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Post by Dan @ 05:53pm 19/02/10 | 36 Comments
Just a quick reminder to anyone that is yet to vote in the AusGamers Game of the Year 2009 Reader's Choice poll that the ballot booth will be closing after the weekend, so head on over this way and make your voice heard. There's a stack of games across a variety of categories, and all you need to do is select your game(s), hit submit, enter your email address and you're done.

Once the results are tallied, we'll be publishing a feature with the results as well as the top picks of the AusGamers editorial team.

game of the yeargoty2009

Latest Comments
Posted 09:50am 20/2/10
How is it that I missed MW2 being mentioned in any of the pick lists? ;-P

last edited by trillion at 09:50:58 20/Feb/10
Posted 09:13am 20/2/10
It's in the very first category.
Posted 10:02am 20/2/10
funnily enough MW2 is also getting picked quite a bit in the 'other' field of worst game of the year wtf
Posted 10:09am 20/2/10
polarising game hey? The cutscenes were just so well assembled imo
Posted 12:42pm 20/2/10
There is alot of hate on MW2 prob because it was just more of the same with a few improvements but that doesn't make it bad just means its not innovative. There are definitely some people who were annoyed about the single player portion of the game especially to do with the length. I can't really call it the worst game of the year but I would call it a big let down from the hype machine that had built it up.
Posted 03:32pm 20/2/10
funnily enough MW2 is also getting picked quite a bit in the 'other' field of worst game of the year wtf

I did this. F*** mw2.
Posted 03:39pm 20/2/10
Uh, guys, might want to fix this typo:
Ratchet & Clank Future: Request For Booty

Sounds like a porno. It's Quest, not request.
Posted 07:23pm 20/2/10
I like the first version better.
Posted 09:39pm 20/2/10
how does quest for booty sound any less porno? :)
Posted 09:58pm 20/2/10
mw2 makes me funny in my pants
Posted 10:28pm 20/2/10
how does quest for booty sound any less porno? :)
That actually sounds more porn. "Request for Booty" sounds like polite porn...

"Excuse me young lady, may I have some of that booty?"

"Certainly sir, slam me hard my good man."
Posted 12:58am 21/2/10
That just sounds like upper class British porn.
Posted 01:30am 21/2/10
I think a lot of people (PC Gamers) hate MW2 because of what it represents. Successful peer to peer multiplayer FPS on the PC. I'd be concerned that other studios will see it's success and think oh hey, we can get away with porting our s***** console multiplayer code to the PC too. When in fact, it's only the Call of Duty franchises critical mass (and solid singleplayer campaign) that made MW2 PC not a complete failure.

That said, I'd still hardly call it the worst game of the year myself.
Posted 09:29am 21/2/10
mw2 as a game is f*****g awesome! but yes the p2p sucks ass... so unstable
Posted 11:13am 21/2/10
ignoring all this, despite being logged into ausgamers it asked me to submit my email.

So i politely declined.
Posted 11:22am 21/2/10
yeah I thought it was sus too skythra
Posted 11:40am 21/2/10
and all you need to do is select your game(s), hit submit, enter your email address and you're done.
Posted 01:26pm 21/2/10

It doesn't represent successful P2P on pc because the P2P system in MW2 is a pile of s*** especially for Aussies.
It is full of massive lag and annoying host migration that breaks up gameplay and of course the random loss of connections and so forth.

I don't think the game sold on the singleplayer campaign as I heard almost nothing but negatives about it.

You are right though talking about the Call of Duty franchise is what made it sell. It is simply a mainstream game and these are the people who don't really do any research on the product or really care its just the next game. However I would argue that there are much less mainstream gamers on pc.
Posted 01:53pm 21/2/10
Well if most people voted like me "Skip this Category" is going to get GOTY for sure.
Posted 01:58pm 21/2/10
Ahaha. I only skipped best console game if remember right.
Posted 04:41pm 21/2/10
It doesn't represent successful P2P on pc because the P2P system in MW2 is a pile of s*** especially for Aussies.
It is full of massive lag and annoying host migration that breaks up gameplay and of course the random loss of connections and so forth.
Oh I completely recognise and understand that.

What I mean by succesful is that it sold s***loads of copies despite it's sub par multiplayer solution and s***loads of people are still playing multiplayer, putting up with all the crappy parts that come with P2P (potluck connection quality, frequent dropouts, slow lobbies, no decent drop-in/out play, rampant hacking and cheating, no sense of in-game community that you get with dedi servers) because underneath it all is still a game that is really fun.

But other developers are going to come along now and say, hey look call of duty went peer to peer on PC and people are still playing, we can do it for our game too and sell just as many copies. Which just isn't going to happen, but they're going to try anyway and we're all going to suffer as a consequence.
Posted 04:07pm 21/2/10
Yea thats very true I have heard a few cases of developers saying they wanted to see how MW2 played out to see if they could introduce P2P John Carmack from ID being the main one that comes to mind when speaking about Rage.
Posted 04:50pm 21/2/10
Team Fortress 2 - Game Of the Year!
Posted 05:12pm 21/2/10
Yep. Game of the year. In 2007.
Posted 05:13pm 21/2/10
It is still being developed and it's better than any of the crap on the list.
Posted 05:35pm 21/2/10
+1 here for MW2 worst of the year.
An influential game trying to wreck the PC multiplayer experience.
P2P sux, no mod community support, dumbed down control options.
Complete slap in the face to PC users.
SP good but no replay value cos its so heavily scripted.

Waiting for MOH to show them how its done, hope it out sells MW2 as well, that's the only thing that would get Activision,s attention.
Posted 07:02pm 21/2/10
The worst bit was actually the devs and the lies and crap they kept feeding us like its not balanced for lean.
Thats just the stupidest thing ive ever heard.
Posted 07:41pm 21/2/10
+1 here for MW2 worst of the year.

Oh wow I'm glad I wasn't the only one who put this down then.

SP good

Only thing good about it was the fact that it really did made you FEEL like you were in a big ass war. Everything else sucked. Story was about as stable as a 10 year old kid after eating 5 kg's of sugar. So much important story was left out mission wise. We are just told what stuff as happened instead of us actually DOING it. Like the under cover guy who gets shot. 100% useless character. Why we didn't get to have 3 or 4 lead up missions with us playing a bad guy is beyond me. We are just told we are supposed to feel connected to him. Useless story telling.
Posted 09:57pm 21/2/10
Yeah the story was nonsense and made no sense, but honestly, who plays games like that for the story? I had a blast playing the single player in MW2, it was chock full of awesome action and set pieces, I ended up playing through it twice.
Posted 10:01pm 21/2/10
how long did that take you? 5hrs?
Posted 10:05pm 21/2/10
ha if mw2 get goty i will killmyself, you heard it here first.
Posted 11:05pm 21/2/10
Yeah, it was too short, I'm not saying it was perfect by any means, and it was very, very far from being my game of the year. But it was also very far from being the worst.
Posted 11:14pm 21/2/10
It's arguably the worst online play of any game this past year, I think that's where the rage is coming from. I just stopped playing it 5 minutes ago, not because I had played enough, but because it was just too frustrating to play with people popping around all over the place. P2P online play is an absolute cluster-f***. Way more annoying than L4D2 being censored, because at least there was a way around that.
Posted 11:32pm 21/2/10
My biggest pet hate with mw2's netcode is the advantage given to the host. 9 times out of 10, the person at the top of the kill list is the host, and all of the clients go through a mini time travel sequence every time they get killed by him.
Posted 12:23am 22/2/10
Thing I thought was annoying was that most of the set piece moments in the story were really hard for me to notice because I was too busy dodging bulls*** grenade spams especially on the harder difficulty settings.

I guess I am one of the few people who play games for the story I leave skill to the multiplayer aspect of games. I also really don't like playing the exact same thing over and over and over.

I 100% agree about the character immersion especially when you are undercover at the start in the mission briefing im like sweet gonna do some sam fisher infiltrating of a terrorist group but instead its like bam and then after that mission its like bam no more for you. Also the segment as an astronaut I was like wtf I can't even move could of been such a cool break from the action but instead all you get to do is move your head.

On top of all that the fact that midway through the game they put you back in playing as Soap, that just pissed me off its like they build him up for half the game as this badass and then suddenly you start playing him and your getting shot and killed all the time. Its like if in the first one half way through they let you play Captain Price it just detracts from the experience of the game.

Lets not forget when the russians were invading the U.S. its like oh where are all the civilians? Just could of been done so much better and it felt like such a bodge job like they had all these great ideas that got cut short due to time or financial constraints.

Then there was the ending after playing a game that short and leaving it open ended like that I just felt cheated out of a single player experience.

Still wasn't the worst game of the year but I would say biggest let down.

This year I think it goes to AvP
Posted 08:53am 22/2/10
Yeah, it was too short, I'm not saying it was perfect by any means, and it was very, very far from being my game of the year. But it was also very far from being the worst.
For the general public they will vote for games that they have played, which in most cases means the games they themselves bought. Most of the time you don't buy a game you think is going to be s*** because they are fairly expensive purchases for what they are so people are only going to be playing games they have been lead to believe are worth the $80-$100.

MW2 is probably far from the worst game of the year by industry standards but for the general public it has had massive exposure. Most people won't care about some little known game that was horrible, they only care about the well known game that they felt tricked into buying. You can't blame people for voting for a game they have played over one they have probably never heard of.
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