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Obese man blames government, plans to sue
Brisbane, Queensland
300 posts
If he win's it will set a deadly precedent, no wonder the Uk, and Australia trying to catch up, has become such a 'nanny state'.
02:25pm 08/01/11 Permalink
02:25pm 08/01/11 Permalink
4933 posts
lols fat people
02:27pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6201 posts
haha "they told me to ride a bike"


02:29pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
30997 posts

02:30pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
301 posts
That made me throw up a little bit in the back of my throat, who wants a kiss?
02:34pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Reverend Evil™
Wynnum, Queensland
18085 posts
How the f*** do you get that fat?? Surely there's a point where you think, "i'm quite big, maybe I should eat less and start exercising".
02:53pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6203 posts
how the f*** do the people around you let you get that fat, its not like he can walk to the shops, buy food and cook it up :/

the person who is feeding them should go to jail, f***** discusting
02:58pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5609 posts
Think about it though, if they'd shelled out for the eating disorders specialist and the treatment program, he might not have needed the gastric band surgery and saved the NHS a lot of money. The only way they'll learn is if he kicks up a stink like this.
03:02pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Newcastle, New South Wales
706 posts
If he win's it will set a deadly precedent
The trouble is, there are people stupid enough to believe him.

Its not like he had cancer and they denied him chemo. A cancer sufferer cant cure themselves. He could - just stop putting food in your mouth.
03:05pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7363 posts
I watched a doco on an american guy that was a bit larger.

They did that exact same operation on his thighs straight up, but on both sides, came to like 40kg.

Hospital forced him to eat a 1500 calorie diet and he dropped around ~80kg in a matter of weeks while he was bedridden.

last edited by CHUB at 15:14:40 08/Jan/11
03:13pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5611 posts
The trouble is, there are people stupid enough to believe him.Its not like he had cancer and they denied him chemo. A cancer sufferer cant cure themselves. He could - just stop putting food in your mouth.
So you think he just didn't feel like losing weight?
He went to see doctors to get help. Doctors acknowledged he needed help. But the doctors didn't refer him the right kind of help for his problem. If it was any other medical condition you'd be s***ted off, but because it's obesity it's his fault?
03:38pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
302 posts
What if he followed the doctor's advice and did jump on his bike?
03:44pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3775 posts
Mr Mason said doctors also referred him to a dietician rather than the eating disorders specialist he wanted to see.

Doctors gave him the referrals he needed, he chose to ignore that and whine like a b**** because he wanted something else.
What he Needed was different to what he Wanted. So he chose to get fat and sue instead.
03:46pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5612 posts
Clearly he needed an eating disorder specialist not a dietician if he got up to 444kg.
03:51pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
241 posts
wow, what essentially equates to 1/2 of a tonne...

I'm not sure how the health system works in the UK... but as far as I'm concerned, if it's the state he's pursuing, maybe it's all the 'health specialists' he saw that didn't really offer much in the way of a constructive solution...

I'm not a huge guy, but I've got a mate who is about 6"10 and probably 130-140kgs... now he's not a really heavy looking guy, he's just built like a brick s***house... for him, the basics, would be tough... I mean, not may pushies advertise a 'recommended weight' much above 100kgs, much less 200 , or in this case near as is close enough to 450kgs...

whilst on one end of the scenario this guy was the one feeding himself... there is some serious problem, if he's been serious about seeking help and still made 444kgs.
04:15pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
304 posts
Yeah, he had a broken heart from a woman who left him and he replaced eating her out with plain old eating.
He could've made an appointment with a NHS psychologist at any time, or gone to another GP or hospital to get a referral, the NHS is pretty good except the waiting times for specialists, which though long would've been completed before he piled on much more.
04:25pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7365 posts
whilst on one end of the scenario this guy was the one feeding himself...
Someone else would have been feeding him.
04:36pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5295 posts
05:03pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5614 posts
He could've made an appointment with a NHS psychologist at any time, or gone to another GP or hospital to get a referral...
The article mentions he went to see more than one doctor. And it's not as if they couldn't refer him to a psychologist as well.
05:03pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Newcastle, New South Wales
708 posts
He went to see doctors to get help. Doctors acknowledged he needed help. But the doctors didn't refer him the right kind of help for his problem. If it was any other medical condition you'd be s***ted off, but because it's obesity it's his fault?
Oh yes I see now, its the doctors fault. Its the NHS's fault. Its the dieticians fault. Its the governments fault.

Its of course not the fault of the man shovelling 83,000 kj down his cake hole every day. That's crazy talk!
05:32pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9265 posts
It's his own fault plain and simple.
05:51pm 08/01/11 Permalink
454 posts
What about that chick TRYING to become 1000 pounds in weight? (Embedding not allowed)

Is she then going to turn around and sue the government for her stupidity ...
06:31pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5615 posts
Oh yes I see now, its the doctors fault. Its the NHS's fault. Its the dieticians fault. Its the governments fault.Its of course not the fault of the man shovelling 83,000 kj down his cake hole every day. That's crazy talk!
I think you missed the part where the doctors acknowledged he needed help. They didn't say "sorry, it's your own problem", they gave him help that didn't work when there was help available that would work.

Is she then going to turn around and sue the government for her stupidity ...
Can't really compare the two, the guy in the OP was actually trying to get help with his problem.
07:23pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Newcastle, New South Wales
710 posts
There was help available to him every day since birth. Its called a brain.

Not stuffing your gob 24x7 means you lose weight. He didnt need a doctor to help him figure out that nugget of information.


last edited by Crusher at 19:32:55 08/Jan/11
07:31pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
306 posts
I went to hospital with a broken hand, it was misdiagnosed as a dislocated knuckle and tried to manipulate it back into position, which hurt. So I went somewhere else and they helped.

I had a dislocated shoulder due cartilage damage, one night the pain was very intense so I went to the hospital and said my arm is dislocated, help, the nurse said thats not dislocated you just have a sprain take a panadol, so I went to another hospital and they referred me to the shoulder specialist who later performed a shoulder reconstruction. If I hadn't have gone to the other hospital and ended up going home, taking a panadol and tried to sleep I could have completely severed the cartilage and the reconstruction undertaken wouldn't have been able to have keyhole surgery and it wouldn't have healed as well and as quickly as it did.

Should I sue because I didn't receive the medical treatment I thought I needed (and ended up needing)?
07:36pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
16662 posts
Accept responsibility for your own actions and GTFO.
07:57pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2653 posts
What about that chick TRYING to become 1000 pounds in weight?
Is she then going to turn around and sue the government for her stupidity ...

Grocery bills $750 a week & a regular size bloke by her side supporting her in her weight gain goal and wants to marry her.
Her bank account must be more full than Scrooge McDuck's money bin!
08:15pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
307 posts
Go food shopping and look into the shopping cart of an obese family and count the multi pack of cokes, the potato chips, the chocolate, the frozen food ready for nuking, now count the fresh fruit and veggies.
Insensitive? maybe, but thats my opinion based on what I've seen.
08:19pm 08/01/11 Permalink
555 posts
I think it is a little from column A and B.

He has to pay money to the NHS in the UK so he should expect competent service from them.

Of course you don't get to 444kg without disregarding your own responsibilities as well.
08:45pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
308 posts
I think there should be multiple camera's everywhere, a government agent should be able to track your movements to determine you've completed enough exercise, you should have to scan the food you buy into a monitor so your assigned government official can make sure it is in accordance with your food plan.

We should have a visit once a week to make sure your house is in accordance with cleanliness and safety guidelines, check pools, tree's and vehicles to make sure they are ok.

They should log your tv and internet use to make sure your watching/using an appropriate amount and you have taken adequate breaks to avoid eye strain. There should be a sunscreen applicator that can be checked to make sure you are covered correctly according to the forecast of the day.

We should start every morning by singing the national anthem, if you sing in the wrong key you should be tazored lightly.

Or we could all stop relying on others and man the f*** up.

08:59pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6127 posts
At his heaviest Mr Mason was consuming about 83,716kj per day

Holy f***en s***! I feel guilty if I eat a single chocolate bar.
09:08pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3000 posts
09:08pm 08/01/11 Permalink
556 posts
Yes clear and coherent there.

Part of living in a society is relying on others sorry to break the news to you. Obviously this dude couldn't control his eating habits so some sort of enforced hospitalization probably wouldn't have been a bad idea, if they had of done at 200kg rather than 400 kg he wouldn't need surgery to be able to stand up.
09:10pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6128 posts
As for that 1000 pound woman, what the fruck is that guy thinking?? What happens if she dies? Her kids have no mother. Selfish.
09:10pm 08/01/11 Permalink
6494 posts
he basically ate this every day...

10:34pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9689 posts
It's estimated Mr Mason's medical bills have cost the NHS $1.6 million over the past 15 years.

I can seriously only imagine all the health bills our tax dollars will have to pay in the future....we need a tax on junk food - will assist paying for obesity treatments in the future.
11:56pm 08/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3078 posts
he can try and sue, but its extremely unlikely that he will win.

Mr Mason said doctors also referred him to a dietician rather than the eating disorders specialist he wanted to see.
I mean, I would EXPECT People to get referred to a dietician before an eating disorders specialist.

we need a tax on junk food
because that's what we need, more f*****g taxes. now GTFO.
12:54am 09/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4186 posts
If he needs a dietician, it means it's his own fault he is fat, whereas a disorder specialist can say it's not his fault, its societies.
01:04am 09/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9690 posts
because that's what we need, more f*****g taxes. now GTFO.

Yeah because the health system has already got all the funding it needs and doctors and nurses are not overworked and there are beds for everyone....
01:58am 09/01/11 Permalink
Reverend Evil™
Wynnum, Queensland
18088 posts
I wonder how he takes a slash or crap? Always wondered that about fat people.
12:40am 10/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7371 posts
I wonder how he takes a slash or crap? Always wondered that about fat people.
The doco on the American bloke I saw (bit larger then this guy) had just been s***ting/pissing for years completely bedridden.

The paramedics/firefighters had to wear full masks when lifting him off because the smell was so disgusting, even then people were gagging/throwing up.

Entire underside of his body was caked in fossilized s*** and rotten flesh.

12:51am 10/01/11 Permalink
4944 posts
i would have them him in the bed. f*****g fatty
02:53am 10/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
16664 posts
Imagine having to wipe that ass.
04:56am 10/01/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
18993 posts
If doctors Think you are a danger to yourself They can incarcerate you for 24 hours under the mental Health act.
This means the Government can already detain you if you Are thinking the wrong things.
How long is it till They can detain people for being Fat?
Are they a danger to just themselves, or to Others as well?
Should the Government have the right to Detain just because it feels right for Them?
Surely the period of incarceration Will be longer than 24 hours?
Slowly our Freedoms erode, slowly.
Once upon a time the Grand Canyon was an Open plain of freedom.
Now it is a giant hole In the ground that people come from around The world to See.
Did anyone notice it happeNing? Nope.
One day, it was just there, and people wondered how it Happened.
09:43pm 10/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3786 posts
Forget to switch to Faceman fpot?
09:46pm 10/01/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
18994 posts
Damn it not again!
09:49pm 10/01/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
13596 posts
nah you can tell the difference between a fpot and faceman post

fpot tries too hard

i know faceman is a nutter but he wouldn't say 'how long until they can lock you up for being fat'
08:51am 11/01/11 Permalink
08:51am 11/01/11 Permalink
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