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What's your Federal Electorate and Who's your Sitting Member
Brisbane, Queensland
4313 posts
Do you know?

And further to that have you ever had any reason to interact with them? IE. complaints, issues, ask them to help you with something?

Mines Longman and it's Wyatt Roy I think he's about 16, at least he looks that old.

I've never dealt with him at all. Have not had a real reason to. Never really bothered any pollies. Oh I did write a letter once to the local paper about the NBN roll out which they actually published as an article after ringing me up for a chat, I thought I was pretty cool :-) Anyway they interviewed him also. but apart from fridge magnets with calendars i don't really interact with our elected officials.

how about you guys?
06:59pm 31/07/13 Permalink
06:59pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
36139 posts
sux2bu bro

07:03pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
7995 posts
I used to have somewhat regular meetings with Nick Wakeling (my previous local MP), but since moving electorates I couldn't tell you who either my sitting member or candidates are.

It's bulls*** that in this country people can vote based on the only thing they know about a candidate being their party affiliation.
07:13pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3119 posts
I thought he's called him Wyatt Earp, for obvious cowboy reasons
07:16pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
6209 posts
Steven Ciobo in Moncrieff for me. He only ever seems to pop up around election time though, but I guess that's not uncommon.
07:46pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
17274 posts
Griffith and this guy:

my dad met wyatt roy when the state elections were going on. he was helping out the mt cootha LNP candidate for the day and they were going around the area talking to the locals and they walked into my dad's shop. dad was pretty impressed with him especially because he's so young.
07:54pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Gold Coast, Queensland
6210 posts
Griffith and this guy:

Never heard of him ravnos, looks like some unknown parachuted into a safe seat.
08:01pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4315 posts
Griffith and this guy

nope never heard of him either, looks like a well dressed asylum seeker. is he muscled?
08:08pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
876 posts
I'm in Fisher. Yay.
08:25pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
334 posts
Mine is Aston and Liberal Alan Tudge a.k.a Alan Smudge. Ex Liberal staffer seems to be a bit of an up and comer in the Liberal party. In person he appears to be a bit of a FIGJAMer and doesn't really have a strong connection to the electorate.

The Labor opponent is Rupert Evans, a union hack whose day job centres around getting people to stop work for no reason. Narrowly lost to Smudge at the 2010 election and he's back for another tilt.
08:29pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3383 posts
Just what QGL needs, another thread about politics.
08:37pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
7996 posts
Mine is Aston and Liberal Alan Tudge a.k.a Alan Smudge. Ex Liberal staffer seems to be a bit of an up and comer in the Liberal party. In person he appears to be a bit of a FIGJAMer and doesn't really have a strong connection to the electorate.

Oh yes, that's right, Alan Tudge was the federal MP for our area. Wakeling was state. Haven't met with Tudge.
09:05pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
20238 posts
I used to be in Griffith but I had to get out to a Liberal seat.
10:01pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10111 posts
I used to be in Griffith but I had to get out to a Liberal seat.

F*** you are pathetic. You and Abbott together ensure I will never ever vote L or N. Sex party needs more candidates.

10:30pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
20240 posts
Playa hater^
10:42pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
11453 posts
I had no idea what my electorate even is, I'm new.
It's D****on and the guy is Peter Dutton LNQ

I've contacted state and local pollies before, but never a federal member

It's bulls*** that in this country people can vote based on the only thing they know about a candidate being their party affiliation.

Yeah I have a big issue with this.
10:44pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10114 posts
It's bulls*** that in this country people can vote based on the only thing they know about a candidate being their party affiliation

Yeah except one of my options next election is Warwick Capper.

ps. I am not sure he can spell his own name.
10:51pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3942 posts
I always give them a beep and wave when i see them standing by the road making appearances.

Dont pay attn apart from that.
11:37pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Perth, Western Australia
1728 posts
Swan, Steve Irons.
11:57pm 31/07/13 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
335 posts
Oh yes, that's right, Alan Tudge was the federal MP for our area. Wakeling was state. Haven't met with Tudge.

:O We live close, now i can stalk you :P

It's bulls*** that in this country people can vote based on the only thing they know about a candidate being their party affiliation.

How is that bulls***? No one does that anyway. People are fixated on characters now being who is the celebrity leader of each of the parties, it's why we have a totally incompetent party in government that is looking like it may be relected all because it has a new leader which doesn't change anything.

As iv said before, Australians are politically bogan. I vote solely based on party, i don't really care who my local member is as long as they obey the party and it's principles/values/policies.
12:25am 01/08/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10534 posts
The Worlds Greatest Treasurer
01:10am 01/08/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3123 posts
some Asian whose name none of my kind can even pronounce. I think the electorate might even be called Shenzen
01:52am 01/08/13 Permalink
1579 posts
McMillan and Russell Broadbent.
08:07am 01/08/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
10651 posts
I'm the same as cm. Go like 100m and I'm in dutton-land I believe. By several reports dutton doesn't care about his electorate nearly as much as he cares about himself and his career. At least wyatt's family has been in the area for over 100 years.
08:07am 01/08/13 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
1010 posts
Batman (yep!) and Martin Ferguson.

Never contacted anyone from council and can't imagine I will.
08:48am 01/08/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
18515 posts
Petrie and Yvette D'Ath

never seen her around really at all

lived in Lilley with Swann for most of my life previously though
12:26pm 01/08/13 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
9742 posts
At least you have someone who looks to understand the younger generations Crazy, that is surely a bonus for when they talk of policies like NBN and the more technical challenges. My electorate is Ryan and the man running the join is ol' Scott Emerson who was recently pinned with lying to the parliament over Segway laws or something. Joy.
12:39pm 01/08/13 Permalink
12:39pm 01/08/13 Permalink
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