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OP Scores
Brisbane, Queensland
1 posts
Hey guys it would be interesting to know what your thoughts on whether choosing harder subjects or easier subjects were better for your OP. If you guys don't mind posting, it would be of great interest if people posted their grades (VHA,HA,SA etc.) and their subjects as compared to what OP they received.
08:39pm 02/02/01 Permalink
08:39pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
270 posts
ok first

example: a C in chemistry = an A is Art.. so i think iff u can do hard subject and get c's - a's u will do better than if u do easy subjects
08:41pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
54 posts
I did easyish subjects Maths A, Biology, Multistrand Science, Legal Studies, English & Design In Action (non board subject)

Passed everyting got a VHA in DIA, HA english,multistrand,Legal Sudies rest SA
and got an OP 9. Don't ask me how personally I think they goofed.

This was in 98 by the way.

Don't know if this helps but just had to put my 2 cents worth in sorry.
09:14pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
3 posts
i heard that a lot depends on whether your classmates are smart pricks or dumb pricks, and in order to get a good OP if you are in a class full of dead s**** is to make sure that you are topping your class in the subject. Dunno how this compare to getting average marks in a class full of smart arses though....
09:34pm 02/02/01 Permalink
33 posts
raider what year you in?
09:55pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
990 posts
Thing is, if oyu do the harder subjects, you should find the Core Skills exams to be a little easier.

I did about the hardest subjects available (I didn't pick them coz they were hard, I picked them coz I enjoyed them somewhat)

They were:

English: HA
Maths I: HA
Maths II: HA
Physics: VHA
Chemistry: VHA
French: VHA

My Maths I score should have been a VHA, but I didn't get high enough on one exam - I was over the cut-off for VHA. And my English and Maths I were both very high HA's.

Oh, and I got an OP of 1. Shocked the s*** outta me when I got it. :)

That was in '94.
10:09pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1075 posts
wow, standards have certainly gone up. i got a friend who pretty much ownz0red the mark you got cerb and he got a 3.
10:39pm 02/02/01 Permalink
17 posts
I'm not sure if you'd get that OP now,

It's so rare, our school has probably close to 2000 ppl, and nobody at all got an op 1 last year.

10:40pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1076 posts
i think lyco or someone was saying that it dosnt make much of a difference what scores and stuff you get during your education, and that the succesful ppl are the ones who work hard and get lucky.

whoever it was, i reckon thats about right.
10:45pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4 posts
Wait a sec....let me get this straight........

is Maths I.......Maths A or B or C......same for Maths II...A, B or C
10:47pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
148 posts
maths I is equivalent to Maths B
maths II is equivalent to maths C

i did maths C and B both were fun.
physics was great as was chem
english sucked , geography was great
10:57pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1079 posts
english owned!!!@#@!
11:00pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
90 posts
Basically, you gotta do the subjects that bright ppl do. If your classmates get good QCS scores, then thats good...

If you do art and top the grade, but everyone that does art f****ed the qcs... then it sorta f****s u up heaps

well that the limit of my understanding

Sometimes its better to get decent marks in a class full of smart asses than to top the grade in a dumbass subject :)

(sorry about the condesending tone there, i dont mean it, just the easiest way to put it)
11:30pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
991 posts
maxe: was your friend at a public, or private school? Coz I was at a public, so my scores were soooo far out in front of everyone else's, and I think that helped me get my OP.

My year level was the first year (3rd year OP's were running) to get OP 1's - and ther were two of us. This year there were three I think. Not bad for a public school known for nothing (although our league team got shown in a few matches on tv the year after I left - one of the guys now plays first frade for Melbourne Storm)

But remember - you're only as good as your competition... I used to sit with the girl who got the other OP 1, and with my friend who got a 2...
11:52pm 02/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
817 posts
12:06am 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
221 posts
I got HA's in English, Maths I, Economics, Physics and Chem. I got a VHA in IPT. I went to a GPS Private school, and ended up with a 3. Your OP has a heck of a lot to do with the rest of your classmates, because how else are they supposed to compare Mr X at Inala State High for instance with Ms Y at Brisbane Girls Grammar? The key lies in how the whole class of year 12's do in the QCS from your school, and then how the class compares to other schools.

You are then ranked within your class at your school, and that's where it all comes from. Simple really ;) It's quite a complex thing for them to work out, though I think it's probably the fairest it could be.

Just think yourself lucky we don't have the NSW system of centralized exams which basically count for everything. I think that's how it still works down there.

Anyway, my momma is a teacher, so that's how I know this stuff, any more questions? :) Oh yeh, and maxe was right, OP counts for absolutely nothing in the real world. For every dropout OP 25 person who has made something of themselves, there are probably at least as many OP 1's who have ruined their lives.... Life is what you make of it :)
12:34am 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5 posts
So are you compared against your form class or whole grade??
12:59am 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
92 posts
Its all about what gay ass school u go to

Terrace got like 21 op 1s last year, and grammar got some rediculously higher amount... i reckon its all unfair, if your surrounded by deads**** you really are disadvanted :(

(your compared to the people in your class for each subject)
01:11am 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1 posts
it doesn't really have much to do with grades, its all about rank order(that is how you ranked compared to everybodt else in your grade) The aim of the QCS test is to rank your school with other schools. So if you were ranked number 1 in english in your school, and your school did better on the qcs test than Bob's school, then you will do better than Bob.

There are no such thing as smart or dumb subjects. All subjects are equally weighted. I made the mistake of doing Physics cause it was a hard subject, and thought it would improve my op, even though i didn't really like it. I got a HA for it, but this was pretty average compared to everone else that did the subject. The only thing that can bring your op down is going to a school that doesn't do very well on the QSC test. That is why, in general, private schools do a lot better in terms of OP. You shouldn't really be disadvantaged by going to a bad school, but the truth is you are.

Anyway, i went to BBC, bludged through year 11 and 12. Only really did just enough to get by. Got a VHA in Geog and Accounting, and HA's for everything else. Got an OP 3.
01:33am 03/02/01 Permalink
Splash Damage
Brisbane, Queensland
643 posts
cerb is a big gay nerdy square man
01:40am 03/02/01 Permalink
2296 posts
Haha Cerb ffs... nice effort...

How did everyone go one their QCS test? It seems to count s*** all but its still interesting... I got an A and a an OP 11, which is gay cos I did pretty good in most subjects...
02:00am 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
106 posts
I went to hendra as a mature age student in '93.
They have a seperate section for the adults and night classes, biggest enrolment in the state in those days, that year they had 3200.
60% drop out over the year, 'cause it's hard werk, they make u do years 11 & 12 over 8 months, give u a month to prepare for the exams, then make u sit a 6 hr exam for each subject u studied, u have to know and be proficient in 2 yrs work for that one day in november your subject is examined.
I did 5 subjects, 4 passes is an automatic op of 8, i got a 7.
English, maths 1&2, physics, chemistry.
AFAIK, there's only 3 skewls in bris that cater for adult students, hendra cooparoo, and oxley high skewls.
It's hard werk, and the timetable is relentless, but the teachers like the mature students, and the comraderie will make u lots of freinds.
03:01am 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6 posts
So what everyone is trying to say is that do all the easy subjects but go to a school full of smart people and your bound to get OP1......
04:49pm 03/02/01 Permalink
Townsville, Queensland
15 posts
I applied to go back to uni in 99 as a mature age student and we had to sit an exam to get an equivelent OP exam 3 hours and there we had it
I got 98.8% better than the rest of the people doing it that year and an OP of 3
Not bad for a TE score of the low 800's :-)
06:55pm 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
7 posts
lol....if thats the case then why worry about school right......back to some 56k goodness
10:52pm 03/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
13 posts
1. queensland's method of student-inter-school ranking (qcs +-/*^ sai = op) is F***ED.

2. vha/ha/sa etc means fairly little. within a school a mathsC SA might = arts VHA, but that mathsC SA might also be equivalent to another school's mathsC VHA. even more f***ed up due to point (1)

3. BSSS officials/pamphlets are gonna spew a lot of bulls*** regarding the system, about how it doesn't matter what subjects u do cos it all equals out. the hard facts are (a) people doing science/math subjects /generally/ get better op, (b) same people do better in QCS.

4. what you're looking for in a school is one with lots of slack but naturally intelligent people (low sai, high qcs)

i'd say go for harder subjects if you think you can take the load
12:59am 04/02/01 Permalink
2324 posts
Depends on what you wanna do. DOn't go for hard subjects if they don't interest you. The pain is NOT worth it.

Doin harder subjects does not help you all that much with QCS. I was a music student and got an A for my QCS.
01:54am 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
823 posts
03:04am 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
83 posts
f*** u all that think school was fun!
sif it was
f***en teachers always nagging u about not selling drugs in the toilet
don't drive on the oval.
stop stealing the schools mobo
and don't point lazer pointers on teachers face
now what's up with that?
sif school was ever fun.
though wish i was back there to do it again, without the drugs and alcohol.
might get a single digit OP this time.
oh BTW, I got a "B" on the QCS. suppose there's something to be happy about but I failed ITP. Now that's just slack. :(
03:38am 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
139 posts
well, my school had a yr 12 pop of 144, and we got 13 op 1's..
04:18pm 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
997 posts
hehe... my year level had over 200 and we got 2 OP 1's. :)

The previous years were just as big and they didn't get any... think about it - 600+ students and 2 op 1's. Public schools rawk. :P
04:25pm 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
85 posts
I went to a private school and nobody got a OP 1
though a couple got 2's and 3's
however my friends public school got 6 OP 1's
go figure
04:43pm 04/02/01 Permalink
2334 posts
You all musta went to s***** private schools then cos my grade there was 300 or so grade 12's and 25 OP 1's.
06:06pm 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
67 posts
I went to a public school.

English: HA
Maths I: VHA (2nd place)
Maths II: VHA (1st place)
Physics: VHA (4th or 5th place)
Chemistry: VHA (2nd place)
IPT: VHA (1st a large margin...heheheh)

QCS result: A

OP: 1

That was in 1993.

My school had 2 OP 1's, and around 12 OP 2's. Most of them did Physics and Chemistry and Maths II along with me.

The other OP 1 student, a friend of mine, did if I recall: English, Maths I, Maths II, Chemistry, Art and one other subject.

The following year, my brother (plok) also got an OP 1 along with one other person, and the year after, another brother got an OP 2. In that year, my former school was ranked 3rd last in the state in the QCS test.

A good QCS result for your school does help but so does having an SAI a lot higher than other students.

Another thing to remember if you're in grade 10 and considering what subjects to choose for grade 11 is if you want to go on to Uni then almost all courses require certain prerequisites. So you may need to take certain "harder" subjects to get into the course you wish to do.
09:35pm 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1004 posts
Hehe... just picked up my portfolio thingo from my parent's place and couldn't resist. :)

Notice how it says on it "for tertiary entrance purposes is positioned as follows:" So they are saying it doesn't mean squat unless you're going to university/tafe...

Apologies to the modem users.
09:42pm 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1005 posts
sif you can't half tell I have the typical engineer's brain... good maths/problem solving... s***house physical or communication skillz. :P
09:44pm 04/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1008 posts
oh, yeah. The other OP 1 at my school did English, Maths 1 (no maths 2, tho) Physics, Chem, Biol, and Music.

So that proves you don't have to do Maths 2 (or C or whichever it is nowadays) to get a good OP, but she worked her butt off to get that. Topped all of her subjects (tho I was about 0.5% behind her in Physics and Chem. :)
11:53pm 04/02/01 Permalink
2342 posts
Is cos she did music. Music students are always superiorly intelligent.
12:28am 05/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1011 posts
superior enough to come up with new words?? "superiorly"??? Haha!! :)
12:39am 05/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
129 posts
Choosing subjects means s***, just choose the ones that'll get you the op you want, give a s***.
01:06am 05/02/01 Permalink
2347 posts
Mate OP's mean s***. Once you have got into uni they are then totally f*****g useless. Choose something that you are gonna enjoy, plus ones that help you get the course you want. If you get the course you want than OP means absolute jack s***.
01:51am 05/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
155 posts
Here Here
01:54am 05/02/01 Permalink
397 posts
my op has 2 digits :P

both my op's start with a 2....

I learned to spell and read at school. Plus my English is the greatest.

/me thinks the internet teaches you more than school :P


I just spoke the biggest load of bulls*** there, to confuse you mother-f*****s.


/me notes "hehe" is said by women.
12:19pm 05/02/01 Permalink
2372 posts
Dude you are king of speaking bulls***... :)
07:15pm 05/02/01 Permalink
399 posts
look who has the most posts......

I think you should stop talking s***, before you hit 2500 and 2000 posts.....

beacuse most of them are full of S***!

12:45am 06/02/01 Permalink
2412 posts
yes, yes you are correct.

But am I gonna stop? SIF SK!!!
12:54am 06/02/01 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
88 posts
both of the digits were 2?
NOW there is my kinda guy
did u poke and make fun of the teachers till the broke down and cried?
Or did u cuz them to have a mid-life crisis at age 32?
I did that
fun s***
if Only I could capture their face at point of break down.
ahhhh, it was a Kodak moment.

*tear surfacing*
if only life could be filled with jokes and pointless arguments.
then I believe we would have a truely evolved society.
then again I'm just speaking s*** too piss AnaRot off.
He believes he is higher than most of us, therfore he can tell whom ever to STFU.
Wish i had that much self esteem.

Where R U Now?
Sing it with me
Woot Woot Woot Woot!!!
Blow that whistle!
03:12am 06/02/01 Permalink
03:12am 06/02/01 Permalink
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