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Marvel vs Capcom 3 Patch includes new Event Mode
Brisbane, Queensland
5211 posts

Not sure how many of you are still playing this game (or if any at all) but a new patch has been released for MVC3 containing some gameplay updates as well as a new Event mode.

Users who start up Marvel vs. Capcom 3 today will be prompted at some point to download an approximately 1 megabyte update for the game on Xbox Live or 23 megabytes on PSN. The update contains Event Mode, along with some other balance changes.

Event Mode won't go live until March 25, 2011, and it contains a series of special challenges. Completing these challenges will unlock various titles..

The biggest gameplay balance is the reduction of Sentinel's health, which i'm sure a lot of people who play this game will appreciate as he's been attracting a lot of criticism due to being 'broken'. His stamina however has increased slightly.

Anyway, for those that don't give a s***, here are the latest crazy combos from the game, and if you still don't give a s***, well....i can't help you.

12:00am 24/03/11 Permalink
12:00am 24/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2579 posts
approximately 1 megabyte update for the game on Xbox Live or 23 megabytes on PSN

Why is the PS3 version patch 23x bigger?

EDIT - Also anyone know a channel on youtube that regularly updates fighting game matches like SSF4 and this? The one Ive been going to for like 2 years has closed down (arcade infinity) so no longer updating.

last edited by DM at 00:23:04 24/Mar/11
12:12am 24/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5212 posts
No idea, the same question crossed my mind too (about the MB difference).

Edit: I'm currently subscribed to MoD1ns1d3. He sports a crazy Guile and is pretty much always playing high quality matches in SSF4. Though he hasn't been uploading much lately but do check him out.
12:23am 24/03/11 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
2580 posts
Awesome thanks. Guile doesn't get enough love IMO. there was a fight somewhere on the AI channel that has a guile character destroying an entire 3 man team on his own. Was the most brutal guile i've seen. Should try and find that again. Anyway thanks.
12:31am 24/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5214 posts
Well this Guile will not fail to impress. He can focus cancel with a double dash into a Sonic Hurricane with his eyes closed... using a control pad.
12:50am 24/03/11 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
115 posts
Sorry to go a bit off topic guys, but just posting to let you know that Capcom have reduced SF4 for iphone to $1.19, to help with the jap earthquake.
It is *awesome* value for money.
I'm not advertising, I swear, I just saw a good deal. D:
01:01am 24/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5219 posts
iphones have no place in threads like these.

Don't apologise, just don't do it again.
01:08am 24/03/11 Permalink
The GuVna
Brisbane, Queensland
1427 posts
DM, this is the only site you need for SSFIV vids :)
02:20am 24/03/11 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5220 posts
^ wow, awesome find!
04:12am 24/03/11 Permalink
04:12am 24/03/11 Permalink
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