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No clubbing gear
Sydney, New South Wales
2008 posts
In what must come as a massive slap in the face to any net-entrepenuers still living in denial, casual dress is on the way out at City finance firms in London.

"Deutsche Bank, in an alarmed memo, yesterday ordered its staff to refrain from wearing ``clubbing attire'' to the office. The bank has specifically banned blue jeans, midriff tops, baggy clothing, T-shirts and trainers... The action from Deutsche Bank follows similar moves from other City firms such as Lehman Brothers and Credit Suisse First Boston, which have recently sought to tighten up dress codes. Many, apart from traditionalists such as Cazenove, loosened the rules on attire during the internet boom, when a suit was seen as being too stuffy."
Is your office work-place still a bean-bag and jeans environment or are you doing the march back up the formal clothing scale? Did it ever go casual? Or haven't you been there long enough to know :)
08:24pm 15/08/02 Permalink
08:24pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
183 posts
I wore a shirt under a formal woolen jumper once, and got told off, because there was no collar showing.

And i don't meet customers/clients.. just spend most of my time in seclusion in a server room...
08:27pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
184 posts
The guy who told me off, is very old, and is retiring within the next month, he also didn't like my eyebrow piercing and dyed hair, which i have had done since starting to work there...

The owner of the company, after seeing my dyed hair, started making jokes about "har har har. You can never keep up with these IT types. har har har."

The attitudes will never change with the current older generation holding the power of most companies...
08:31pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1394 posts
I dress in dark coloured t-shirt and shorts. Good old job in a workshop ahhh no suit for me :)

If I did work in a big company as a manager or something I would expect to have to wear a suit & tie though.
08:38pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
3953 posts
"Business casual" i.e dress pants (chinos) and a collared shirt.

every friday is "casual" day i.e jeans and t-shirts, you can get away with decent (new) jeans and a collar most normal days.

Most males wear suit pants and business shirt just without tie.

Depends on my mood in the morning, some days i go in super casual and nothing is said.

all good i guess :D
08:58pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
2031 posts
Business casual as well, large corporation, but headquarters overseas still maintains business professional. Sposed to be pants and collared shirt but considering we are practically all IT I generally just wear 'club gear' as the brits put it.
09:17pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4435 posts
I hate wearing suits, they are uncomfortable and my work production suffers from being uncomfortable.
Lets face it, they only serve as an indentification of 'the upper class' to further devide the povety gap.
Is it the last dieing attempts to bring back the 'proper' days of the 18th centry, where if you didn't wear the correct atire you wernt worth talking to and considerd a no brainer riff-raff. Or is it making a return..

09:54pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6495 posts
I only wear "formal" clothing because it WILL give you more respect. Personally I don't really care what people wear (within reason) but other people do so I don't try and upset the apple cart. I notice that when I'm wearing "grown up" clothes I won't be carded (in pubs and bars) and I get service quicker at shops. Fact of life.
10:06pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5817 posts
If I ran a business it would be company policy for female employees to dress like Britney Spears.
10:14pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1088 posts
Goauld I assume you'd only be hiring chicks with brittney type body's then?
10:40pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4231 posts
no he likes his chicks beefy
10:41pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Sydney, New South Wales
57 posts
I work for a Univesity with alot of really f*****g smart dudes. Nothing but the finest clubbing gear here :)

10:56pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1554 posts
I only wear "formal" clothing because it WILL give you more respect.

This comming from a guy who can't get paying work.
10:57pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6496 posts
Attire is no problem for a gigolo like you eh Typo? Just saddle on down to the nearest corner and flash your "goods" at the passing motorists and hope you grab a "job" eh? Go get a f*****g life/clue.
11:18pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8146 posts
I work at home, so big yay. The last few jobs I had though I was fortunate enough to work at places that realised that employee comfort was #1, and they didn't try and ream the employees by making them wear suits. That's one thing that really narks me, companies that make their employees wear suits even if there's no customer contact. I can see the need for it in some occaisions, but I generally work a lot better if I'm comfortable. Tracksuit pants and sneakers for all!
11:22pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6497 posts
How are suits uncomfortable? I don't find them uncomfortable... In fact my trousers are very comfortable.
11:26pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
8147 posts
I only wear "formal" clothing because it WILL give you more respect.
I'd rather people respected me because of the kind of person I am, rather than cuz I look good in a suit. That kind of thinking is part of the reason the world is such a stupid annoying place sometimes.
11:33pm 15/08/02 Permalink
New South Wales
1914 posts
Suits look professional, but I think chinos and a nice shirt looks much nicer on the eye. Roughly the same attire minus a jacket and a tie, but the former would be more comfortable. As for me, I would rather just wear jeans and a shirt. Maybe dress up a little, but not heaps. Casual is the way.
11:41pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
4438 posts

Suits look professional

Because professionals are made to wear suits...

I'm with Trog, if the only reason why someone respects you is because your wearing a suit, I'd probably rather not know them.
11:51pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
6499 posts
It's all well and good to say that you don't want to know someone who judges you based on how you dress but in reality that attitude isn't helpful. If you turn up to a job interview in tracksuit pants, a flanno shirt and thongs, chances are you won't get the job. Same applies for many other situations. I don't really care either way but it's the way the world is so get used to it.
11:58pm 15/08/02 Permalink
Hobart, Tasmania
86 posts
it used to be business suit, shirt + tie where i work, but they recently relaxed it to just having business suit (ie matching pants and jacket) and a tie available if you need to meet with a client. which means most of the time i just wear suit pants, shirt, and keep my jacket + tie at work.

i guess its pretty good, id rather have a nazi/tightass company and not have them go outta business than some relaxed pos with no real clue what they're doing. not that all palces are like that, or indeed any, but yer.
12:10am 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1590 posts
mines rather formal, tho i don't have to wear a tie anymore.

hell, mines a uniform !

(ps i work at maccas) but yeah, even they are geting rid of ties.
01:28am 16/08/02 Permalink
Mechanical Space Ninja
Brisbane, Queensland
1392 posts
I wear a long sleeved shirt, a tie and long pants every day I'm at work. Presentation is everything in the training field of work unfortunately!

I don't mind it though, people get to know who you are etc, and when you mix with students all day, its pretty good to stand out from the crowd
02:11am 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
713 posts
Casual dress rewlz! :] In my job description is says I am supposed to wear 'bank standard attire' which I guess means suit'n'tie but luckily the Design manager is a bit of a slob so we all get to wear whatever we want. Most days I wander around in jeans n t-shirt with no shoes on. :D
As Toll said, being comfortable is important for productivity, especially with people that primarily work at computer terminals.

*dem0n leans back in his uber-chair of comfiness & wriggles his toes in the climate controlled air ;]~~~
08:53am 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
81 posts
So thats what the smell was ???....cover them hairy feet please...
10:22am 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
460 posts
yeah its gay, i cant wear my earing to work and im in a call centre :\
10:32am 16/08/02 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
3 posts

I sit in front of the computer 7 hours a day, on average. Generally trousers, shirt, tie and jumper but wear the suit if client meeting or site visit. Truth is, people judge you on how you look and as I prefer to see suit and tie, I wear suit and tie. I'd rather see a hot chick in body hugging 'power suit' then grunge.

As has been mentioned already, feel free to go to job interview in your trackies. At least you got another entry for your centerlink diary. Then again, my lawyer brother couldn't get a job for six months 'cause his one and only armani suit looked better then what the interviewer had on, or that was his excuse anyhow
10:46am 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
231 posts
Never had problems wearing suit and tie. It definately helps when your younger (16-20) as it distinguishes that your serious about work.

But my current employers said "scrap the tie" after the interview :)

No real complaints there - formal t-shirt and suit trousers are the most comfortable.
11:08am 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
208 posts

I work in the computer labs at a university asn our only dress requirement is that we wear our uber red'n'yellow shirt of authority. The rest is up to us. Most of us dress pretty stylishly though, to impress the hordes of hawt ladies that grace the lab.
02:17pm 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
5822 posts
What exactly do you guys consider 'clubbing' gear? Valley stuff? City Stuff? When I wear clothes such as trousers and collared shirt (to get into most city bars) I am denied access to valley clubs, which demand 3/4 pants and fluro t-shirts.

I find I'm most comfortable on a day-to-day basis (going to uni, shops, even pub) wearing cargo pants, skatie shoes, and a loose short-sleeved buttoned shirt. I can wear that to a lot of clubs too, so I wish that was just the dress code everywhere.

What s**** me is the leather shoe thing in clubs. Nobody looks at your shoes why the f*** should it matter. I have what I consider to be more advanced shoes in material, design and comfort, which enable me to move better, than my leather shoes. Is this just another remnant tradition of proffesionalism trying to stay alive in clubs which are not exclusive, but a business, and can judge people on nothing but how out-of-date the material their shoes are made out of?

03:27pm 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
335 posts
Just eat it London pplz.

I work for a government IT department in the city and every friday I wear what I want. No one ever said to me "Oh by the way, on fridays you can wear what you want...", but everyone else was in causal gear so I just followed the trend.

(ie. Blue baggy jeans, trainers, etc.)

I can't see them changing the rules in the near future.

04:04pm 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1107 posts
i aint wearing a tie evar
05:00pm 16/08/02 Permalink
mooby the golden calf
373 posts
natslovR is a metro whore!!
10:18pm 16/08/02 Permalink
Brisbane, Queensland
1592 posts
What exactly do you guys consider 'clubbing' gear? Valley stuff? City Stuff? When I wear clothes such as trousers and collared shirt (to get into most city bars) I am denied access to valley clubs, which demand 3/4 pants and fluro t-shirts.

wtf does it matter ?

korbs, do u work at the GU labs then ?
11:23pm 16/08/02 Permalink
Melbourne, Victoria
374 posts
as a designer its been all casual for me for years now :-) but thats probably going to change soon :-(
09:31am 20/08/02 Permalink
09:31am 20/08/02 Permalink
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