12:06am 03/02/10 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
1830 posts
I eat 6 eggs every day so I go for cheap caged eggs. I aint paying double to quell my conscience. When I lived at home my mum bought these ritzy enviro/peta/cert/organic eggs and they had thin shells sometimes. Taste was the same. I'll buy free range when they don't cost $5 for a dozen.
12:36am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5702 posts
just buy them at a market instead of a chain, my butcher sells a dozen eggs for $2.50
f**** me if they're free range but I'd say if you buy them directly from a farmer or smaller business, you've got a better chance
12:39am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4583 posts
The Rocklea markets sell 30 free range eggs for $8. Pretty sure most farmers markets will do similar deals. The markets in Kelvin Grove have some cheap eggs too.
01:03am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
15049 posts
i come for their razors but i stay for their crunchy nut cornflakes.

last edited by protit at 01:40:05 03/Feb/10
01:07am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2112 posts
I eat 6 eggs every day
Sheesh. You a body builder or something?

If so, pics of you and/or the eggs or lying.
01:56am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
27890 posts
Is Aldi significantly cheaper?

yup, easily. we'd probably spend a $100 a week at aldi, if it was coles, that would be closer to $150

The Rocklea markets sell 30 free range eggs for $8

happy valley eggs rule

we spend another $50 a week at the rocklea markets for teh stuff we dont want to buy at aldi

aldi + markets = s*** loads cheaper than coles, and miles in front for quality

edit: should just add that we occasionally still have to go to coles/woolies for somethings, probably once a month for a quick pop in to get some things that we cant get at aldi, like hair products

last edited by Spook at 06:07:12 03/Feb/10
05:57am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10051 posts
Free range vs caged eggs. Basically, unless you have an RSPCA or Free Range Egg and Poultry Association of Australia (FREPAA) label, there is no guarantee that eggs are free range or chicks are humanely treated. I could have chickens locked up in tiny cages in terrible conditions, and once a day pick these cages up and put them outside, and I can call my eggs free range. The costs associated with the time it takes me to move those cages gets passed on to the consumer.

I'm going to say this again so everyone is really clear (having said it with links in two other threads isn't enough).

Unless the eggs you buy has one of the two following labels on the carton, you are doing your morals AND your wallet a disservice by simply "trusting" the eggs are free range, or that the chickens are treated humanely. and health/Food and drink/freerange_eggs/2008/body/f133068.ashx?w=117&h=128&as=1 and health/Food and drink/freerange_eggs/2008/body/f133069.ashx?w=150&h=30&as=1

Read the choice article; ask your market egg dealer some tough questions. As for taste, I doubt that anyone could tell the difference between different laid eggs in a double blind taste test.

One final note - price of eggs will more often than not reflect the labor/expenses gone into them, so cheap eggs are usually all dealt with the same way, regardless of what propaganda label they have.
09:20am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3342 posts
I tend to find Aldi is good value overall but fantastic value for packaged goods and cleaning products.

fresh food their is pretty good but it's not the reason you go.
09:45am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4315 posts
When are the rocklea markets open?
10:58am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
13 posts
Aldi Ski Jacket and Pants for $129 is the bomb! Such a great bargain and cost less than the price of a jacket at most places. Took it to New Zealand in August and on the first day there was a snow storm and I was stuck in the slopes but still felt warm.

Wanted to email them to ask when they are doing that again cause want to buy another set but they have no email.

Kinda funny seeing ppl on the slopes wearing similar jacket/pants. Everytime we spotted one, we would go...'Another Aldi club member'
11:24am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5153 posts
i don't usually shop at aldi coz the location of the nearest store is inconvenient to me but i did pickup a 6pack of some german ginger beer from there the other day n it was very nice. tasted like bundy ginger beer but not as sickly sweet.
11:32am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4585 posts
When are the rocklea markets open?

Early Saturday until about 1. I think they also have them on Wednesday nights too.
11:36am 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
27895 posts
yup, wednesday nites and saturday mornings

look for team spook to be there every saturday morning eating hungarian donuts and garlic bread with sour creams!
11:57am 03/02/10 Permalink
Queenstown, New Zealand
3812 posts
I so wish they would open a store here already
12:07pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
834 posts
You can't go past their Nappies. I've used them on my last two girls and they rock, just as good as Huggies and half the price, yes they are good for nights.

01:30pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
2396 posts
Aldi Blitz Mints - spearmint. No sugar.
02:27pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4587 posts
Is that like Extra? My girlfriend bought some Tic Tac type things from there recently too which were pretty awesome.
02:57pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11179 posts
I appreciate aldi cos it reduces the number of plebs in the better supermarkets
02:59pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3343 posts
Aldi Blitz Mints - spearmint. No sugar.

+1 i'm addicted

Jim, I still shop at coles for convenience. I hit aldi every other week to stockup on the products from there that I like.
03:00pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
74 posts
Aldi TV/Monitor is going fine here.
Aldi front loading washing machine, does a nice job very little water per wash.

D*** Smith tim tams fail totally.
05:42pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1232 posts
we live about 60 metres from our aldi and its saved us thousands i reckon in grocerys

If i bouth that house I looked at on Orange Grove Rd I looked at I would have bet you by 40 metres.
07:24pm 03/02/10 Permalink
New Zealand
8511 posts
+1 for the nappies

we're just a couple of months out of them for good now, but that info needs to be up on the noticeboards at all the Maternity Hospitals all over town
08:31pm 03/02/10 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
27905 posts
If i bouth that house I looked at on Orange Grove Rd I looked at I would have bet you by 40 metres.

yar, too busy to live there though

im nicely tucked away from all the noise and traffic
08:41pm 03/02/10 Permalink
08:41pm 03/02/10 Permalink
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